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The Candy Factory, also referred to as von Sweets' Factory, is a location that is accessible from within Von Sweetsville, and is located to the town's north. It is a candy factory where the player battles the second Key Guardian, von Sweets, and obtains the second Key.

Story Events[]

Upon entering the factory, the player is shown a cutscene of the factory, eventually panning over to a large door marked with "1." In order to open each door, the player has to battle a goon. Upon defeating each one, they will give the player a riddle and task them with finding a sweet treat in the factory, and bringing it back to them. Each time the player shows a goon the correct treat, a numbered door will open. There are four doors in all.

Goon Barry, located at the entrance hallway, requests gum. It is found at a large gumball machine, a little way up the hill on the left-hand side, across the chocolate water after first exiting the entrance hallway.

Goon Alyssa, located on a raised patch of land along the eastern wall, requests hot chocolate. It is located directly to the right after leaving the entrance hallway.

Goon Laurel, located up on a ledge to the right of the numbered doors, requests jelly beans. They are found in a large grey container on the eastern side of the factory.

Goon Peter, located up a hill on the left of the numbered doors, requests a lollipop. It is found on a small island in front of the numbered doors.

Once all the doors are opened, a hallway becomes accessible containing von Sweets at the far end. Von Sweets explains how he was constantly harassed by DoodleCo for his Key, and that he just wants to be rid of it. Then, he moves to the center of the factory in hopes that his Pandishi will the hear the battle and come to find him. Before the battle begins, Suzie asks him about the "Ultimate Candy," and he tells her that it was just a marketing ploy. Then, he recognizes her as "the Suzie from ten years ago," and suddenly apologizes to her. Suzie explains that when she was young, her parents signed her to try an experimental new candy made by von Sweets called "Chocotine." However, she was the first and last tester, as the candy permanently destroyed her taste receptors, making her unable to taste anything ever again. Von Sweets apologizes once more, as Suzie leaves the factory, saying that she just wants time to think. Quincy remarks about how von Sweets should be easier to defeat now that he's suffered through emotional damage. He begs to be defeated and rid of his Key as the battle begins.

After defeating von Sweets, he hands the Tasty Key to the player as Quincy notices the mysterious masked man from Graphite Temple standing behind them. He demands that the player gives him the key. Then, Quincy asks him who he is. The man explains that he comes from another world where he was called "The Savior," but he prefers to call himself Zavier. However, before he can continue, Mister Riffraff teleports him away with his teleportation device. Then, he teleports von Sweets into the middle of nowhere to reunite with his Pandishi, but then leaves him stranded there. Riffraff returns to the factory, and tells Quincy and the player that he's located the third Key. He tells them that it's at DoodleCo Academy, and that one of the students there is a Key guardian. Then, he teleports away.


Random Encounters

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Tall Grass (Lv. 17-24)
Bunsweet 1 Bunsweet Basic Type IconBasic/Food Type IconFood Common ThingamajigThingamajig (25%)
Grimsugar 1 Grimsugar Food Type IconFood/Dark Type IconDark Common Rock Candy Rock Candy (25%)
Appluff 1 Appluff Food Type IconFood/Air Type IconAir Uncommon None
Shmellow 1 Shmellow Food Type IconFood Uncommon Marshmallow Fedora Marshmallow Fedora (25%)
Muncheez 1 Muncheez Food Type IconFood/Fire Type IconFire Rare Pizza SlicePizza Slice (10%)
Heatza 1 Heatza Food Type IconFood/Fire Type IconFire Rare Pizza SlicePizza Slice (20%)
Azúpion 1 Azúpion Food Type IconFood/Poison Type IconPoison Very Rare Candy Headphones Candy Headphones (25%)
Bunswirl 1 Bunswirl Basic Type IconBasic/Food Type IconFood Very Rare None
Calamander 1 Calamander Food Type IconFood Very Rare Horned Headband Horned Headband (33.3%)
Fishing (Lv. ??-??)
Tyki 1 Tyki Food Type IconFood Common None
Reward for catching the above Doodles: Tycoon Title

Legendary Doodles are not listed in the table above.


Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Goon Barry Bonikrow 1BonikrowAir Type IconDark Type Icon Lvl. 25 Vengeance None Poison Gas,
Toxic Bomb,
Air Strike,
Foreign Substance
Elektiel 1ElektielSpark Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 26 Electrocute None Electrify,
Shifting Winds,
Air Strike,
Borbek 1BorbekBasic Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 27 Hawkeye None Air Strike,
Jet Strike
Reward $3,000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Goon Alyssa Shyce 1ShyceIce Type Icon Lvl. 25 Guilt None Quick Ice,
Crocodile Tears,
Piercing Ice
Kibara 1KibaraIce Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 26 Guilt None Protect,
Crocodile Tears,
Piercing Ice,
Geode Smash
Kidere 1KidereIce Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 27 Guilt None Protect,
Crocodile Tears,
Piercing Ice,
Aurora Flash
Reward $3,000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Goon Laurel Kowosu 1KowosuMelee Type IconInsect Type Icon Lvl. 25 Merciless None Slash,
Swift Shield
Spirasol 1SpirasolMelee Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 26 Merciless None Flurry,
Quick Strike,
Swift Shield
Spiraryu 1SpiraryuMelee Type IconDark Type Icon Lvl. 27 Unknown None Pursuit,
Swift Shield,
Reward $3,000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Goon Peter Dramask 1DramaskLight Type IconDark Type Icon Lvl. 28 Possession None Curse,
Combo Support,
Theaterror 1TheaterrorSpirit Type IconDark Type Icon Lvl. 29 Possession None Curse,
Combo Support,
Maskomedy 1MaskomedySpirit Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 30 Possession None Combo Support,
Flashing Strike
Reward $3,000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Tycoon von Sweets Calamander 1CalamanderFood Type Icon Lvl. 23 Chocolate Drizzle Used Crayons Used Crayons Feast,
Sugar Rush,
Gem Blast,
Bunswirl 1BunswirlBasic Type IconFood Type Icon Lvl. 26 Caloric Deficit Champion Belt Champion Belt Glaze Punch,
Skorpent 1SkorpentFire Type Icon Lvl. 27 Scorch Fire Taffy Fire Taffy Fireball,
Candygrief 1CandygriefFood Type IconDark Type Icon Lvl. 28 Unknown Cure Jelly Cure Jelly Harmony,
Night Night,
Food Fight,
Meltimaw 1MeltimawFood Type IconFire Type Icon Lvl. 29 Sharp Fangs Strength Jelly Strength Jelly Fiery Bite,
Electro Bite,
Burning Orb,
Double Bite
Candeigon 1CandeigonFood Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 30 Sticky Determination Jelly Determination Jelly Food Fight,
Mind Drain,
Reward $6,000


Item Location
Strange Substance Strange Substance Behind a rock on an island at the far end of the factory.
PolkadotCapsule 10 Polkadot Capsules Beneath the short cliff that Goon Alyssa stands on.
Candy heart Candy Heart On top of the chocolate waterfall.

Other Rewards[]

Item Location
Data Chip Data Chip Behind the last pillar in the entrance hallway.
Data Chip Data Chip Behind Goon Alyssa close to the metal wall.
Data Chip Data Chip Inside a hidden cave behind the chocolate waterfall.
Tasty Key Tasty Key Given to the player after defeating Key Guardian von Sweets
ScrollFire Burning Orb Scroll Given to the player after defeating Key Guardian von Sweets


  • The giant candy and the river of chocolate-like liquid both reference Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory from Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  • The encounter sign within the factory refers to the name of the location as "The Candy Factory."
  • When entering Von Sweets' Factory, on the bottom right it tells the player that they have entered "The Candy Factory" instead of Von Sweets' Factory.