Doodle World Wiki

Tickets are a type of currency introduced in V0.6, and is the main currency used in the DoodleCo Printing Facility. Players can see their tickets stored in the Ticket Case.

Obtaining Tickets[]

Tickets can be generated by depositing a Doodle species into a copier on the left side. Deposited Doodles cannot be used until withdrawn. One copier is available for all players. There are two additional copiers: One can be purchased for 800 Robux, while the other is currently out of order. Each Doodle evolutionary family have their own tickets. Depositing a Doodle will generate tickets. Depositing a Misprint, or a Tint has no effect on the rate.

Ticket Production Timing[]

The rarity of the Doodle is what will usually effect the amount of time it takes to produce a single ticket. For example, Bunsweet will take a lot less time than Chronos to produce a ticket. There are 5 brackets:

Speed Time for Single Ticket Time to Full Printer
Fast 30 seconds 12 minutes & 30 seconds
Normal 1 minute 25 minutes
Slow 2 minutes 50 minutes
Very Slow 3 minutes 1 hour & 15 minutes
Legendary 5 minutes 2 hours & 5 minutes

Each copier can hold up to 25 tickets, and will not generate any more until collected. Tickets will only generate while you are in a server, unless you purchase the Offline Tickets game pass, which generates tickets while you are not currently playing Doodle World. A notification will appear on the bottom right of your screen when one of your copiers is full.

During the tutorial on the facility's services, you get 8 free tickets for the starter you chose at the beginning of the game: Pupskey, Vipember, Skrappey, or Tabbolt.

Spending Tickets[]

Tickets have various uses throughout the facility. You need to have tickets for the Doodle that you want to redeem.

Printing Doodles[]

Printing Doodles costs five tickets, although the price increases for every stat customized. Legendary Doodles cannot be printed. Misprint Doodles can be printed, but only with a very small chance.

Printing a Doodle with completely random stats costs 5 tickets. Using the settings to specify desired stats will increase the cost of printing. If you have completed the tasks for all members of a Doodle's evolutionary line, you are able to print 6* members of the line. A 6* Hidden Trait BIG! Doodle with a gender and tint selected will cost 140 tickets.

  • Gender (5 Tickets)
  • Stars
    • 1 (5 Tickets)
    • 2 (10 Tickets)
    • 3 (15 Tickets)
    • 4 (20 Tickets)
    • 5 (25 Tickets)
    • 6 (30 Tickets)
  • Trait
    • Normal (10 Tickets)
    • Hidden (30 Tickets)
  • Size
    • tiny (30 Tickets)
    • BIG! (60 Tickets)
  • Tint (20 Tickets, requires Ink Bottle)

Print Moves[]

Print moves are moves the Doodle knew back in the day but lost access to. June can teach these forgotten techniques to a Doodle for 8 tickets each. For a full list of the print moves each Doodle can learn, click here.

List of Tickets[]

Image Name Image Name Image Name
Pupskey Ticket Pupskey Vipember Ticket Vipember Tabbolt Ticket Tabbolt
Skrappey Ticket Skrappey Nibblen Ticket Nibblen Rosebug Ticket Rosebug
Bunsweet Ticket Bunsweet Borbo Ticket Borbo Tadappole Ticket Tadappole
Yagoat Ticket Yagoat Partybug Ticket Partybug Springling Ticket Springling
Plipo Ticket Plipo Larvennae Ticket Larvennae Calamander Ticket Calamander
Ruffire Ticket Ruffire Tortles Ticket Tortles Agotoad Ticket Agotoad
Faunsprout Ticket Faunsprout Leapo Ticket Leapo Flittum Ticket Flittum
Angerler Ticket Angerler Pebblett Ticket Pebblett Wiglet Ticket Wiglet
Riffrat Ticket Riffrat Muttish Ticket Muttish Twigon Ticket Twigon
Glimmew Ticket Glimmew Dramask Ticket Dramask Geckgoo Ticket Geckgoo
Kitsen Ticket Kitsen Squed Ticket Squed Moss Ticket Moss
Cacmeow Ticket Cacmeow Needling Ticket Needling Wisp Ticket Wisp
Snobat Ticket Snobat Mold Ticket Mold Glummish Ticket Glummish
Appluff Ticket Appluff Indigoo Ticket Indigoo Wydling Ticket Wydling
Crystik Ticket Crystik Louis Ticket Louis Spunny Ticket Spunny
Squelly Ticket Squelly Coalt Ticket Coalt Klydaskunk Ticket Klydaskunk
Staligant Ticket Staligant Schiwi Ticket Schiwi Lilbulb Ticket Lilbulb
Archuma Ticket Archuma Apurrition Ticket Apurrition Flaskit Ticket Flaskit
Statikeet Ticket Statikeet Aspark Ticket Aspark Cocosquid Ticket Cocosquid
Kelpie Ticket Kelpie Malotrick Ticket Malotrick Grimsugar Ticket Grimsugar
Maskrow Ticket Maskrow Shmellow Ticket Shmellow Swoptar Ticket Swoptar
Xenoxious Ticket Xenoxious Shelldo Ticket Shelldo Muncheez Ticket Muncheez
Shyce Ticket Shyce Klicki Ticket Klicki Sharpup Ticket Sharpup
Slibble Ticket Slibble Impling Ticket Impling Eftue Ticket Eftue
Hattrix Ticket Hattrix Azúpion Ticket Azúpion Dewaffe Ticket Dewaffe
Kowosu Ticket Kowosu Fledgeo Ticket Fledgeo Ahket Ticket Ahket
Potunk Ticket Potunk Grunkul Ticket Grunkul Nimbell Ticket Nimbell
Foyal Ticket Foyal Minjoule Ticket Minjoule Gekotta Ticket Gekotta
Mauspunch Ticket Mauspunch Megglit Ticket Megglit Threasant Ticket Threasant
Finwick Ticket Finwick Jellupy Ticket Jellupy Weecub Ticket Weecub
Feesh Ticket Feesh Hippop Ticket Hippop Skoplet Ticket Skoplet
Prophant Ticket Prophant Auron Ticket Auron Allicute Ticket Allicute
Dizipore Ticket Dizipore Sobbuoy Ticket Sobbuoy Gauzli Ticket Gauzli
Sizzlrimp Ticket Sizzlrimp Tyki Ticket Tyki Parabite Ticket Parabite
Pubu Ticket Pubu Saltot Ticket Saltot Aquafi Ticket Aquafi
Oribirb Ticket Oribirb Threec Ticket Threec Yonna Ticket Yonna
Ciyrup Ticket Ciyrup Glubbie Ticket Glubbie Maelzuri Ticket Maelzuri
Pandishi Ticket Pandishi Chronos Ticket Chronos Qilintel Ticket Qilintel
Zerzura Ticket Zerzura Lacergen Ticket Lacergen Ostigon Ticket Ostigon
Owol Ticket Owol Bellbird Ticket Bellbird Default Ticket Khaos
Junipyro Ticket Junipyro Squonk Ticket Squonk Hollihare Ticket Hollihare
Fluppy Ticket Fluppy File:Nepteros Ticket.png Nepteros Zombuppy Ticket Zombuppy
Koriyu Ticket Koriyu Exiled Ticket Exiled Jestwirl Ticket Jestwirl
Infurnius Ticket Infurnius Arachniak Ticket Arachniak Artifixie Ticket Artifixie
Bungo Ticket Bungo Hopolatte Ticket Hopolatte Reliconis Ticket Reliconis
Cranigunk Ticket Cranigunk Dodotor Ticket Dodotor Griblo Ticket Griblo
Skitis Ticket Skitis Tasjoney Ticket Tasjoney Rheode Ticket Rheode
Prarnaw Ticket Prarnaw Maximutt Ticket Maximutt Cthuwu Ticket Cthuwu
Alptusk Ticket Alptusk Grom Ticket Grom Scorm Ticket Scorm
Lizzerts Ticket Lizzerts Foresatl Ticket Foresatl Cinderling Ticket Cinderling
Trilosect Ticket Trilosect Squinana Ticket Squinana Foxsy Ticket Foxsy
Bearby Ticket Bearby Mabat Ticket Mabat Fishel Ticket Fishel
Perfumi Ticket Perfumi Diyossua Ticket Diyossua Snobobo Ticket Snobobo
Bowlinguin Ticket Bowlinguin Gorpo Ticket Gorpo Fluffi Ticket Fluffi
Zapion Ticket Zapion Glimring Ticket Glimring Hyekeke Ticket Hyekeke
Buoyanseal Ticket Buoyanseal Floxy Ticket Floxy Jewelit Ticket Jewelit
Edibebi Ticket Edibebi Blossaur Ticket Blossaur Sprubble Ticket Sprubble
Mant Ticket Mant Dustoon Ticket Dustoon Skurikid Ticket Skurikid
Mallemole Ticket Mallemole Vulcryst Ticket Vulcryst Morphiu Ticket Morphiu
Floppet Ticket Floppet Acorv Ticket Acorv Jiangbo Ticket Jiangbo
File:Sprouchick Ticket.png Sprouchick


  • Printed Doodles don't count towards "Capture" tasks.
  • Printing a Klydaskunk will randomly roll the stripe color.
  • You can print Alptusk and Trilosect with Hidden Traits despite them not having one, though it won't appear as a Hidden Trait.
  • The previous limit for tickets was 20, but in a later update it was changed to 25.
  • If there is no current artwork for a ticket, the doodle will use this generic ticket image:
    Default Ticket