Doodle World Wiki
Squonk Has Event Content

This page has content that cannot be obtained/accessed through normal means, as they are event exclusive.

Event(s) Included: In Swarms Through September-November Every Year
#280 ← Junipyro Squonk Hollihare → #282

Squonk is a Spirit/Plant-type Doodle. It is not known to evolve from or into any other Doodle.

Quick Answers

What type of creature is Squonk in the game? toggle section
In the game, Squonk is a Spirit/Plant-type Doodle, not known to evolve from or into any other Doodle. It shares traits with a mythical creature from American folklore, including an undesirable appearance and a trail of tears. Squonk was first introduced on the official Discord server on August 27. Before the v0.4.5 update, Squonk had a move called Boo! which was replaced by Hex due to its overpowering impact on a bulky doodle.
Provided by: Fandom
What is the origin of the Squonk character? toggle section
Originating from American folklore, the Squonk character shares its name and traits with a mythical creature known for its undesirable appearance and trail of tears. The character was first introduced on an official Discord server on August 27. Its design and name are inspired by the folklore creature believed to dwell in Pennsylvania's forests.
Provided by: Fandom
How can a player obtain Squonk in the game? toggle section
In the game, Squonk can be acquired through various methods. Players can locate Squonk in Swarms during Autumn or print it using Squonk Tickets. Completing tasks, including capturing Squonk, using Pumpkin Spin 30 times, and leveling up 20 times, also leads to obtaining Squonk. Rewards for these tasks encompass 2 Vials of Tears. Squonk can be found in the wild at an 8.33% probability or bought from the Equipment Shop at Social Park for 36 Victory Points.
Provided by: Fandom
What is the unique trait of Squonk? toggle section
Squonk, a Spirit/Plant-type Doodle, is known for its unique trait of an unattractive appearance that causes it to shed tears. This characteristic is so distinct that one can locate Squonk by following its tear trail. This character, designed by trickyfishes/Brick784, was first teased on the official Discord server on August 27 and draws inspiration from a mythical creature in American folklore.
Provided by: Fandom
Is there a real-life myth associated with Squonk? toggle section
Indeed, Squonk is potentially inspired by a mythical creature from American folklore. This creature, known for its undesirable appearance and tear trails, is believed to inhabit the forests of Pennsylvania, United States.
Provided by: Fandom


In the face of its undesirably ugly appearance, a Squonk weeps. Although it may try to hide itself, to find it, you need only follow its trail of tears.

Obtaining Method[]

Squonk can be obtained through the following methods:

Method Details
Swarms Find Squonk in Swarms (Autumn only)
Printing Print with Tickets from Squonk
The location in which Squonk can be found is from order of accessibility.


Task Amount
Capture Once
Use Pumpkin Spin 30
Level Up 20
Reward: Reward: 2 Vial of Tears Equipment

Base Stats[]

Stat Name Stat
Magical Attack
Magical Defense


Level Move Type Category Accuracy Power Uses
1 Shadowy Eyes Magical 100% 30 20
1 Curse Support 75% -- 15
1 Center of Attention Support -- -- 20
1 Heal Support -- -- 5
6 Plant Sap Magical 100% 65 15
11 Hex Magical 100% 60 10
16 Taunt Support 100% -- 20
21 Armor Break Support -- -- 10
26 Entangling Vines Support -- -- 20
28 Pumpkin Spin Physical 100% 50 10
31 Parasitic Seeds Support 90% -- 10
33 Compost Support -- -- 5
36 Wild Growth Magical 100% 60 10
41 Protect Support -- -- 10
46 Sad Zone Support 90% -- 20
51 Life Sap Magical 100% 90 10
56 Vague Vortex Magical 100% 90 10
61 Sob Support 60% -- 5

By Scroll[]

Scroll Move Type Category Accuracy Power Uses
Rainmaker Support -- -- 10
Burning Orb Support 75% -- 10
Climate Shot Magical 100% 90 15
Starbreaker Physical 100% Varies 10
Taunt Support 100% -- 20
Somnambulism Support -- -- 10
Loyalty Physical 100% Varies 10

By Printing[]

Move Type Category Accuracy Power Uses
Rage Spores Support 70% -- 15
Hex Magical 100% 60 10
Hexblade Physical 95% 65 10
Thorns of Wrath Physical 100% 100 10
Soulfire Magical 100% 70 10
Crocodile Tears Support 100% -- 20
Boo! Magical 100% Varies 15

Type Effectiveness[]










½× ½× ½× ½× ½×












  • Squonk was teased in the official Discord server on the 27th of August.
  • Squonk may be based on the mythical creature of the same name from American folklore, as the creatures shares traits of undesirable appearances, and trails of tears like the Doodle.
  • Prior to v0.4.5, Squonk had Boo! in it's movepool instead of Hex. This was removed due to being a fixed damage move, which was deemed too powerful on a bulky doodle.
    • However, it regained Boo! as a print move in the Ranked Season 1 balancing update.


Squonk's name, and most likely design, derive from the squonk, a mythical creature that is said to live in the forests of Pennsylvania, United States.


Normal Skins
Vintage Skins
Event Introduced Skins
Premium Skins