Doodle World Wiki
Doodle World Wiki
Spirit Type Icon

Spirit is one of the Types in Doodle World.

Currently, there are 32 Doodles with Spirit type without counting the awakened forms or form changes.

Type Effectiveness[]

When attacking:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½×

When defending:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½×


Spirit Type Moves Type Category Description Power Accuracy Uses
Befuddlement Spirit Type Icon Support This attack confuses the target. -- 100% 20
Boo! Spirit Type Icon Magical The user attempts to scare the target. This attack does more damage the faster the user is than the target. Varies 100% 15
Consume Treasure Spirit Type Icon Support The user consumes its held item to replenish its moves and all of its health. -- -- 5
Curse Spirit Type Icon Support The user inflicts a curse on the target. Spirit types are immune. -- 75% 15
Drain Life Spirit Type Icon Magical Using spiritual energy, drains the life of the target. Restores the user for half the damage done. 40 100% 15
Gleeful Ruse Spirit Type Icon Magical The user damages the target, and then tries to trades items. 75 100% 5
Haunt Spirit Type Icon Magical The user disappears using its spiritual form, and then reappears near the target, scaring them. Has a 20% chance to curse the target. 75 90% 15
Hex Spirit Type Icon Magical Casts a spell on the target that does more damage if the target has a status effect (120BP). 60 100% 10
Hexblade Spirit Type Icon Physical A strike that does more damage if the target has a status effect (130BP). 65 95% 10
Hex Punch Spirit Type Icon Physical A spirit punch that does more damage if the target has a status effect (120BP). 60 100% 10
Incantation Spirit Type Icon Magical The user summons evil spirits from an unknown world to haunt the target. This move has a 30% chance to inflict Curse. 90 100% 10
Intangible Spirit Type Icon Support This doodle becomes intangible. It dodges every other attack. -- -- 5
Jealousy Spirit Type Icon Support If the user doesn't have an item, boost its attack, defense and speed. Otherwise, no effect. -- -- 15
Misery Dance Spirit Type Icon Support The user does a strange, sad dance, greatly increasing its defense. -- 100% 20
Murmur Spirit Type Icon Support Inflicts a random status effect on the opponent. Does not inflict the status if the target is immune to that status effect. -- 85% 5
Necromancy Spirit Type Icon Magical Does more damage the more fainted doodles in your party. Hit all opposing doodles. Gain 12.5 power each fainted doodle, maximum of 117.5 base power with 5 fainted doodles. 55 100% 10
Shadow Lurk Spirit Type Icon Physical The user lurks in the shadows, and then ambushes the target. This move always goes first. +1 Priority. 40 -- 10
Shadowy Eyes Spirit Type Icon Magical A ghastly glare to scare the target. Has a 20% chance to flinch. 30 100% 20
Sob Spirit Type Icon Support The user reminiscences how it became a spirit and starts sobbing. This move lowers all the stats of the target. -- 60% 5
Spectral Ire Spirit Type Icon Magical The user summons a torrent of ghostly flames around the target, having a high chance to burn. This move uses either the Attack or Magic Attack stat depending on whichever is higher. 90 100% 10
Spirit Claws Spirit Type Icon Physical The user attacks using its spiritual energy. This move has a higher chance to critical hit. 1/6 (16.7%) chance to land a critical hit. 80 100% 10
Spirit Orb Spirit Type Icon Magical Gathers spiritual energy to attack the target. Has a 20% chance to lower the magic defense of the target. 50 100% 20
Vague Vortex Spirit Type Icon Magical The user summons a vortex of an unknown origin. Has a 20% chance to confuse. 90 100% 10
Whisper Spirit Type Icon Magical Draws foe in with spooky whispers. Lowers the evasion of the target. 20 100% 25

Doodles with this Type[]

Pure Spirit-Type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#082 Wisp 1Wisp Spirit Type IconSpirit
#095 Wydling 1Wydling Spirit Type IconSpirit
#096 Marigrimm 1Marigrimm Spirit Type IconSpirit
#112 Archuma 1Archuma Spirit Type IconSpirit
#113 Archopos 1Archopos Spirit Type IconSpirit
#196 Threasant 1Threasant Spirit Type IconSpirit
#357 Mabat 1Mabat Spirit Type IconSpirit

Half Spirit-Type Doodles[]

Primary Half Spirit-Type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#069 Maskomedy 1Maskomedy Spirit Type IconSpirit/Light Type IconLight
#070 Theaterror 1Theaterror Spirit Type IconSpirit/Dark Type IconDark
#083 Spirice 1Spirice Spirit Type IconSpirit/Ice Type IconIce
#084 Polargeist 1Polargeist Spirit Type IconSpirit/Ice Type IconIce
#113 A-Archopos 1A-Archopos Spirit Type IconSpirit/Metal Type IconMetal
#114 Apurrition 1Apurrition Spirit Type IconSpirit/Mind Type IconMind
#115 Djinneko 1Djinneko Spirit Type IconSpirit/Mind Type IconMind
#197 Seamsquire 1Seamsquire Spirit Type IconSpirit/Metal Type IconMetal
#198 SeamstressStrike 1Seamstress (Strike Form) Spirit Type IconSpirit/Metal Type IconMetal
SeamstressGuard 1Seamstress (Guard Form)
#199 SeamknightStrike 1Seamknight (Strike Form) Spirit Type IconSpirit/Metal Type IconMetal
SeamknightGuard 1Seamknight (Guard Form)
#281 Squonk 1Squonk Spirit Type IconSpirit/Plant Type IconPlant
#358 Grimmlen 1Grimmlen Spirit Type IconSpirit/Air Type IconAir
#359 Garghoul 1Garghoul Spirit Type IconSpirit/Air Type IconAir

Secondary Half Spirit-Type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#101 Spunny 1Spunny Basic Type IconBasic/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#129 Kelpie 1Kelpie Water Type IconWater/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#130 Kelpimer 1Kelpimer Water Type IconWater/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#161 Impling 1Impling Fire Type IconFire/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#162 Daeferno 1Daeferno Fire Type IconFire/Spirit Type IconSpirit
A-Daeferno 1A-Daeferno
#250 Glubbie 1Glubbie Poison Type IconPoison/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#294 Arachniak 1Arachniak Insect Type IconInsect/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#300 Reliconis 1Reliconis Beast Type IconBeast/Spirit Type IconSpirit
ReliconisBig 1Reliconis (Reformation)
#365 Diyossua 1Diyossua Crystal Type IconCrystal/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#366 Armaratus 1Armaratus Crystal Type IconCrystal/Spirit Type IconSpirit
ArmaratusUnveiled 1Armaratus (Unveiled Form)
#??? Notifright 1Notifright Spark Type IconSpark/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#??? Spectrgram 1Spectrgram Spark Type IconSpark/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#??? Serverror 1Serverror Spark Type IconSpark/Spirit Type IconSpirit