Doodle World Wiki
Doodle World Wiki
Spark Type Icon

Spark is one of the Types in Doodle World.

Currently, there are 30 Doodles with Spark type without counting the awakened forms or form changes.

Type Effectiveness[]

When attacking:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
½× ½×
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½× ½×

When defending:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
½× ½× ½×
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon


Spark Type Moves Type Category Description Power Accuracy Uses
Crackling Static Spark Type Icon Physical The user attacks by charging themselves up with static electricity and then making contact with the target, dealing damage and paralyzing the target. 30 100% 20
Electrical Burns Spark Type Icon Magical Shocks the enemy with the extremely hot electricity. Has a 20% chance to burn. 85 100% 10
Electrify Spark Type Icon Magical Zip zaps the target. The next time the user uses a Spark-type attack, it becomes stronger. Doubles the damage of the next Spark type attack used. 30 100% 30
Electro Bite Spark Type Icon Physical User imbues its fangs with electricity and takes a bite at the target. Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. 65 100% 15
Electro Punch Spark Type Icon Physical User imbues its fists with electricity and takes a punch at the target. Has a 15% chance to paralyze the target. 70 100% 15
Electro Slash Spark Type Icon Physical Imbues claws with lightning and then slashes in a criss cross pattern. 10% chance to paralyze. 80 100% 10
Energized Spark Type Icon Support The user charges up with electricity, increasing its speed. -- -- 20
Jolt Spark Type Icon Magical The user releases a fast bolt of electricity to strike the target. This move is certain to strike first. +1 Priority. 40 100% 10
Lightning Kicks Spark Type Icon Physical The user rapidly kicks the target while infused with lightning. This move hits 2-5 times. 25 95% 10
Pylons Spark Type Icon Support The user summons electrical pylons on the opponent's side. If any doodle gets sent out, they get shocked by the pylons, losing some health. Pylons do damage equivalent from a same level Doodle with 80 Base Magic Attack using a magical 40 power spark type move (caps at 20% damage). Earth-types are immune. -- -- 20
Quad Strike Spark Type Icon Magical Strikes the target with multiple lightning bolts. This attack hits 4 times. 25 80% 10
Recharge Spark Type Icon Physical The user uses a physical appendage to steal life force in the form of electricity from the target. Restores the user for half the damage done. 75 100% 10
Shock Spark Type Icon Magical Shocks the target. Has a chance to paralyze. Has a 10% chance to paralyze. 50 100% 25
Shock Therapy Spark Type Icon Support The user shocks themselves into healing a third of their health. If they have a status, heals them by half instead. -- -- 10
Shock Wave Spark Type Icon Magical The user creates a shock wave, doing damage to all other Doodles. 80 100% 10
Taser Spark Type Icon Support The user shoots a low amperage bolt at the target. If it hits the target, it paralyzes them. Spark and Earth types are immune. -- 80% 15
Thunder Strike Spark Type Icon Magical Summons a lightning bolt to strike the target. Has a 10% chance to paralyze. 90 100% 10
Thunderstorm Spark Type Icon Magical Summons a giant lightning bolt to strike the foe. Has a 40% chance to paralyze. 120 70% 5
Zeppelin Zap Spark Type Icon Magical The user gathers electricity and zaps the target. May boost the user's magical attack.(30% chance) 90 90% 10

Doodles with this Type[]

Pure Spark-type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#007 Tabbolt 1Tabbolt Spark Type IconSpark
#008 Bengalux 1Bengalux Spark Type IconSpark
#026 Yagoat 1Yagoat Spark Type IconSpark
#027 Gowatt 1Gowatt Spark Type IconSpark
#124 Aspark 1Aspark Spark Type IconSpark
#125 Levilen 1Levilen Spark Type IconSpark
#126 Voltenchant 1Voltenchant Spark Type IconSpark
#193 Megglit 1Megglit Spark Type IconSpark
#403 Skurikid 1Skurikid Spark Type IconSpark

Primary Spark-type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#009 Zapoeira 1Zapoeira Spark Type IconSpark/Melee Type IconMelee
#121 StatikeetStatikeet Spark Type IconSpark/Air Type IconAir
#122 Elektiel 1Elektiel Spark Type IconSpark/Air Type IconAir
#123 Voltatoo 1Voltatoo Spark Type IconSpark/Air Type IconAir
#126 A-Voltenchant 1A-Voltenchant Spark Type IconSpark/Water Type IconWater
#186 Minjoule 1Minjoule Spark Type IconSpark/Beast Type IconBeast
#187 Riptorvent 1Riptorvent Spark Type IconSpark/Beast Type IconBeast
#194 Cubreal 1Cubreal Spark Type IconSpark/Earth Type IconEarth
#195 Sursablit 1Sursablit Spark Type IconSpark/Earth Type IconEarth
#215 Allicute 1Allicute Spark Type IconSpark/Metal Type IconMetal
#216 Gaductor 1Gaductor Spark Type IconSpark/Metal Type IconMetal
#217 Montor 1Montor Spark Type IconSpark/Metal Type IconMetal
#254 Chronos 1Chronos Spark Type IconSpark/Dark Type IconDark
#380 Hyekeke 1Hyekeke Spark Type IconSpark/Crystal Type IconCrystal
#381 Hahayena 1Hahayena Spark Type IconSpark/Crystal Type IconCrystal
#390 Edibebi 1Edibebi Spark Type IconSpark/Insect Type IconInsect
#391 Yubee 1Yubee Spark Type IconSpark/Insect Type IconInsect
#392 Vermorph 1Vermorph Spark Type IconSpark/Insect Type IconInsect
A-Vermorph 1A-Vermorph Spark Type IconSpark/Insect Type IconInsect
#404 Skervidae 1Skervidae Spark Type IconSpark/Fire Type IconFire
#??? Notifright 1Notifright Spark Type IconSpark/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#??? Spectrgram 1Spectrgram Spark Type IconSpark/Spirit Type IconSpirit
#??? Serverror 1Serverror Spark Type IconSpark/Spirit Type IconSpirit

Secondary Spark-type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#111 Jelluminous 1Jelluminous Light Type IconLight/Spark Type IconSpark
#261 LacergenSpark 1Lacergen (Spark Data) Metal Type IconMetal/Spark Type IconSpark
#375 Zapion 1Zapion Poison Type IconPoison/Spark Type IconSpark
#376 Scorsurge 1Scorsurge Poison Type IconPoison/Spark Type IconSpark
#??? SnakeCharpent Metal Type IconMetal/Spark Type IconSpark
#??? Bolterror 1Bolterror Metal Type IconMetal/Spark Type IconSpark
