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Sinister Sanctuary Has Event Content

This page has content that cannot be obtained/accessed through normal means, as they are event exclusive.

Event(s) Included: Falloween 2023 Content

Sinister Sanctuary is the event-exclusive location for Doodle World's Halloween 2023 event. It contains various Halloween-themed areas where group battles can be done to earn different rarities of crystals, which can be spent on event-exclusive rewards.


Halloween Skin Shop[]

The Halloween Skin Shop is run by Mister Riffraff, who exchanges event skins for crystals.

Icon Name Topaz Quartz Amethyst Sapphire Ruby Emerald Diamond
TadappoleHallerween 1 Tadappole 2
SquedHallerween 1 Squed 2
DodotorHallerween 1 Dodotor 1
ForesatlHallerween 1 Foresatl 1
SkitisHallerween 1 Skitis 1 1
DiziporeHallerween 1 Dizipore 2 1
RheodeHallerween 1 Rheode 2 1
GromHallerween 1 Grom 1
SquinanaHallerween 1 Squinana 2 1
GribloHallerween 1 Griblo 3 1
TykiHallerween 1 Tyki 1 1 1
OwolHallerween 1 Owol 1
HollihareHallerween 1 Hollihare 1 3
AllicuteHallerween 1 Allicute 1 1
MuncheezHallerween 1 Muncheez 1 1 1
CocosquidHallerween 1 Cocosquid 1 3
PotunkHallerween 1 Potunk 1 3
SquonkHallerween 1 Squonk 1 2
ShelldoHallerween 1 Shelldo 7
RuffireHallerween 1 Ruffire 1 1 1
AquafiHallerween 1 Aquafi 4 2
OstigonHallerween 1 Ostigon 1 2 1
SobbuoyHallerween 1 Sobbuoy 1 1 1
WeecubHallerween 1 Weecub 1 1 1
FlaskitHallerween 1 Flaskit 1 1 1
MalotrickHallerween 1 Malotrick 1 1 1 1
LilbulbHallerween 1 Lilbulb 2 2
ScormHallerween 1 Scorm 1 1 1
ImplingHallerween 1 Impling 2 1 1
KlydaskunkHallerween 1 Klydaskunk 2 1 1
HattrixHallerween 1 Hattrix 3 1 1
ProphantHallerween 1 Prophant 3 2 1
AsparkHallerween 1 Aspark 2 1
LarvennaeHallerween 1 Larvennae 2 2 1 1
TrilosectHallerween 1 Trilosect 1 2 1 1 1
LizzertsHallerween 1 Lizzerts 2 2 1
ExiledHallerween 1 Exiled 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ZerzuraHallerween 1 Zerzura 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
KoriyuHallerween 1 Koriyu 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ArachniakHallerween 1 Arachniak 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Halloween Item Shop[]

The Halloween Skin Shop is run by Inari, who exchanges different items for crystals.

Icon Name Topaz Quartz Amethyst Sapphire Ruby Emerald Diamond
Witch Capsule Witch Capsule 1
Cauldron Capsule Cauldron Capsule 1
Winged Capsule Winged Capsule 1
Stat Candy Stat Candy 1
Candy Bag Candy Bag 2
SwarmSnack 1 Swarm Snack 1 1 1
Lesser Chain Ticket Lesser Chain Ticket 1 1 1 1 1
Island Voucher Island Voucher 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
DaefernoRune Daeferno Rune 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Halloween Tintbrush Halloween Tintbrush 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
LollipopArtirune Calamander Candy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
GreaterChainTicket Greater Chain Ticket 2 2 2 2 1 1 3
Haunted Tome Hallerween Tome 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Arachniak Encounter[]

By talking to Bonbon, the player is given a prompt to get an Arachniak encounter for 1 Diamond.


  • The total cost for buying one of each skin is 63 topaz, 34 quartz, 25 amethyst, 23 sapphires, 22 rubies, 18 emeralds, and 10 diamonds.
    • If the runestones are also accounted for, it would cost 65 topaz, 36 quartz, 27 amethyst, 25 sapphires, 24 rubies, 20 emeralds, and 12 diamonds.
  • Cruthulu is currently the only known non-fully evolved Doodle that can be in Group Battles.