Doodle World Wiki

Move Data[]

Type Category Accuracy Power Uses
Spark Type Icon Support -- -- 10


The user shocks themselves into healing a third of their health. If they have a status, heals them by half instead.

Doodles that can learn Shock Therapy[]

By Leveling Up[]

# Doodle Type Level
026 Yagoat 1Yagoat Spark Type Icon 60
027 Gowatt 1Gowatt Spark Type Icon 65
110 Lilbulb 1Lilbulb Light Type Icon 37
111 Jelluminous 1Jelluminous Light Type IconSpark Type Icon 40
123 Voltatoo 1Voltatoo Spark Type IconAir Type Icon 44
124 Aspark 1Aspark Spark Type Icon 44
125 Levilen 1Levilen Spark Type Icon 44
126 Voltenchant 1Voltenchant Spark Type Icon 44
186 Minjoule 1Minjoule Spark Type IconBeast Type Icon 40
187 Riptorvent 1Riptorvent Spark Type IconBeast Type Icon 40
261 Lacergen 1Lacergen Metal Type IconBasic Type Icon 13
375 Zapion 1Zapion Poison Type IconSpark Type Icon 14
376 Scorsurge 1Scorsurge Poison Type IconSpark Type Icon 14
381 Hahayena 1Hahayena Spark Type IconCrystal Type Icon 60
390 Edibebi 1Edibebi Spark Type IconInsect Type Icon 48
391 Yubee 1Yubee Spark Type IconInsect Type Icon 48
392 Vermorph 1Vermorph Spark Type IconInsect Type Icon 48
403 Skurikid 1Skurikid Spark Type Icon 52
404 Skervidae 1Skervidae Spark Type IconFire Type Icon 52

By Printing[]

# Doodle Type
007 Tabbolt 1Tabbolt Spark Type Icon 8 Tabbolt TicketTabbolt Tickets
008 Bengalux 1Bengalux Spark Type Icon 8 Tabbolt TicketTabbolt Tickets
009 Zapoeira 1Zapoeira Spark Type IconMelee Type Icon 8 Tabbolt TicketTabbolt Tickets
153 Klicki 1Klicki Metal Type IconInsect Type Icon 8 Klicki TicketKlicki Tickets
154 Beetal 1Beetal Metal Type IconInsect Type Icon 8 Klicki TicketKlicki Tickets
155 Metalytra 1Metalytra Metal Type IconInsect Type Icon 8 Klicki TicketKlicki Tickets
193 Megglit 1Megglit Spark Type Icon 8 Megglit TicketMegglit Tickets
194 Cubreal 1Cubreal Spark Type IconEarth Type Icon 8 Megglit TicketMegglit Tickets
195 Sursablit 1Sursablit Spark Type IconEarth Type Icon 8 Megglit TicketMegglit Tickets
215 Allicute 1Allicute Spark Type IconMetal Type Icon 8 Allicute TicketAllicute Tickets
216 Gaductor 1Gaductor Spark Type IconMetal Type Icon 8 Allicute TicketAllicute Tickets
217 Montor 1Montor Spark Type IconMetal Type Icon 8 Allicute TicketAllicute Tickets