Doodle World Wiki

Secret Rewards is an NPC located by the Graphite Lodge Doodle Station or in Social Park. If you have purchased gamepasses in Project Pokémon, you can get compensation for those gamepasses in Doodle World. You can also earn rewards for helping contribute to the development of a Doodle or a skin. Below is a list of possible rewards.

Requirement Reward
Own the Kanto Starters Route 1 Gamepass $50,000
Own the Eevees in the Forest Gamepass Gems 350 Gems
Own the Faster Running Gamepass Gems 200 Gems
Own the Johto Starters Route 5 Gamepass Gems 650 Gems
Own the Mew Gamepass Gems 850 Gems
Own the Kanto's Legendaries Gamepass Glubbie 1 Level 10 Glubbie
Own the 100x Shiny Chance Gamepass Misprint trinket worn Worn-Out Misprint Trinket
Own the More Mt. Moon Pokemon Gamepass Gems 750 Gems
Own the Other Legendary 10x Chance Gamepass Mythic trinket worn Worn-Out Mythical Trinket
Own the Increased Pokedollars Gamepass Gems 900 Gems
Contribute to the development of a Doodle (concept art, etc.) 6-Star, Unique #0, and Hidden Trait version of the Doodle as well as a 6-Star, Misprint, and Hidden Trait version of the Doodle.
Contribute to the development of the unique version of a developer made doodle (concept art, etc.) 6-Star, Unique #0, and Hidden Trait version of the Doodle as well as a 6-Star, Misprint, and Hidden Trait version of the Doodle.
Contribute to the development of a Skin (concept art, etc.) 2 copies of the Skin + Gems 400 Gems
Contribute to the development of an Alternate Awakened Doodle (concept art, etc.) 2 copies of the Alternate Runestone + BP Icon [Battlepass name] BP Premium (after the fantasy battlepass)
Contribute to the development of a Mount (concept art, etc.) 1 copy of the Mount + Gems 10,000 Gems
Be an official Content Creator 25 Louis✨Gamer✨ 1✨Gamer✨ Louis per month
Be an official Content Creator and have a Content Creator Skin 25 ✨MisCColors✨ of your CC skin per month
Be an official Content Creator before June 1st, 2023 15 PrideTintJellupyMisprint Pride Tint MHT6 Jellupy for giveaways
Interact with Secret Rewards between November 11th – November 20th, 2022 JellupyRainbowSwirl 1 Rainbow Swirl Jellupy
Be in the official Doodle World Studio Roblox group Gems 500 Gems
Saw the Fool Malotrick sprite in battle when it replaced the normal A-Malotrick sprite Fool Malotrick Rune


  • Prior to the Fantasy BP, contributing to an Alt Runestone would be rewarded with 2 of the Alt Runestones and 6000 Gems.