Sand Dollars are the currency exclusive to the Beachgoer Event and Summer 2024 Event at Beach Bay.
Obtaining Method[]
The player can get Sand Dollars exclusively in Beach Bay.
- Beach Bay has a Summer Questboard. (Which is similar to the Help Center in other settlements) The player can do small quests that award Sand Dollars with tiers that scale the difficulty and amount of Sand Dollars rewarded, such as:
- Pizza Deliveries (Delivering a pizza to one of the houses in Beach Bay)
- Digging up Buried Treasure (Finding the dollars in a random sand mound on the shore of the beach)
- Delivering Packages (From one house to another)
- Rescuing an NPC trapped in the Lost Forest
- Capturing or Fainting an "Infestation" of a Doodle in a house. (Similar to doodle encounters in the Halloween Event)
- Battling a tamer in a house.
- Fixing the power boxes scattered about.
- Playing Whack-A-Doodle.
- Making pizzas.
- Alternatively, the player can purchase Sand Dollars for Robux in Beach Bay.
Amount of Sand Dollars | Amount of Robux |
50 Sand Dollars | 50 R$ |
100 Sand Dollars | 100 R$ |
500 Sand Dollars | 500 R$ |
1000 Sand Dollars | 1000 R$ |
Sand Dollars can only be used in exchange with Beach Bay's shopkeepers, such as:
- Tim's Summer Roulette, which allowed you to roll for Items, Equipment, and Beachgoer Doodles during the Beachgoer Event. Alternatively, the Summer Roulette only allowed you to roll for Watermelon Tint Doodles during the Summer 2024 Event.
- "Inari"'s Sandy Shop, which included Special Titles, Title Colors, and Mounts.
- Oliver, who offered to give the player Infurnius for 500 Sand Dollars.
- "Super Cool Person", who allowed the player fight Infurnius for 120 Sand Dollars.
- In real life, Sand Dollars are a species of sea urchin. They are named after their shape of coins and bleached color, similar to the Spanish Dollar.
- It is unknown whether the currency in the Beachgoer Event are literal living sand dollars, or rather just coins, with a pun as the name.