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Runic Island Gateway Has Event Content

This page has content that cannot be obtained/accessed through normal means, as they are event exclusive.

Event(s) Included: Easter 2023 Content

Runic Island Gateway is an island accesible from Route 6. It is an ancient island which can only be accessed after completing the Runic Island request at DoodleCo Academy's Help Center.

Main Area[]

Upon entering Runic Island, there are 2 areas that you can go. On the right-hand side is the Explorer's kiosk, the Island shop where you can purchase Island Vouchers & Runic Capsules, the daily free voucher NPC, the Rune Shop which sells Runestones obtainable through Runic Island runs, a NPC that grants you 400 Gems for 5 Ancient Coins every day, and a non-hostile stone guardian that sells upgrades. If it is the player's first time at the Runic Island, the Explorer's kiosk NPC will explain how traversing the island's rooms works. Then, the player can talk to the them again to begin a Runic Island run, and he will ask whether the player wants to use an Island Voucher. The player may buy Island Vouchers to increase the chance of finding rarer contents in rooms.

On the left-hand side of the main area is a Doodle Storage PC, an ancient relic which heals the player's team, a Doodle Depot shopkeeper, a shopkeeper that sells items for Ancient Coins, and a helipad containing a helicopter. Junjie is standing next to this helicopter and volunteers to fly the player to the nearest subway station.

The Rune Shop[]

The Rune Shop sells any kind of runestones that can be obtained in Runic Island. The player can buy them for 8,000 Gems granted that they don't bother to do runic island runs for the runestones.

The Ancient Coin Shop[]

The Ancient Coin Shop can be accessed by interacting the NPC that has the same look as the VP item shopkeeper in Social Park.

Item Cost
LesserChainTicket Lesser Chain Ticket 5 AC
GreaterChainTicket Greater Chain Ticket 20 AC
Placeholder Random Ink Bottle 3 AC
Island Voucher Island Voucher 6 AC
Bronze VP Ticket Bronze VP Ticket 1 AC
Silver VP Ticket Silver VP Ticket 2 AC
Gold VP Ticket Gold VP Ticket 4 AC

Stone Merchant[]

The Stone Merchant sells permanent upgrades in exchange for Ancient Coin Ancient Coins. Ancient Coins can also be purchased here, at a rate of 250 Robux for 5 coins.

Upgrades do not stack. For example, getting the Legendary Upgrade to Level 2 only gets you a 2% bonus, not a 1% + 2% bonus.

The cost of any upgrade begins at 1 Ancient Coin. For every upgrade, the cost increases by 1. To fully buy out an upgrade, it would cost 55 Ancient Coins.

Icon Upgrade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Size Tablet Size Upgrade 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Tint Tablet Tint Upgrade 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Print Speed Tablet Print Speed Upgrade 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Hidden Trait Tablet Hidden Trait Upgrade 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Legendary Tablet Legendary Upgrade 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Multi-Tint Tablet Multi-Tint Upgrade 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Runic Tint Tablet Runic Tint Upgrade 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Runestone Tablet Runestone Upgrade 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Runic Misprint Tablet Runic Misprint Upgrade 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Runic HT Tablet Rune HT Upgrade 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

The Island Shop[]

Item Cost
Island Voucher 1 Island Voucher Gems 800 Gems
Runic Capsule 1 Runic Capsule Cash 1000 Cash

Easter Shop[]

The Easter Bunny appeared nearby the ancient relic and the Doodle Storage PC. It sold Easter event skins for a limited time.

Icon Name Easter Tokens
PlipoEaster 1 Plipo 10
JellupyEaster 1 Jellupy 15
SursablitEaster 1 Sursablit 20
OwolEaster 1 Owol 22
AppluffEaster 1 Appluff 24
FeeshEaster 1 Feesh 25
IndigooEaster 1 Indigoo 26
SquedEaster 1 Squed 30
SlibbleEaster 1 Slibble 35
PartybugEaster 1 Partybug 37
SquonkEaster 1 Squonk 40
SkitisEaster 1 Skitis 42
GribloEaster 1 Griblo 43
HollihareEaster 1 Hollihare 44
LilbulbEaster 1 Lilbulb 45
GlummishEaster 1 Glummish 50
EftueEaster 1 Eftue 55
GrimsugarEaster 1 Grimsugar 60
FoyalEaster 1 Foyal 62
NimbellEaster 1 Nimbell 66
MalotrickEaster 1 Malotrick 75
TasjoneyEaster 1 Tasjoney 80
AsparkEaster 1 Aspark 85
KlickiEaster 1 Klicki 100
ShmellowEaster 1 Shmellow 110
CalamanderEaster 1 Calamander 120
RheodeEaster 1 Rheode 140
KitsenEaster 1 Kitsen 150
ShelldoEaster 1 Shelldo 160
DramaskEaster 1 Dramask 180
HattrixEaster 1 Hattrix 200
ShyceEaster 1 Shyce 250
ThreasantEaster 1 Threasant 275
JestwirlEaster 1 Jestwirl 300
PandishiEaster 1 Pandishi 400
MaelzuriEaster 1 Maelzuri 1,200
ExiledEaster 1 Exiled 1,500


When entering a Runic Island room, the player cannot exit the way they came. Situated in the center of the room can be one of three things: a Stone Guardian, an Extinct Doodle, or a pedestal containing an item.

  • In rooms that do not contain an Extinct Doodle, there are two more item pedestals found in the corners. Rooms contain two or three stone gates which the player can use to progress to the next room once certain requirements are met. Upon entering a room, its appearance and contents are randomly selected.
  • If a player's team is completely knocked out or they complete the run, they will be returned to the main area, keeping anything they found while traversing the rooms.
  • Players will enter a total of 20 rooms during the run, and the last room is designated as a special room that must include 3 items and 1 guardian.

Stone Guardian[]

Stone Guardians are entities that serve a similar functionality to NPC Doodle Tamers. Upon defeating them in a battle, they give money and disappear, allowing the player to select up to one of the items found in the room. Then, after taking an item, the player may proceed. Stone Guardians' teams range from having 3 to 5 doodles, except for the final room where the Stone Guardian will always have 6. Their levels vary based on the number of doodles the Stone Guardian has, with its first doodle being the lowest level, to the last doodle being the highest level: which is equal that of the player's highest-levelled Doodle, minus one.

Extinct Doodles[]

Extinct Doodles can be found standing in the center of a room. The player will only be allowed to proceed to another room once the encounter with the extinct Doodle is finished, whether this be by defeating it or catching it. Rooms with extinct Doodles do not contain item pedestals.


Sometimes, an item pedestal can be found in the center of the room, in addition to the other two. The player can only proceed after taking one of the three items.


  • Prior to 16/06/2024, VP Shopkeeper was available, allowing players to buy VP items without the need to go to Social Park.