Doodle World Wiki
Doodle World Wiki

Runic Island is an ancient island maze that acts as a roguelike adventure with many different rooms to go through. These rooms may have tamer battles, items to loot (such as Runestones), and Extinct Doodles. A run on the Island starts in the Runic Island Gateway, which can only be accessed after completing the Runic Island request at DoodleCo Academy's Help Center. An Island Voucher may be used before a run to boost the rarity of items/Doodles that can be found.


When entering a Runic Island room, its appearance and contents are randomly selected. The player cannot exit the way they came and must either defeat the Stone Guardian, the Doodle or take an item to proceed.

  • If a player disconnects, completes the run, or has their entire party knocked out, they will be returned to the main area, keeping everything they found while traversing the rooms. If they disconnect, when they connect again they will be presented with a choice to continue the run or end it.
  • Players will enter a total of 20 rooms during the run, and the last room is designated as a special room that must include 3 items and 1 guardian.
  • Final rooms seem to usually have ink bottles and a higher chance of getting runestones.

Stone Guardian[]

Stone Guardians are entities that serve a similar functionality to NPC Doodle Tamers. Upon defeating them in a battle, they disappear, and the player is allowed to select one of two or three (or four in one room) other items found in the room. Then, after taking an item, the player may proceed. Stone Guardians' teams range from having 3 to 4 doodles, except for in the final room, where the Stone Guardian will always have 6. Their levels vary based on the number of doodles the Stone Guardian has, with its first doodle being the lowest level, to the last doodle being the highest level: which is equal that of the player's highest-leveled Doodle, minus three.

Doctor Stone Guardian[]

A variant of the Stone Guardians which are cyan instead of gray. They appear in the center of an island without any item pedestals around them. Acting like an NPC Doodle Doctor, they will offer the player the chance to heal all of their doodles before disappearing. They always appear in the 10th room.

Item Pedestals[]

Item pedestals come in different rarities. Below is a chart that lists every Item pedestal tier and what items belong to them.


Tier Items
Tier 1 (Grey) Striped Capsule Striped Capsule

Stat Candy Stat Candy
Bandage Bandage
Super Bandage Super Bandage
Ice Cream Pop Ice Cream Pop
Determination Jelly Determination Jelly
Power Jelly Power Jelly
Weird Jelly Weird Jelly
Defensive Jelly Defensive Jelly
Magical Jelly Magical Jelly
Cure Jelly Cure Jelly
Candy heart Candy Heart
Candy Bag Candy Bag
Status heal poison Antidote
Status heal paralysis Anti-Paralysis Spray
Status heal diseased Disinfectant
Easter Token Stack Easter Stack (Easter Event Only)

Tier 2 (Green) PolkadotCapsule Polkadot Capsule

Homemade Plush Homemade Plush
Used timber Used Timber
Pretty Seashell Pretty Seashell
Small Sprout Small Sprout
Battery Battery
Crooked Talon Crooked Talon
Decorative Fan Decorative Fan
Lucky pebble Lucky Pebble
Imbued Relic Imbued Relic
Gauze Wrap Gauze Wrap
Bubblegum Bubblegum
Refractive Prism Refractive Prism
RefinedCrystal Refined Crystal
Perfect Alloy Perfect Alloy
Ice pack Ice Pack
Moon Charm Moon Charm
Questionable Sludge Questionable Sludge
Studded fang Studded Fang
Delicate Wing Delicate Wing
Spirit Jar Spirit Jar
Held glasses Glasses
Level up cube Level-Up Cube
Bronze VP Ticket Bronze VP Ticket

Tier 3 (Blue) SwarmSnack 1 Swarm Snack

Headband Determination Headband
Champion Belt Champion Belt
Magic Wand Magic Wand
Stormy Wand Stormy Wand
Corrosive Wand Corrosive Wand
Arid Wand Arid Wand
Confectioner's Wand Confectioner's Wand
Conductor's BatonConductor's Baton
Jetpack Jetpack
Blueprint Blueprint
Storm in a Bottle Storm in a Bottle
Edible Storm in a Bottle Edible Storm in a Bottle
Acid Storm in a Bottle Acid Storm in a Bottle
SandstormInABottle Sandstorm in a Bottle
Used Crayons Used Crayons
Grease Grease
Spoingus Sponge
Level up cube silver Silver Level-Up Cube
Orb light Orb of Light
Orb dark Orb of Darkness
Orb fire Orb of Fire
EmpoweredRing Empowered Ring
Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament
Match Box Matchbox
Bubble Wand Bubble Wand
Placeholder Soothing Charm
Heavy Blanket (ACTUAL) Heavy Blanket
Plastic Fangs (ACTUAL) Plastic Fangs
Placeholder Nesting Doll
Placeholder Yo-yo
Revive Revive
Silver VP Ticket Silver VP Ticket


Type Items
Helmet Doodad Doodad

Feathered Hat Feathered Hat
Magnificent tophat Magnificent Tophat
Glummish Cap Glummish Cap
Theatre Mask Theatre Mask
Horned Headband Horned Headband
Smoldering Hood Smoldering Hood
Candy Headphones Candy Headphones
Scuba Goggles Scuba Goggles
Decorated Hairclip Decorated Hairclip
Aviator Helmet Aviator Helmet
Tinfoil Hat Tinfoil Hat

Amulet Whatchamacallit Whatchamacallit

Mini Camera Mini Camera
Swag Juice Swag Juice
Ruby Pendant Ruby Pendant
Sapphire Amulet Sapphire Amulet
Dusty Bandana Dusty Bandana
Geode Pendant Geode Pendant
Toxic Vial Toxic Vial
Hard candy Rock Candy

Artifact Broken Clay Broken Clay

Computer Mouse Computer Mouse
Amber Trapped Fly Amber Trapped Fly
Thingamajig Thingamajig
Oakwood staff Oakwood Staff
Stick Stick
Pizza Slice Pizza Slice
Fluffy Feather Fluffy Feather
Chewed Up Bone Chewed Up Bone
Faunsprout tail Faunsprout Tail

Tier 4 (Purple) Maroon Ink Bottle Maroon Ink Bottle

Red Ink Bottle Red Ink Bottle
Orange Ink Bottle Orange Ink Bottle
Amber Ink Bottle Amber Ink Bottle
Gold Ink Bottle Gold Ink Bottle
Yellow Ink Bottle Yellow Ink Bottle
Lime Ink Bottle Lime Ink Bottle
Green Ink Bottle Green Ink Bottle
Dark Green Ink Bottle Dark Green Ink Bottle
Teal Ink Bottle Teal Ink Bottle
Mint Ink Bottle Mint Ink Bottle
Cyan Ink Bottle Cyan Ink Bottle
Sky Blue Ink Bottle Sky Blue Ink Bottle
Blue Ink Bottle Blue Ink Bottle
Navy Blue Ink Bottle Navy Blue Ink Bottle
Indigo Ink Bottle Indigo Ink Bottle
Purple Ink Bottle Purple Ink Bottle
Violet Ink Bottle Violet Ink Bottle
Pink Ink Bottle Pink Ink Bottle
Rose Ink Bottle Rose Ink Bottle
Brown Ink Bottle Brown Ink Bottle
Black Ink Bottle Black Ink Bottle

Tier 5 (Gold) Runic identifier gamepass Island Voucher Island Voucher

MawthraRune Mawthra Rune
ThornetRune Thornet Rune
CryoteraRune Cryotera Rune
GroatoRune Groato Rune
HattrixRune Hattrix Rune
MourveilRune Mourveil Rune
ArchoposRune Archopos Rune
TulennaRune Tulenna Rune
PartybugRune Partybug Rune
TufflazeRune Tufflaze Rune
MaskomedyRune Maskomedy Rune
TheaterrorRune Theaterror Rune
VoltenchantRune Voltenchant Rune
CerebopodRune Cerebopod Rune
GrufflinRune Grufflin Rune
SomberockRune Somberock Rune
CacmeowRune Cacmeow Rune
BubbullRune Bubbull Rune
SkadeanRune Skadean Rune
MalotrickRune Malotrick Rune
StaligantRune Staligant Rune
SpectatikRune Spectatik Rune
VigimanteRune Vigimantè Rune
SuomousRune Suomous Rune
LumilineRune Lumiline Rune
BionoticRune Bionotic Rune
NyantoRune Nyanto Rune
Gold VP Ticket Gold VP Ticket (Guaranteed at the end of every non-voucher run)
Easter Token Bag Easter Bag (Easter Event Only)


Doodles can be found standing in the center of a room, some exclusive to Runic Island called Extinct Doodles. The player will only be allowed to proceed to another room once the encounter with the Doodle is finished. Whether this be by defeating it or catching it, it will not affect any chains the player may have. Rooms with extinct Doodles do not contain item pedestals. The Doodle that spawns has a chance to be misprint or Unique, have a skin and/or a tint. You are unable to chain these Doodles.

Below is a chart that lists every Doodle that can be obtained.


Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Squed 1 Squed Earth Type IconEarth Very Rare Swag JuiceSwag Juice
Weecub 1 Weecub Fire Type IconFire Rare None
Reliconis 1 Reliconis Spirit Type IconSpirit/Beast Type IconBeast Extremely Rare None
Cranigunk 1 Cranigunk Poison Type IconPoison Common Toxic VialToxic Vial
Meiolicant 1 Meiolicant Poison Type IconPoison Rare Toxic VialToxic Vial
Dodotor 1 Dodotor Beast Type IconBeast/Air Type IconAir Uncommon Image 2023-04-30 152059542Fluffy Feather
Velodo 1 Velodo Beast Type IconBeast/Air Type IconAir Very Rare Image 2023-04-30 152059542Fluffy Feather
Griblo 1 Griblo Insect Type IconInsect/Beast Type IconBeast Common Amber Trapped FlyAmber Trapped Fly
Arthopex 1 Arthopex Insect Type IconInsect/Beast Type IconBeast Rare Amber Trapped FlyAmber Trapped Fly
Skitis 1 Skitis Insect Type IconInsect/Dark Type IconDark Common Decorated HairclipDecorated Hairclip
Exoskelis 1 Exoskelis Insect Type IconInsect/Dark Type IconDark Rare Decorated HairclipDecorated Hairclip
Tasjoney 1 Tasjoney Beast Type IconBeast Uncommon Chewed Up BoneChewed Up Bone
Tasmarauder 1 Tasmarauder Beast Type IconBeast/Melee Type IconMelee Very Rare Chewed Up BoneChewed Up Bone
Rheode 1 Rheode Earth Type IconEarth/Crystal Type IconCrystal Very Rare Geode PendantGeode Pendant
Prarnaw 1 Prarnaw Water Type IconWater/Beast Type IconBeast Uncommon None
Maximutt 1 Maximutt Basic Type IconBasic/Dark Type IconDark Common None
Cthuwu 1 Cthuwu Water Type IconWater/Dark Type IconDark Uncommon None
Alptusk 1 Alptusk Ice Type IconIce Very Rare None
Grom 1 Grom Dark Type IconDark Common Dark BroochDark Brooch
Scrom Scorm Crystal Type IconCrystal Rare None
Lizzerts 1 Lizzerts Food Type IconFood Uncommon None
Foresatl 1 Foresatl Plant Type IconPlant/Beast Type IconBeast Very Rare None
Cinderling 1 Cinderling Fire Type IconFire/Air Type IconAir Rare None
Trilosect 1 Trilosect Insect Type IconInsect Very Rare None
Trilagid 1 Trilagid Ice Type IconIce/Insect Type IconInsect Very Rare None
Squinana 1 Squinana Plant Type IconPlant/Food Type IconFood Uncommon None
Banautilus 1 Banautilus Plant Type IconPlant/Food Type IconFood Very Rare None
Jestwirl 1 Jestwirl (Easter Event Only) Basic Type IconBasic/Mind Type IconMind Extremely Rare None
KoriyuEaster 1 Koriyu (Easter Event Only) Ice Type IconIce/Dark Type IconDark Extremely Rare None
Fishing (Lv. ??-??)
Finwick 1 Finwick Water Type IconWater Very Common (100%) None

Easter Event 2023[]

Main Article: Easter Event 2023

The 2023 Easter Event was entirely held in Runic Island. Gray, green and blue item pedestals had a chance to have an Easter Token stack, which would give you 10 Easter Tokens. Gold pedestals have a chance to have an Easter Token bag, which will give you 50 Easter Tokens. You could have used these tokens to buy skins at the Easter Bunny's shop back in the Runic Island Gateway or Lakewood Town. Using an Island Voucher doubled the amount of Tokens you get per Token Stack/Bag.

During the duration of the event, there was a new room that could give you Easter Tokens, a Jestwirl, an Easter-skin Koriyu or the Easter Egg Mount.

Battlepass Act 3[]

The 3rd Battlepass contained a Mount that relates to an upcoming substory involving Runic Island. Wish_z posted the following narrative writing giving some background lore to the islands in conjunction with this upcoming substory:

So much wanton loss of life.
We need to honor the fallen.
A snap shot, no, a recreation, if you will.
It shall be called the Runic Islands.

We can't bring the deceased back to life.
But we can preserve their memory.
They shall be made into stone guardians.
These stone guardians will forever guard this idealistic paradise.

But what about the items they possessed?
They shall be given out to anyone who can prove their mettle.
It is better they are used.
The runestones... created from the power of fallen Doodles.

The Doodles themselves... simulacrums.
My special magic.
They are recreations of Doodles that went extinct as a result of the war.
For all intents and purposes, they are living, breathing beings.

The one thing I don't understand.
Why do the islands shift around?
That wasn't my idea.
I'm afraid. Something is trying to steal my islands.

The update will also introduce new Runic Doodles, some of which have already been teased.


Glitch Room

The "missing texture room".

  • There is a very low chance to enter a room called the "missing texture room", which has no item, no guardian and no Doodle.
    • The room is a reference to the "missing texture" texture seen in games using the Source Engine when the texture files for an object are missing.
  • There is a room with a doctor stone guardian where you can heal your doodles. This room is always guaranteed in the 10th room
  • Squed, Weecub, Finwick (when fishing), Jestwirl, and Koriyu are the only non-extinct Doodles who can be found here.
    • Koriyu is also the only Doodle that is guaranteed to have a skin when it's encountered here.
  • Not counting fishing, Runic Island is the only location with Doodles that can't be chained.
    • Despite having Doodles, it doesn't have a sign to show how many Doodles the player has caught, nor a reward for catching all the Doodles.
    • When fishing in the water rooms, the only Doodle that can be encountered is Finwick.
  • Runic Island has the most Doodles encounterable in one area, at 24/26 with 19/21 different species.
    • Jestwirl and Koriyu are not counted since they are limited.
  • The player cannot trade with anybody once they have entered any Runic Island room.
  • Players have a chance to find the Easter room during the Easter event, a room with 3 pedestals containing mostly Easter stacks, with a chance of it being replaced by an Easter token bag or the Easter mount.
  • There is a small chance to enter the room that has an increased rate to get Runestones and Ink Bottles (even if you may not be using an Island Voucher). It is also based on Elegant Valley's Poke Center from Project Pokemon, the game which Doodle World recycles the engine of.
  • There is a room with a half-buried moyai, where if there is a guardian there, will always have a team of Misprint Moyai with different skins.
    • This same room is also the only room to have a chance to spawn a Squed.
  • If using a voucher, each pedestal in a final boss room has a 1/4 chance to have a runestone, and a 3/4 chance to have an ink bottle.
  • When entering a water room, there is a chance for the water to be colored differently from it's usual blue color