Doodle World Wiki

The Ruined Castle is a castle that has fallen ages ago, that belonged to Zane's family. It was the main stronghold for one of the sides of the Doodle War, but it's now decrepit and abandoned due to Victor Solis capturing Zerzura. It is accessible from Route 7.

Story Events[]

Once Kentucky and the player arrived, a ghost appeared and attacked the player as it thought Kentucky Smith and the player were bandits. After the battle, the ghost realizes they aren't bandits. However, before it disappears, Kentucky asks it what happened to the castle. It says that 200 years ago, the castle's energy source was stolen. Before that, the castle had plants and life. Then, as it disappears, Kentucky comments on how the Oasis was founded 200 years ago. Then, he explains that since the gate is rusted shut, there's no way they can explore inside the castle. Kentucky states that if they could go back in time, they could find out what truly happened, before telling the player to meet him back at the Oasis gate.

Afterwards, when the group reaches The Oasis, the Player defeats Zane in his hideout. It's revealed that his family used to own the castle and lived a lavish life, thanks to the power of Zerzura. But after Victor Solis captured Zerzura, the castle fell into ruin.


Wild Doodles

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Fog (Lv. 23-34)
Mauspunch 1 Mauspunch Melee Type IconMelee Common None
Boulduo 1 Boulduo Earth Type IconEarth Uncommon None
Archopos 1 Archopos Spirit Type IconSpirit Uncommon None
Impling 1 Impling Fire Type IconFire/Spirit Type IconSpirit Rare None
Threasant 1 Threasant Spirit Type IconSpirit Very Rare (5%) DIY PinDIY Pin (50%)
Reward for catching the above Doodles: Ruined title

Legendary Doodles are not listed in the table above.


Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Ghost Guard Archopos 1ArchoposSpirit Type Icon Lvl. 37 Levitate None Electro Slash,
Daeferno 1DaefernoSpirit Type IconFire Type Icon Lvl. 37 Levitate None Curse,
Spirice 1SpiriceSpirit Type IconIce Type Icon Lvl. 37 Ethereal None Frostgrip,
Wydling 1WydlingSpirit Type Icon Lvl. 37 Serenade None Necromancy,
Seamsquire 1SeamsquireSpirit Type IconMetal Type Icon Lvl. 38 Spooky None Hex,
Mercury Puddle,
Reward $3,900


Item Location
ScrollMelee Daze Scroll Inside a tent to the right of the entrance
Stat Candy 10 Stat Candies In a small room to the right of the castle gate
Lesser Chain Ticket Lesser Chain Ticket On a raised platform to the left of the castle gate

Other Rewards[]

Item Location
Data Chip Data Chip Next to a pillar near the tent