Doodle World Wiki

Route 8 is a junction between Desert and Glacier. It is located behind Zane's Hideout.


Suzie Tries Catching a Doodle[]

The moment the 3 of you enter Route 8, Suzie immediately sees a Ciyrup, one that's a misprint too! Quincy explains that misprints can go to very high prices, so Suzie wants us to weaken it for her to catch it. The only problem, it's a level 5, and you can't catch it yourself. And it also knows Boom Boom. So regardless, you can't weaken it, only kill it.

DoodleCo Headquarters[]


In DoodleCo Headquarters, the six executives are holding a meeting. Teneson begins by explaining the meeting is so they can update each other on what they have been doing, and since Charles is not present, he is leading the meeting. He explains firstly that since Ellen has failed to obtain a key, and since one of Yami's subordinates have stolen the Stone Key, Ellen has been de-ranked to fifth, and Yami has been promoted to the fourth rank. Cortés protests against not receiving a promotion, saying that he has obtained a key, but Teneson has achieved nothing. Teneson refuses to promote him, however, saying that his security protocols at DoodleCo Academy failed, and Qilintel went loose.

Cortes comments about how everyone is useless, as Portia and Ellen failed to obtain a key despite them working together, and Joseph Bright, the executive who suggested the key hunt in the first place, is not doing anything. Joseph says that he's too busy with PR issues regarding the Adventurer Unit and the Shadow Clan. Cortes believes this to be a lie, saying Joseph is probably too busy being dedicated to his fanclub "dedicated to one of the weakest Doodles," and that if the "nepo-baby Portia" was as smart as her mother, Joseph would be the lowest ranked-executive. Portia is upset about being constantly compared to her mother, and says that if her Doodles weren't confiscated, she would have a chance of obtaining the Miracle Key. Cortes disregards this, saying she would have given up the key to the "CEO's brat." Ellen comforts Portia, saying that she doesn't have to tolerate abuse from "the man who has never been loved." Cortes retaliates, and laughs at how Ellen is 40 years old, but has never been married. Teneson interrupts, saying that Portia has to work under him for a while, and if she protests, he'll destroy her teleportation device, knowing she can't build another one. He dismisses her, and Portia leaves.

Ellen reprimands Teneson and Cortes for bullying Portia, claiming she doesn't want to be an executive, and that it's cruel to threaten to destroy her final memento of her mother. Ellen asks Teneson if he liked Rebecca, and he simply comments that he "recognized her value to the company," and wants revenge on Mister Riffraff for killing her. Cortes teases him about not being able to catch Riffraff. Teneson gives him a final warning to stop criticising his efforts, reminding Cortes that the only reason he's #1 on the DoodleCo Battle League is because he let him be there. Cortes then turns his attention to Yami, calling him a "geezer" and asking him about Kaze. Yami explains that Kaze, alongside 3 other members, have left the clan, and claims to have no idea what they are doing. Cortes knows that he is lying, however, explaining that Yami microchips all the Shadow Clan members. Cortes also mocks the Shadow Clan for being weak after losing their strongest member, Kaze, and claims that they are much more disorganized than his Adventurer Unit.

Cortes says that everyone is pathetic, and that's why Charles doesn't show up to the meetings. Ellen put her trust into a "random tamer" named TJ, and failed. He also says that the Shadow Clan's days are likely numbered due to the lack of loyalty. Teneson then decides to end the meeting, and asks everyone to say what they'll be doing before the next meeting, in roughly 2 weeks. Cortes says that the Adventurer Unit has discovered the location of another key, and they are heading towards it. Yami explains that he will enter the field in the first time in 20 years to find Kaze. Ellen says she will look for a new CEO of Oasis Energy, as the current CEO is unqualified. Joseph says that he will prepare to write PR statements when everyone else messes up. Teneson concludes, saying he will be "hunting rats."

When everyone else leaves, Joseph turns to the camera, asking the viewer if they were as entertained as he was. He also tells the viewer that it's rude to spy on meetings they weren't invited to. He reminds them that they'll have to "pick a side soon," and he knows which side will be viewed as the right side of history. He ends by saying that he will be victorious, no matter what.


Random Encounters

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Sand (Lv. 28-43)
Mauspunch 1 Mauspunch Melee Type IconMelee Common None
Prickles 1 Prickles Plant Type IconPlant/Melee Type IconMelee Uncommon None
Perfumi 1 Perfumi Mind Type IconMind Rare None
Diyossua 1 Diyossua Spirit Type IconSpirit/Crystal Type IconCrystal Very Rare None
Snow Piles (Lv. 30-43)
Wisp 1 Wisp Spirit Type IconSpirit Common None
Spirice 1 Spirice Spirit Type IconSpirit/Ice Type IconIce Uncommon None
Bellbird 1 Bellbird Plant Type IconPlant Uncommon None
Cryotera 1 Cryotera Air Type IconAir/Ice Type IconIce Uncommon None
Yonna 1 Yonna Beast Type IconBeast Rare None
Wydling 1 Wydling Spirit Type IconSpirit Rare None
Ciyrup 1 Ciyrup Ice Type IconIce/Food Type IconFood Rare S'coneS'cone (10%)
Shyce 1 Shyce Ice Type IconIce Very Rare None

Set Encounters

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
When First Entered (Lv. 5)
Ciyrup 2 Ciyrup Ice Type IconIce Food Type IconFood One Only (cannot be caught) S'coneS'cone (10%)
The above Doodle cannot be caught. All moves will fail or miss when used against it. Its only known move is Boom Boom.


Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Explorer Ferdinand Clangutang 1ClangutangEarth Type IconMetal Type Icon Lvl. 46 Unknown None Swift Shield,
Wide Shield,
Seamstress 1SeamstressSpirit Type IconMetal Type Icon Lvl. 46 Elegance None Scissor Guard,
Spirit Claws,
Seamknight 1SeamknightSpirit Type IconMetal Type Icon Lvl. 46 Vigor None Scissor Guard,
Sword Sweep,
Reward $5000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Bodybuilder Georgie Abyssent 1AbyssentWater Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 46 Bright Lights None Flashing Strike,
Rip Current,
Fin Slash,
Gomutt 1GomuttWater Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? None Fin Slash,
Icy Bite,
Voltenchant 1VoltenchantSpark Type Icon Lvl. 46 Conductor None Dark Slash,
Shock Wave,
Shock Therapy,
Reward $2500

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
"Scientist" Vorp Taryonix 1TaryonixEarth Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 47 Oil Spill ??? Shatter,
Earth Surge,
Yorus 1YorusBeast Type Icon Lvl. 47 ??? None Crunch,
Reckless Charge,
Reward $2000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Lost Boy Nibs Tasmarauder 1TasmarauderBeast Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 43 ??? None Savage Blow,
Meiolicant 1MeiolicantPoison Type Icon Lvl. 43 Retaliate None Venom Lacerate,
Banautilus 1BanautilusPlant Type IconFood Type Icon Lvl. 43 ??? None Bee Summon,
Plant Sap,
Velodo 1VelodoAir Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 43 ??? ??? ???,
Wyvernal 1WyvernalFire Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 43 ??? ??? Lava Toss,
Reward $1200

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Backpacker Louts Cragildae 1CragildaeEarth Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? None ???,
Aluminja 1AluminjaMetal Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? None Mineral Cannon,
Henchum 1HenchumDark Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? None Electro Punch,
Reward ???

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Cactus Jones Cacmeow 1CacmeowPlant Type IconEarth Type Icon Lvl. 50 Retaliate None Seed Assault,
Electro Slash,
Prickles 1PricklesPlant Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Retaliate None Shatter,
Body Slam,
Seed Assault,
Prickles 1PricklesPlant Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Retaliate None Shatter,
Body Slam,
Seed Assault,
Reward $2500

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Businessman Alexander Pompaboar 1PompaboarBasic Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Clumsy Swing,
Cold Glance,
Pompaboar 1PompaboarBasic Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Clumsy Swing,
Cold Glance,
Moyai 1MoyaiEarth Type Icon Lvl. 50 Durable None Psychic Ram,
Moyai 1MoyaiEarth Type Icon Lvl. 50 Durable None Psychic Ram,
Reward $5000


Item Location
PolkadotCapsule 10 Polkadot Capsules To the right of Bodybuilder Georgie, behind some rocks.
Gems 400 Gems Behind the ice spikes in front of Scientist Vorp.
Stat Candy 30 Stat Candies In a small cave at the end of the route, on the left.


  • Route 8 was originally called Route 11
  • On release, a tamer in the snow piles had the exact same dialogue and doodles as Scientist Vorp. This was fixed in patch v0.9.85.