Doodle World Wiki

Route 7 is an enormous desert. It is located at the end of Arid Mines. It is connected with Ruined Castle, but you must talk to the guard at the front of the Oasis gate first to get access to it.

Story Events[]

After gaining access to Route 7, the group goes to Route 7 to go to The Oasis. Unfortunately, a guard blocks them, saying that one of the DoodleCo employees rented The Oasis for 2 days, and that only a few people had access to Oasis for now. Suddenly, a mysterious man in a cowboy outfit approached. He introduced himself to the player. His name is Kentucky Smith. He is one of the assistants of the mayor of The Oasis. He is an archeologist and likes to go on an adventure. He asked the player to help him beat the Ghost who is guarding the Ruined Castle as he wants to explore it. Once they have beaten the ghost, Kentucky Smith will grant the group the access to The Oasis.


Wild Doodles

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Sand Pits (Lv. 23-34)
Mauspunch 1 Mauspunch Melee Type IconMelee Common None
Needling 1 Needling Plant Type IconPlant Common Potted CactusPotted Cactus (??%)
Fledgeo 1 Fledgeo Air Type IconAir/Earth Type IconEarth Common Dusty BandanaDusty Bandana (??%)
Amphipyre 1 Amphipyre Fire Type IconFire Uncommon None
Duraje 1 Duraje Earth Type IconEarth Uncommon Sandstone NecklaceSandstone Necklace (??%)
Cacmeow 1 Cacmeow Plant Type IconPlant/Earth Type IconEarth Rare Potted CactusPotted Cactus (??%)
Cubreal 1 Cubreal Spark Type IconSpark/Earth Type IconEarth Very Rare Eggshell HelmetEggshell Helmet (??%)

Dusty BandanaDusty Bandana (??%)

Reward for catching the above Doodles: Desert Royalty color

Legendary Doodles are not listed in the table above.


Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Miner Eli Polargeist 1PolargeistSpirit Type IconIce Type Icon Lvl. 40 Ethereal None Frostgrip,
Piercing Ice,
Reward $3,000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Miner Brock Mauspunch 1MauspunchMelee Type Icon Lvl. 37 Unknown None Clumsy Swing,
Reckless Charge,
Mauspunch 1MauspunchMelee Type Icon Lvl. 37 Bulwark None Reckless Charge,
Suomous 1SuomousMelee Type Icon Lvl. 37 Unknown Determination Headband Headband Protect,
Reckless Charge,
Reward $3000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Miner Patrick Anubeetle 1AnubeetleInsect Type IconEarth Type Icon Lvl. 37 Dust Storm None Shale,
Itchy Bite,
Claydance 1ClaydanceEarth Type Icon Lvl. 37 Durable None Earth Lance,
Armor Break,
Cubreal 1CubrealSpark Type IconEarth Type Icon Lvl. 37 Unknown None Earth Surge,
Earth Lance
Prickles 1PricklesPlant Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 37 Water Absorb None Counter Punch,
Leaf Tornado,
Seed Assault
Reward $3,000


Item Location
PolkadotCapsule 5 Polkadot Capsules Near the entrance from Arid Mines
Super Bandage 5 Super Bandages Behind a rock near Route 7 sign
Chain Capsule Chain Capsule Near Miner Patrick on the western side of the desert
EarthCandyCube 3 Earth Candy Cubes Behind a tree to the right of the gate to The Oasis
Lesser Chain Ticket Lesser Chain Ticket Go past the data chip near the Ruined Castle entrance to enter a hidden area

Other Rewards[]

Item Location
Data Chip Data Chip Close to a rock near the entrance of Route 7
Data Chip Data Chip To the left of the entrance to the Ruined Castle
Data Chip Data Chip At the right fork instead of turning left to go the Ruined Castle


  • There is an ancient relic in the middle of the route that can heal your doodles
  • Route 7 was revealed in the official discord server on the 13th of February.
  • The skulls in Route 7 resemble Gowatt skulls.
  • The Gem reward from the chest near the Ruined Castle entrance has been reduced, from 300 to a Lesser Chain Ticket as of an update at (date unknown).