Doodle World Wiki

Route 6 is a cliffside route that overlooks the ocean and a few small islands. It is filled with ancient pillars and ruins. At its far end, it is connected to the DoodleCo Academy.

Story Events[]

Upon entering the route, the player sees TJ and Suzie trying to stop an argument between Quincy and a rebellious school student, dressed like a punk. After Quincy asks her about the location of the third key, she gets defensive and refuses to help Quincy. He threatens to have his father expel her from the academy if she refuses to help. Ignoring him, she pushes him out of the way to ask the player if they like DoodleCo, and gives the player a yes/no choice to pick. Regardless of their answer, the girl will comment on how the player seems to be different to Quincy, and she introduces herself as Erika. She tells the player that she can help them find the third key if they meet her after she attends "her club," which is the only reason she still goes to school. Then, she heads back to the academy.

Both Quincy and TJ express their distaste for Erika's attitude. Then, Quincy comments on how TJ is still wearing the uniform that the von Sweets goon gave him back in von Sweetsville. TJ says that the outfit has grown on him. Then, Quincy announces that the group should make their way to DoodleCo Academy, and they tell the player to meet them there.


Random Encounters

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Tall Grass (Lv. 19-25)
Bunsweet 1 Bunsweet Basic Type IconBasic/Food Type IconFood Common ThingamajigThingamajig (10%)
Squelly 1 Squelly Mind Type IconMind/Water Type IconWater Common None
Wiglet 1 Wiglet Basic Type IconBasic Uncommon BowlcutBowlcut (50%)
Partybug 1 Partybug Insect Type IconInsect/Mind Type IconMind Rare Oakwood staffOakwood Staff (10%)
Aspark 1 Aspark Spark Type IconSpark Rare None
Eftue 1 Eftue Earth Type IconEarth/Mind Type IconMind Very Rare


Reward for catching the above Doodles: Scholar Title

Legendary Doodles are not listed in the table above.


Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Academy Student Mary Kitsen 1KitsenFire Type Icon Lvl. 25 Concentrated None Reckless Charge,
Burning Orb,
Fiery Bite,
Combo Support
Ruffire 1RuffireBeast Type IconFire Type Icon Lvl. 27 Destructive Anger None Howl,
Fiery Bite,
Heat Bash,
Reckless Charge
Furzen 1FurzenIce Type Icon Lvl. 29 Savage None Icy Veil,
Quick Ice,
Iron Chomp,
Icy Bite
Reward $3,000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Academy Student Isaac Squed 1SquedEarth Type Icon Lvl. 25 Fortified None Sedimentary Defense,
Hype Up,
Squed 1SquedEarth Type Icon Lvl. 27 Fortified None Sedimentary Defense,
Hype Up,
Squed 1SquedEarth Type Icon Lvl. 29 Fortified None Sedimentary Defense,
Hype Up,
Squed 1SquedEarth Type Icon Lvl. 31 Fortified None Sedimentary Defense,
Reckless Charge
Moyai 1MoyaiEarth Type Icon Lvl. 31 Fortified None Sedimentary Defense,
Wide Shield,
Reckless Charge,
Reward $3,000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Academy Student Jake Twigon 1TwigonBasic Type Icon Lvl. 25 Unraveling None Yarn Snare,
Wvyarn 1WvyarnBasic Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 27 Unraveling None Yarn Snare,
Wing Slash
Spunny 1SpunnyBasic Type IconSpirit Type Icon Lvl. 29 Doll Eyes None Claw Swipes,
Spirit Orb,
Reward $3,000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Academy Student Ashley Eftue 1EftueEarth Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 25 Fortified None Enlightenment,
Reverse Singularity,
Earth Lance
Apurrition 1ApurritionSpirit Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 27 Wish For Wealth None Subterfuge,
Mind Drain,
Eftue 1EftueEarth Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 29 Fortified None Magical Shield,
Earth Lance,
Reverse Singularity,
Mind Drain
Reward $3,000


Item Location
Silver VP Ticket Silver VP Ticket On the roof of Von Sweets' Factory, accessible by climbing the right-hand side of it after entering the route.
Ice Cream Pop Ice Cream Pop On top of a pillar after passing the bridge to Runic Island.

Other Rewards[]

Item Location
Data Chip Data Chip On a pillar stacked on top of two other pillars, after passing the bridge to Runic Island.


  • There is an ancient relic in the beginning of the route that can heal your doodles.
  • Academy Student Isaac's team and dialogue ("Down with the Louis Fanclub!") is a reference to Squed's original Doodlepedia entry, which was "Probably born from a cult. Don't tell anyone."
  • On the right of the cliffside, on the island near the entrance of the route, there is a stack of 4 Octonuts and 1 Cocosquid on top of the stack. The third Octonut in the stack is a misprint.
  • On another small island, there is a big Leazar overlooking a herd of Plipo.
  • There is also a single Squed standing on a tilted rock past the 2nd tamer on the cliffside.
  • On an update at 29/7/2023(?), the chest at the top of Von sweets' Factory is now replaced with a Silver VP Ticket, and the gem chest under the bridge is now removed.