Doodle World Wiki
Plant Type Icon

Plant is one of the Types in Doodle World.

Currently, there are 46 Doodles with Plant type without counting the awakened forms or form changes.

Type Effectiveness[]

When attacking:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
½× ½× ½× ½×
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½×

When defending:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
½× ½× ½× ½×
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½×


Plant Type Moves Type Category Description Power Accuracy Uses
1,000 Needles Plant Type Icon Physical The user sprays a barrage of needles at the target. Lowers the user's defense and magical defense. 120 100% 5
Armillaria Plant Type Icon Support The user creates a huge mushroom that spreads throughout the entire field, causing pivot moves to fail. Last 5 turns, duration resets when the move is used while active. -- -- 5
Barb Barrier Plant Type Icon Support The user protects itself for a turn with a barb barrier. If anything makes contact with the barb barrier, they take damage. Fails automatically if used in succession. +6 Priority. -- -- 10
Barkskin Plant Type Icon Support The user fortifies its skin, greatly increasing its defense. -- -- 20
Branch Launch Plant Type Icon Physical The user launches tree branches at the target. 70 100% 20
Compost Plant Type Icon Support Heals all your party's status effects. -- -- 5
Entangling Vines Plant Type Icon Support The user sets up entangling vines on the opponent's side. If any Doodle gets sent out onto the vines, lower their speed. This is an entry hazard. Doesn't affect Plant-types and Air-types. -- -- 20
Floral Fang Plant Type Icon Physical User snaps up the target with its flytrap. 65 100% 10
Hemlock Hit Plant Type Icon Physical The user attacks with poisonous plants. Has a 20% chance to poison. 80 100% 10
Leaf Blade Plant Type Icon Physical The user uses a leaf as a weapon and attacks by slicing. High chance to crit. 1/6 (16.7%) chance to land a critical hit. 90 100% 10
Leaf Sap Plant Type Icon Magical Shoots a nutrient-sucking leaf at the target. Restores the user for half the damage done. 40 100% 20
Leaf Tornado Plant Type Icon Magical The user summons a tornado with leaves, doing massive damage. This greatly lowers the attacker's magic attack. 140 90% 5
Life Roots Plant Type Icon Support The user plants its life-healing roots in the ground. At the end of each turn, it heals health. Heals 12% of the user's HP each turn. -- -- 10
Life Sap Plant Type Icon Magical Saps the life of the target. Restores the user for half the damage done. 90 100% 10
Lilypad Leap Plant Type Icon Magical The user attacks the target, and then quickly returns back to its owner to switch places with a party Doodle. If the Doodle that switches in is Lilivian or Gobblegoo, give them a stat boost. 65 100% 10
Nature's Guardian Plant Type Icon Support The user is protected by a nature's guardian. If a Doodle hits them with a contact move, has a 50% chance boost all of their stats. 50% chance to boost all stats by 1 stage when hit by a contact move. -- -- 10
Needle Spike Plant Type Icon Physical The user shoots spikes at the target. 50 100% 20
Paralysis Spores Plant Type Icon Support The user scatters spores that paralyzes the target. Plant and spark types are immune. -- 75% 15
Parasitic Seeds Plant Type Icon Support The user sends parasitic seeds at the target. At the end of each turn, those seeds steals health from the target. Target loses 6% of their HP each turn, and the user restores HP based on the target's HP lost. -- 90% 10
Plant Sap Plant Type Icon Magical Uses plants to sap the life of the target. Restores the user for half the damage done. 65 100% 15
Pumpkin Spin Plant Type Icon Physical The user spins around inside a pumpkin. This clears hazards on their side of the field. 50 100% 10
Rage Spores Plant Type Icon Support The user scatters spores that causes the target to rage. -- 70% 15
Sakura Blast Plant Type Icon Magical A spiral of cherry blossoms strikes. Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. 75 90% 15
Seed Assault Plant Type Icon Physical The user assaults the target with seeds. Has a 20% chance to flinch. 90 100% 15
Slash and Burn Plant Type Icon Physical The user uses a leaf as a weapon, sets it on fire, and then attacks. Has a 30% chance to burn. 80 100% 10
Sleep Spores Plant Type Icon Support The user scatters spores that induces sleep. Plant-types are immune. -- 75% 15
Thorns of Wrath Plant Type Icon Physical Attacks furiously with thorns. 100 100% 10
Thorny Thwack Plant Type Icon Physical Thwacks the target with thorns. Has a 20% chance to flinch the target. 80 100% 10
Wild Growth Plant Type Icon Magical Summons plants to attack the target. May boost all of the user's stats (10% chance). 60 100% 10

Doodles with this Type[]

Pure Plant-type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#038 Tortles 1Tortles Plant Type IconPlant
#039 Snortles 1Snortles Plant Type IconPlant
#040 Megortles 1Megortles Plant Type IconPlant
#044 Faunsprout 1Faunsprout Plant Type IconPlant
#045 Blossafaun 1Blossafaun Plant Type IconPlant
#046 Tulenna 1Tulenna Plant Type IconPlant
#047 Leapo 1Leapo Plant Type IconPlant
#048 Leazar 1Leazar Plant Type IconPlant
#080 Needling 1Needling Plant Type IconPlant
#272 Bellbird 1Bellbird Plant Type IconPlant
#351 Foxsy 1Foxsy Plant Type IconPlant
#352 Vuleur 1Vuleur Plant Type IconPlant
#393 Blossaur 1Blossaur Plant Type IconPlant
#415 Sprouchick 1Sprouchick Plant Type IconPlant

Half Plant-type Doodles[]

Primary Plant-type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#029 Springling 1Springling Plant Type IconPlant/Basic Type IconBasic
#046 A-Tulenna 1A-Tulenna Plant Type IconPlant/Poison Type IconPoison
#049 Flittum 1Flittum Plant Type IconPlant/Air Type IconAir
#050 Humbiscus 1Humbiscus Plant Type IconPlant/Air Type IconAir
#079 Cacmeow 1Cacmeow Plant Type IconPlant/Earth Type IconEarth
A-Cacmeow 1A-Cacmeow
#081 Prickles 1Prickles Plant Type IconPlant/Melee Type IconMelee
#168 DewaffeDewaffe Plant Type IconPlant/Poison Type IconPoison
#169 Girasera 1Girasera Plant Type IconPlant/Poison Type IconPoison
#273 Chirpine 1Chirpine Plant Type IconPlant/Air Type IconAir
#274 Jinglark 1Jinglark Plant Type IconPlant/Air Type IconAir
A-Jinglark 1A-Jinglark
#328 Foresatl 1Foresatl Plant Type IconPlant/Beast Type IconBeast
#329 Feracoatl 1Feracoatl Plant Type IconPlant/Beast Type IconBeast
#336 Squinana 1Squinana Plant Type IconPlant/Food Type IconFood
#337 Banautilus 1Banautilus Plant Type IconPlant/Food Type IconFood
#353 Fabulupin 1Fabulupin Plant Type IconPlant/Crystal Type IconCrystal
#394 Carnivower 1Carnivower Plant Type IconPlant/Beast Type IconBeast
#395 Sprubble 1Sprubble Plant Type IconPlant/Earth Type IconEarth
#396 Goliage 1Goliage Plant Type IconPlant/Earth Type IconEarth
#411 Acorv 1Acorv Plant Type IconPlant/Insect Type IconInsect
#412 Wizvil 1Wizvil Plant Type IconPlant/Insect Type IconInsect
#416 Lilivian 1Lilivian Plant Type IconPlant/Mind Type IconMind
#417 Gobblegoo 1Gobblegoo Plant Type IconPlant/Poison Type IconPoison

Secondary Plant-type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#017 Roscoon 1Roscoon Insect Type IconInsect/Plant Type IconPlant
#018 Thornet 1Thornet Insect Type IconInsect/Plant Type IconPlant
A-Thornet 1A-Thornet Metal Type IconMetal/Plant Type IconPlant
#078 Moss 1Moss Water Type IconWater/Plant Type IconPlant
#088 Glummish 1Glummish Dark Type IconDark/Plant Type IconPlant
#089 Mourveil 1Mourveil Dark Type IconDark/Plant Type IconPlant
A-Mourveil 1A-Mourveil
#218 Dizipore 1Dizipore Mind Type IconMind/Plant Type IconPlant
#219 Hypnotl 1Hypnotl Mind Type IconMind/Plant Type IconPlant
A-Hypnotl 1A-Hypnotl
#280 Junipyro 1Junipyro Fire Type IconFire/Plant Type IconPlant
#281 Squonk 1Squonk Spirit Type IconSpirit/Plant Type IconPlant
#282 Hollihare 1Hollihare Ice Type IconIce/Plant Type IconPlant
#283 Fluppy 1 Fluppy Light Type IconLight/Plant Type IconPlant