Doodle World Wiki

Inari is a shinobi of the ShadowClan who runs into the player throughout their journey. The name "Inari" always appears in quotation marks, meaning that it is simply a nickname made to conceal her identity. Her real name is unknown.

Quick Answers

What is the significance of the name 'Inari' in the ShadowClan universe? toggle section
In the ShadowClan universe, 'Inari' is an alias for a female ShadowClan member. The player first encounters her, marking her significance. Her loyalty to the clan is evident when she steals the Stone Key. As a trainee in the ShadowClan, a group known for its history of espionage and assassinations, she uses 'Inari' to hide her real identity, which is not disclosed.
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What happens when the player first encounters Inari in the game? toggle section
Inari, a shinobi-in-training, first meets the player at the end of Route 1, where she inadvertently breaks the Shinobi Code by bumping into them. To prevent her elder from discovering her mistake, she initiates a Doodle battle with the player, promising to give them an Equipment Case and a Dec if she is defeated.
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Why does Inari challenge the player to a battle? toggle section
Inari, a trainee shinobi, instigates a Doodle battle with the player due to an accidental collision. This mishap contravenes the Shinobi Code's Rule 8, which, if exposed to her elder, could lead to her failure and clan-determined destiny. To avert this, she proposes a battle, stipulating that the player must remain silent about the event if she emerges victorious.
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What does Inari give the player after being defeated? toggle section
Upon defeat on Route 1, Inari rewards the player with an Equipment Case and a Decorative Katana.
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Route 1 & Crossroads[]

Inari is first encountered by the player when she runs directly into them at the end of Route 1. She hastily gets the player to battle her, in an attempt to get them to not tell on her. When she is defeated, she gives the player an Equipment Case and a Decorative Katana equipment, telling them to keep quiet.

She later reappears at The Crossroads, stealing the Opal Orb from TJ. The player must venture into Crystal Caverns to recover it. Upon defeating her, they can receive a reward at Graphite Lodge's Help Center.

Chef’s Valley[]

Her next appearance is at Chef's Valley, where she explains about Pandishi to Quincy, Suzie, and the player. This is also the first time that her clan, the Shadow Clan, is referenced by its name. Suzie explains that the Shadow Clan carries out thefts and infrequent assassinations. Inari quickly dismisses the part about assassinations as untrue. She then tells the group that the leader of the Shadow Clan owns a Pandishi, and that it can be difficult to deal with sometimes.

Lakewood Sewers[]

Once the player is able to obtain the Book Key, they are able to return to the Lakewood Sewers and unlock the Printing Facility. While the construction worker is trying to remove the blockage, Inari, Rufus, and the player decide to chat at Riffraff’s Lair. After Rufus tells them that he obtained the Forest Key from a bandit with no sanity, Inari tells Rufus and the player that she stole the Stone Key from the Museum Curator of the Doodle Museum of History. To pass the time, the two ask the player which one they want to battle. After the player finishes battling either Rufus or Inari, the construction worker finishes removing the blockage and Route 12 is now able to be accessed.

Underground Oasis Meeting[]

She is briefly mentioned by Mister Riffraff at DoodleCo Office J when he reveals that Yami, the ShadowClan Leader and 5th Executive, has had one of his subordinates (Inari) obtain a key. This means that Yami will surpass Ellen and become the 4th Executive.


Route 1[]

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shinobi "Inari" Kitsen 1KitsenFire Type Icon Lvl. 5 Premonition None Mind Power,
Reward BriefcaseEquipment Case and Decorative KatanaDecorative Katana


Crystal Caverns[]

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shinobi "Inari" Mawthra 1MawthraInsect Type IconPoison Type Icon Lvl. 20 Poisonous Skin None Lingering Poison,
Skorpent 1SkorpentFire Type Icon Lvl. 21 Firewall Used Timber Used timber Hiss,
Flame Rattle,
Grufflin 1GrufflinFood Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 22 Caloric Deficit None Sylphid,
Sugar Kiss,
Air Strike,
Squed 1SquedEarth Type Icon Lvl. 23 Durable None Trap,
Groato 1GroatoBasic Type Icon Lvl. 24 Careless Used Crayons Used Crayons Headbutt,
Kitsen 1KitsenFire Type Icon Lvl. 25 Magician Used Timber Used timber Fiery Bite,
Burning Orb,
Mind Power,
Reward 6,000$

Riffraff's Lair[]

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shinobi Inari Groato 1GroatoBasic Type Icon Lvl. 33 Unknown Used Crayons Used Crayons Bonk,
Body Slam,
Aluminja 1AluminjaMetal Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 33 Unraveling Determination Jelly Determination Jelly Reckless Charge,
Iron Slash,
Henchum 1HenchumDark Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 34 Dimwitted Cursed Cloak Cursed Cloak Glaze Punch,
Unguarded Strike,
Electro Punch
Corrolizard 1CorrolizardPoison Type Icon Lvl. 34 Corrosion Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament Thunder Strike,
Goo Blast,
Mercury Puddle,
Kitsen 1KitsenFire Type Icon Lvl. 36 Scorch Gold Laminate Gold Laminate Mind Empowerment,
A-Cryotera 1A-CryoteraDark Type IconIce Type Icon Lvl. 36 Bypass Cryotera Rune CryoteraRune Cone of Cold,
Feral Fury,
Reward $18,000

Icywood Forest[]

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shinobi Inari Aerystal 1AerystalCrystal Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 50 Unknown Used Crayons Used Crayons Aerial,
Body Slam,
Storm Heal,
Crystal Cut
Aluminja 1AluminjaMetal Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Unraveling Determination Jelly Determination Jelly Reckless Charge,
Iron Slash,
Electro Slash,
Henchum 1HenchumDark Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Dimwitted None Glaze Punch,
Unguarded Strike,
Electro Punch
Corrolizard 1CorrolizardPoison Type Icon Lvl. 50 Corrosion Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament Thunder Strike,
Goo Blast,
Mercury Puddle,
Vixalor 1VixalorFire Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 50 Scorch Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament Mind Empowerment,
A-Cryotera 1A-CryoteraDark Type IconIce Type Icon Lvl. 50 Bypass Cryotera Rune CryoteraRune Cone of Cold,
Feral Fury,
Dark Blast
Reward $13,000


Inari is very dedicated to being a shinobi, but she is also very clumsy.

