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Icywood Forest is a frozen forest near Icyridge. It can first be entered through Route 8.


Random Encounters

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Snow Piles (Lv. 10-41)
Bowlinguin 1 Bowlinguin Ice Type IconIce Common None
Fluffi 1 Fluffi Beast Type IconBeast Common None
Snobobo 1 Snobobo Basic Type IconBasic/Ice Type IconIce Uncommon None
Gorpo 1 Gorpo Mind Type IconMind Uncommon None
Floxy 1 Floxy Ice Type IconIce Rare None
Glimring 1 Glimring Crystal Type IconCrystal/Metal Type IconMetal Very Rare None


Upon entering Icywood Forest, you stumble upon Suzie and Quincy having a conversation. Quincy mentions that the only reason why she caught that doodle is because she had a Gold Capsule. Suzie promises to pay him back. Just then, Desmond and Rosemary arrive.

Desmond explains that he is the community leader of Icyridge. Rosemary goes on a rant about the Player's "blue strings of control," ending with her screaming "BLUE. BLUE. BLUE. BLUE. NONE OF THIS IS REAL." She then tells you to do her Help Center request and leaves. You will then have to battle Desmond at the end of Icywood Forest. Once you beat him, he tells you that he is in fact Number One (one of Mister Riffraff's henchmen), and the adoptive father of Anna, the Key Guardian of the Frigid Key. He then tells you to go save Icyridge from the Shadow Clan's invasion.


Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Traveler Travis Pancabear 1PancabearFood Type IconInsect Type Icon Lvl. 48 Menacing Snarl None Fiery Bite,
Electro Bite,
Hahayena 1HahayenaSpark Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 48 ??? None Crystal Cut,
Electro Bite,
Reward $5,000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Student Alchemist Harry Flaskit 1FlaskitCrystal Type IconBasic Type Icon Lvl. 47 Crystalline None Alloy Missiles,
Scalivur 1ScalivurWater Type Icon Lvl. 47 ??? None ???,
Vuliable 1VuliableCrystal Type IconBasic Type Icon Lvl. 47 Nonchalant None Crystal Cut,
Reward $7,500

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Professional Hater Joshua Aerystal 1AerystalAir Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? None Crystal Armor,
Crystal Cut
Grimmlen 1GrimmlenSpirit Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? None Sylphid,
Kidere 1KidereIce Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 46 Guilt None Mind Drain,
Snorolla 1SnorollaIce Type IconBasic Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? None Body Slam,
Reward $400

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Community Leader Desmond Umaisho 1UmaishoFood Type Icon Lvl. 44 Water Absorb Dark Chocolate Dark Chocolate Tsunami,
Nutrient Drain,
Jinglark 1JinglarkPlant Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 45 Discover Used Crayons Used Crayons Festive Fervor,
Entangling Vines,
Life Sap,
Megortles 1MegortlesPlant Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? Used Crayons Used Crayons Protect,
Entangling Vines,
Plant Sap,
Snowclowne 1SnowclowneIce Type IconFood Type Icon Lvl. 47 ??? ??? Cone Cannon,
Mineral Cannon,
Fast Food,
Gem Blast
Fabulupin 1FabulupinPlant Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 48 Premonition Crystal Taffy Crystal Taffy Venom Bite,
Crystal Arrow,
Leaf Blade,
A-Calamander 1A-CalamanderFood Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 49 Hidden Strength Calamander Rune LollipopArtirune Bestial Wrath,
Just Desserts,
Reward $12,500


Item Location
SwarmSnack 1Swarm Snack In the blue tent at the campsite towards the end of the route
Revive2 Revives Half-buried in the snow, towards the ice castle
ScrollIceAbsolute Zero Scroll In the ditch behind the doodle board at the beginning of the route
Duct Tape2 Duct Tape On top of the over hang, half-buried in the snow

Other Rewards[]

Item Location
Data Chip Data Chip In the middle of the road near the beginning of the route.
Data Chip Data Chip On the top of the left side of the arch in the center of the route.
Data Chip Data Chip To the right of the entrance into Icyridge.
LollipopArtirune Calamander Candy Given to the player after defeating Desmond.