Doodle World Wiki

Icyridge is a town where the Frigid Key, belonging to Anna, is located. According to Quincy, the town is full of "backwards savages" who hate change. Thus, DoodleCo has not been able to influence the town (excluding Mr Riffraff). The town features an alchemy station which fulfils the role as a Doodle Station.


As the player enters the town alongside Quincy, Suzie, and Desmond, they confront three Shadow Clan members attempt to access the lift into the city. Before the battles, Desmond heals The Player's doodles. The clan members remark how they fear being punished by "Yami" before fleeing. Afterwards, Desmond tells the player, Suzie, and Quincy to meet at the town's Help Center.

Desmond explains at the Help center that the town is run by three factions; the townspeople, guards, and the alchemists. The former two groups disassociate with DoodleCo, but the alchemists wish to collaborate with DoodleCo, as it would fulfil their ambition to obtain the Frigid Key. No decision can be made without all three factions agreeing. Desmond believes that Captain Silvier, the head of the guards rolle in protecting Anna should be superseded by the player. Sending the party to meet with Captain Silvier in the guards' longhouse, Desmond states his suspicion towards the alchemists and goes to investigate them.

In the longhouse, Silvier expresses his distrust for the player since he was sent by Desmond, who "abandoned the town when they needed him most" to follow Mister Riffraff. Anna disagrees, saying that Desmond's partnership with Riffraff benefited the town. Suzie insists that the player is capable since they have four keys. Silvier asks the player if they genuinely wish to protect Anna, or if they just want her key. The former choice results in a Karma gain, while the latter results in a karma loss. Afterwards, Silvier states that the leader of the alchemists, Flannesbury, is a candidate for protecting Anna.

TJ enters the room, arrogantly stating that the others are a "speck to his story" as he is the "chosen one." Quincy and Suzie reprimands his behavior, to which he criticizes Suzie of her capability in the group, as she has no ambitions to be a tamer nor gain the keys. Suzie replies she had a promise with an anonymous person which could fix her tastebuds. She also comments that the player is much stronger than TJ, and that they would "wipe the floor" with Silvier. He is offended by this and orders Suzie to be arrested and thrown in the dungeon for treason. When Silvier leaves, Quincy tells the player to meet him in the dungeon to rescue Suzie.

Important Places & NPCs[]

Ser Font[]

Ser Font is a named NPC near the subway station that allows you to unlock the ability to change the font style of your doodle's name. The cost is $100,000 per doodle.

John Doodle[]

John Doodle is a difficult trainer that uses 6 Random Doodles with a higher level than the players party that change weekly. The list of Doodles he uses can be found here. Once a week, when defeated, he will give the player 700 gems. Once they receive this reward, they will have to wait until the next week to claim it again.

Dungeon (Near the market place)[]

Jail where criminals of Icyridge are kept. There are 9 levels, the farther down, the more serious the crime committed. The 9th level is where the worst criminals are kept and not even guards are permitted to go to that level.

Icyridge Hold[]

The Icyridge Hold is the palace in which Anna resides. It is where the player challenges Kaze to prevent him from obtaining the Frigid Key.

Help Center[]

The Help Center of Icyridge is where citizens of Icyridge are able to create a help request and accept other help requests.


Random Encounters

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Snow Pile (Lv.10-43)
Hyekeke 1 Hyekeke Spark Type IconSpark/Crystal Type IconCrystal Common None
Scorsurge 1 Scorsurge Poison Type IconPoison/Spark Type IconSpark Common None
Snorolla 1 Snorolla Basic Type IconBasic/Ice Type IconIce Uncommon None
Snowclone 1 Snowclowne Ice Type IconIce/Food Type IconFood Rare None
Jiangbo 1 Jiangbo Basic Type IconBasic/Fire Type IconFire Rare None
Scarfox 1 Scarfox Ice Type IconIce Rare None
Saltot 1 Saltot Crystal Type IconCrystal Very Rare None
Hahayena 1 Hahayena Spark Type IconSpark/Crystal Type IconCrystal Very Rare None
Reward for catching the above Doodles: Icy Guardian Color

Legendary Doodles are not listed in the table above.


Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shadow Clan "Shiro" Fluppy 1FluppyPlant Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? None Aurora Flash
Abyssent 1AbyssentWater Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 47 ??? None Wrap,
Fin Slash,
Rip Current
Nimbell 1NimbellLight Type Icon Lvl. 48 ??? None Aurora Flash,
Blessed Blade
Kidere 1KidereIce Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 49 Guilt None Aurora Flash,
Mind Drain
Elefortune 1ElefortuneMind Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Aurora Flash
Reward $5000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shadow Clan "Jiro" Potterfiend 1PotterfiendEarth Type IconDark Type Icon Lvl. 46 ??? None Earth Surge,
Scarfox 1ScarfoxIce Type Icon Lvl. 47 ??? None Icy Slash
Runewt 1RunewtEarth Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 48 ??? None Psychokinetic Launch
Taryonix 1TaryonixEarth Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 49 ??? None Earth Surge
Cragildae 1CragildaeEarth Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Mend,
Unguarded Strike
Reward $5000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shadow Clan "Tsuyoi" Henchum 1HenchumDark Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Berserk,
Fiery Punch,
Dark Slash,
Glaze Punch
Prickles 1PricklesPlant Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Retaliate None
Vigimantè 1VigimantèWater Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Avenger None Dark Slash,
Fin Slash,
Suomous 1SuomousMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Clumsy Swing,
Piercing Poke,
Xenoxious 1XenoxiousPoison Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Unguarded Strike,
Dark Slash,
Piercing Poke
Reward $5000

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Head Guard Tinsley Carnivower 1CarnivowerPlant Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 50 Ferocity None Crunch,
Reckless Charge
Hollihare 1HolliharePlant Type IconIce Type Icon Lvl. 50 Sickly Sweet None Wild Growth,
Cone of Cold
Voltenchant 1VoltenchantSpark Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Reckless Charge,
Dark Slash,
Shock Therapy,
Riptorvent 1RiptorventSpark Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 50 Levitate None Clumsy Swing,
Piercing Poke,
Yorus 1YorusBeast Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Savage Blow,
Caramellow 1CaramellowFood Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? None Nutrient Drain,
Sharp Claws,
Reward $6500

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Anna Morphiu 1MorphiuBasic Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 5 ??? None ???
Reward $1000

Help Center[]

While the "Imprisoned" request is active:

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Tamer Elijah Tufflaze 1TufflazeFire Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 46 Composed Beast Taffy Beast Taffy Shatter,
Bestial Wrath,
Raging Bonfire,
Swoptar 1SwoptarBeast Type IconMetal Type Icon Lvl. 47 Slash Expert Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament Bestial Wrath,
Dark Slash,
Suomous 1SuomousMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Outboxer ??? Light Hook,
Unguarded Strike,
Electro Punch,
Malotrick 1MalotrickDark Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 49 Covetous ??? Energy Wave,
Fatal Flaw,
Scorsurge 1ScorsurgePoison Type IconSpark Type Icon Lvl. 50 Gunk Spark ??? Goo Blast,
Thunder Strike
Kelpimer 1KelpimerSpirit Type IconWater Type Icon Lvl. 51 Foam Guard Used Crayons Used Crayons Vague Vortex,
Tainted Water,
Storm Heal
Reward $10,000

While the "[Player], Fight Me!" request is active:

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Wayfarer Jack Artifixie 1ArtifixieIce Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 58 Silly Blueprint Blueprint Cone of Cold,
Crystal Wall,
Magical Shield
Mielursa 1MielursaFood Type IconInsect Type Icon Lvl. 59 Bee Arena Weird Jelly Weird Jelly Serrated Claws,
Honey Slap,
Icy Bite,
War Cry
Abyssent 1AbyssentWater Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 60 Bright Lights Used Crayons Used Crayons Abyss Breaker,
Cone of Cold,
Pompaboar 1PompaboarBasic Type Icon Lvl. 61 Careless Used Crayons Used Crayons Earthquake,
Body Slam,
Fiery Punch
A-Tufflaze 1A-TufflazeBeast Type IconFire Type Icon Lvl. 62 Annihilation Tufflaze Rune TufflazeRune Bestial Wrath,
Raging Bonfire,
Marigrimm 1MarigrimmSpirit Type Icon Lvl. 63 Serenade ??? Hyper Scream,
Jump Scare,
Siren Song
Reward $10,000


Item Location
Dark Chocolate Dark Chocolate Inside the house located near a green hair NPC named Janet.
Gems 400 Gems In a cell inside dungeon on level three to the right of Suzie's cell (unobtainable after rescuing Suzie)
Duct Tape 3 Duct Tapes To the right after taking the first lift.
Pretty Seashell Pretty Seashell Inside Fisherman's Guild, at the end of the room after going down the ladder.
Chain Capsule Chain Capsule At the top of the hot springs, inside the waterfall.
Weird Jelly Weird Jelly In an alleyway behind the Guard House.
Roulette Ticket Roulette Ticket On some ice stacks to the right of the entrance to Alchemist's Grotto.
Cash $5,000 Behind some crates next to the truss that leads up to the castle.
Unwashed Plushie Unwashed Plushie In the far back of the top floor of the Lacergen Lab.
Smelly Sock Smelly Sock Next to some yellow barrels on the left side of the bottom floor of the Lacergen Lab when you first enter.
Gems 400 Gems Next to the left wall of the dungeon, behind some crates.
PolkadotCapsule 5 Polkadot Capsules In the back of Rosemary's house, on top of a wooden platform. (However, it is slightly glitch)
Stat Candy 12 Stat Candies Inside the blue tent at the campgrounds.
Used timber Used Timber In the back of the campgrounds.
Lesser Chain Ticket Lesser Chain Ticket Behind a crate, on the right after exiting the tunnel that goes to the area with the well.
Sniper Scope Sniper Scope On top of the watchtower on the right next to the Icyridge Subway
Gems 400 Gems Behind a pillar on the path to the castle.

Other Rewards[]

Item Location
Data Chip Data Chip After taking the first lift, before entering the town.
Data Chip Data Chip On the bridge, at the very centre.
Data Chip Data Chip In the town's market, near the lamps
Data Chip Data Chip To the left of Arlo's hot springs.
Data Chip Data Chip In the town's market, under the green stand.
Data Chip Data Chip Left of the entrance of Icyridge Castle, behind the purple stall


  • This is the first and so far only settlement without a Doodle Station, instead it uses an Alchemy Station. Doodle Storage is still available.
  • The player is able to obtain a secondary starter Doodle in Icyridge depending on their original beginner doodle, The 4 secondary starters are Mabat, Fishel, Bearby, and Foxsy.
    • The 4 secondary starters do not share any Types with the first starters.
  • The Godro NPC is a thinly veiled reference to Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen. Him talking about the uniforms needing some red, blue or purple in them is a reference to his Cursed Technique Reversal: Red, Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue, and Hollow Technique: Purple respectively.
  • Wish_z initially stated that Icyridge would be released in early 2024. In his roadmap for April 2024, he stated that it would be released in the same month, but this didn't come to pass. Instead it released a month later, in May 2024.
  • Anybody affiliated with or from the Louis Fanclub is prohibited in Icyridge.
  • There is a chest in the dungeons in a cell near Suzie's cell, but after you exit the level three, you can't go back. This is similar to what happens in Graphite Temple.
  • When this area first released all the chests besides the one near Suzie cell couldn’t be opened