Doodle World Wiki
Doodle World Wiki
Ice Type Icon

Ice is one of the Types in Doodle World.

Currently, there are 27 Doodles with Ice type without counting the awakened forms or form changes.

Type Effectiveness[]

When attacking:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½× ½×

When defending:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½×


Ice Type Moves Type Category Description Power Accuracy Uses
Absolute Zero Ice Type Icon Support The user quickly decreases the temperature around the target. If it hits the target, it freezes them. -- 80% 15
Arctic Blitz Ice Type Icon Physical The user cloaks itself in freezing ice and charges at the target. This hurts the user a little bit. Deals 1/4 of the damage dealt in recoil. 100 100% 5
Chilling Chorus Ice Type Icon Magical The user sings a chilling chorus at the target, damaging all opposing Doodles. 75 100% 10
Cone Cannon Ice Type Icon Magical The user uses its weapon to rapidly shoot bursts of ice at the target. This move hits 3 times, and has a small chance to freeze per hit. 40 85% 10
Cone of Cold Ice Type Icon Magical The user attacks the target with a blast of cold air. Has a 10% chance to freeze. 90 100% 10
Bowling Strike Ice Type Icon Magical The user launches a ball of pure ice at the target, hoping to knock them down, If this move causes the target to faint, greatly boost user's magical attack. 80 100% 10
Flash Freeze Ice Type Icon Magical The user freezes the air around the target, causing massive damage and freezing the opponent. 150 50% 5
Frostbite Ice Type Icon Magical The user gives Frostbite to the target. Causes damage to the target at the end of each turn until they switch out. Deals 12% of the target's HP each turn until they switch out. 150 50% 5
Frostgrip Ice Type Icon Physical Grips the foe with a chilling freeze and has a 10% chance of lowering the target's defense. 55 100% 10
Icefall Ice Type Icon Physical The user causes an avalanche to collapse, focused on the target. The user's attack is boosted if the user has been hurt by the target the same turn. 75 100% 10
Ice Prison Ice Type Icon Support Lowers the target's speed and prevents them from switching out. Lowers target's speed by 1 stage and traps them for 3-5m turns unless the user switches out. -- 100% 10
Icy Bite Ice Type Icon Physical User imbues its fangs with ice and takes a bite at the target. Has a 20% chance to freeze the target. 65 100% 15
Icy Floor Ice Type Icon Support The user turns the field into ice, sometimes causing attackers to miss their attacks. Physical attacks miss 10% more often, and if they miss, the user takes 12% recoil. Icy floor melts upon use of a fire move. -- -- 10
Icy Punch Ice Type Icon Physical The user imbues its fists with ice and takes a punch at the target. Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. 70 100% 15
Icy Slash Ice Type Icon Physical Imbues claws with ice and then slashes in a criss cross pattern. 10% Chance to freeze. 80 100% 10
Icy Veil Ice Type Icon Support Your team is protected from being inflicted by status effects for 5 turns. -- -- 10
Piercing Ice Ice Type Icon Physical User pierces the target's defense with icicles. This move ignores any stat changes the target has. Ignores boosted defense. 75 100% 20
Quick Ice Ice Type Icon Physical The user shoots chunks of ice at the target. This move is certain to strike first. +1 Priority. 40 100% 15
Royal Ice Ice Type Icon Support The user protects itself for a turn with an ice shield. If anything makes contact with the ice shield, they get frozen. Fails automatically if used in succession. +6 priority. -- -- 10
Snap Freeze Ice Type Icon Magical The user instantaneously tries to freeze the target. This attack has a 50% chance to freeze Water-types. 80 100% 15
Snow Fort Ice Type Icon Support User makes a snowfort, greatly boosting its defense. -- -- 20
Snow Roller Ice Type Icon Physical The user encases themselves into ice and rolls into the target. Repeating the use of this move does more damage until the doodle switches out or uses a different move. 30 85% 20
Snowball Ice Type Icon Magical Hurls a snowball. 50 100% 20
Subzero Blizzard Ice Type Icon Magical The user causes a devastating blizzard, dealing damage to all opponents. The user can't attack next turn (though they can switch out). 130 100% 5


Pure Ice-type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#001 Pupskey 1Pupskey Ice Type IconIce
#002 Furzen 1Furzen Ice Type IconIce
#150 Shyce 1Shyce Ice Type IconIce
#320 Alptusk 1Alptusk Ice Type IconIce
#321 MammoltenNormal 1Mammolten Ice Type IconIce
#367 Bowlinguin 1Bowlinguin Ice Type IconIce
#385 Floxy 1Floxy Ice Type IconIce
#386 Scarfox 1Scarfox Ice Type IconIce

Half Ice-type Doodles[]

Primary Ice-type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#003 Wolfreeze 1Wolfreeze Ice Type IconIce/Beast Type IconBeast
#151 Kibara 1Kibara Ice Type IconIce/Crystal Type IconCrystal
#152 Kidere 1Kidere Ice Type IconIce/Light Type IconLight
#246 Ciyrup 1Ciyrup Ice Type IconIce/Food Type IconFood
#247 Snowclowne 1Snowclowne Ice Type IconIce/Food Type IconFood
#282 Hollihare 1Hollihare Ice Type IconIce/Plant Type IconPlant
#290 Koriyu 1Koriyu Ice Type IconIce/Dark Type IconDark
#295 ArtifixieArtifixie Ice Type IconIce/Mind Type IconMind
ArtifixieMEKAArtifixie-Mech Ice Type IconIce/Metal Type IconMetal
#321 MammoltenErupt 1Mammolten (Form Change) Ice Type IconIce/Fire Type IconFire

Secondary Ice-type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#083 Spirice 1Spirice Spirit Type IconSpirit/Ice Type IconIce
#084 Polargeist 1Polargeist Spirit Type IconSpirit/Ice Type IconIce
#085 Snobat 1Snobat Air Type IconAir/Ice Type IconIce
#086 Cryotera 1Cryotera Air Type IconAir/Ice Type IconIce
A-Cryotera 1A-Cryotera Dark Type IconDark/Ice Type IconIce
#108 Schiwi 1Schiwi Water Type IconWater/Ice Type IconIce
#109 Skadean 1Skadean Water Type IconWater/Ice Type IconIce
A-Skadean 1A-Skadean
#119 Endovul 1Endovul Crystal Type IconCrystal/Ice Type IconIce
#261 LacergenIce 1Lacergen (Ice Data) Metal Type IconMetal/Ice Type IconIce
#334 Trilagid 1Trilagid Insect Type IconInsect/Ice Type IconIce
#335 Glacigash 1Glacigash Insect Type IconInsect/Ice Type IconIce
#368 Snobobo 1Snobobo Basic Type IconBasic/Ice Type Icon Ice
#369 Snorolla 1Snorolla Basic Type IconBasic/Ice Type Icon Ice