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The Help Center - Icyridge is a building located in Icyridge whereby the player can accept requests (side quests) posted up by the townspeople and complete them to earn a variety of rewards, such as Doodles, items, key items, and currency. It is the Fifth Help Center that the player can access on their journey.

Upon entering the building, there are two NPCs the player can interact with. One of which is "Helper Henry", who offers help for current requests (location of the help request), and the other being the "Receptionist", who you talk to in order to receive your rewards after completing a request or to cancel the current help request.

List of Help Center Requests[]

Request Name Rewards Requirements
The Blue String A Second Starter Doodle Depending on which one the player chose at the start + The Blue String Title None
Changing Icyridge's Ways Lacergen 1 Unlock Lacergen Wild Encounters & one of the following: None
Imprisoned Unlock the Mount Shop in Lakewood Town and a Red/Blue Scooter/ Hoverboard depending on which one you chose. Finish Icyridge Part 1 (free Suzie from the dungeon)
The Power of Flame Umaisho Matcha Umaisho Matcha Unlocked Runic Island
Barbarians of Icyridge ScrollBasic Loyalty scroll + Storage Box 1 Storage Box None
(Player), Fight Me! Enchanted Emerald Enchanted Emerald + Gems 800 Gems Beat Jack at The Oasis
Rimbaud's World Skurikid 1 Skurikid + Orb of Darkness Orb of Darkness None
The Fishing Guild Gems 1200 Gems + 1Super Swarm Snack Super Swarm Snack Requires Fishing Rod(?)


The player must meet Rosemary in her house in Icyridge. She will greet and welcome the player in her house, before explaining that she gives new tamers in Icyridge their Starter Doodles and that her ancestor was a fortune teller instrumental to the Heroes' success in the Doodle War.

After that, Rosemary asks the player whether they've ever felt like some other force is controlling what they do. After choosing yes (the only option), she'll then explain it is due to "the Blue String" and only certain people gifted with "the Sight" can see it including every person in her family. She explains "the Sight" helped her ancestor determine good candidates to be heroes and that people aren't born with "the Blue String". She then explains that "the Blue String" makes people fearless in battle and they know what to do in every situation and was the reason the ten Heroes were victorious in the Doodle War. Once the Doodle War was over, the "Blue String" of the Heroes disappeared as well as all the traits that made them Heroes.

Rosemary theorised that "the Blue String" signifies a person is being possessed by an outer force, and that it only comes when a cataclysmic event is on the horizon. She says that the player is the first person with "the Blue String" she's seen so far and that the player will be the key in stopping the world from ending.

Rosemary then asks the player their earliest memory which was when "the Blue String" appeared for the player and that "the Blue String" is sharing the body with the original inhabitant. She states that she doesn't know who or what she's talking to and hopes that the player is the one to save the world and not the one to end it.

Rosemary then urges the player to not join the Louis Fanclub as she thinks the Leader wants a person with "the Blue String" for malicious intentions. Then, she gives the player their second Starter Doodle depending on the one the player picked at the beginning.

The player must meet Krome in his Lab in Icyridge, located at a wall of the base floor. Once the player talks to Krome, he introduces himself as Icyridge's first scientist. He then tells the player that Lucas Rimbaud (Mister Riffraff) came to Icyridge with Rebecca, who dazzled him with her knowledge making him decide to become a scientist even though it is a taboo in Icyridge.

Then, he explains he's creating the first adaptable doodle, dubbed Lacergen, and that he is missing two parts, a Flux Capacitor and a Doodle Calibrator, and that he needs someone to pick them up for him. He sends the player to obtain the Flux Capacitor from Albert in von Sweetsville. Once the player leaves the lab, a cutscene plays where a Shadow Clan member is shown spying on the player and says how they plan to stop the player from obtaining the parts, as it would interfere with their ability to spy on the people of Icyridge.

Once the player talks to Albert, they are interrupted by two Shadow Clan members "Kikai" and "Kura". "Kikai" leaves as "Kura" fights the player for the Flux Capacitor.

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shadow Clan "Kura" Malotrick 1MalotrickDark Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 48 Envy Insect Candy Cube InsectCandyCube Psychoforce,
Fatal Flaw,
Consume Treasure,
Burning Orb
Medikrow 1MedikrowDark Type IconPoison Type Icon Lvl. 49 Poison Absorb Jetpack Jetpack Dark Blast,
Goo Blast,
Lurkelid 1LurkelidDark Type IconWater Type Icon Lvl. 50 Refresh Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament Hit-n-Run,
Fatal Flaw,
Rip Current
Sukikogami 1SukikogamiDark Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 51 Paper Cut ??? Vampiric Strike,
Mourveil 1MourveilDark Type IconPlant Type Icon Lvl. 52 Vengeance Cursed Cloak Cursed Cloak Siphon Soul,
Climate Shot,
Life Sap,
Toxic Bomb
Henchum 1HenchumDark Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 53 Premonition Cure Jelly Cure Jelly Toughen,
Dark Slash,
Unguarded Strike,
Reward $6,000

After beating "Kura", Albert gives the player the Flux Capacitor. The player then has to return to Krome to give him the Flux Capacitor. After the player informs him of what happened, Krome sends the player to obtain the Doodle Calibrator from Jan at the DoodleCo Printing Facility.

Once the player arrives at the DoodleCo Printing Facility, "Kikai" is seen bargaining with and then threatening Jan for the Doodle Calibrator. After Jan refuses to give it up, "Kikai" battles the player.

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shadow Clan "Kikai" Bronzoch 1BronzochMetal Type IconFire Type Icon Lvl. 48 Fire Up Jetpack Jetpack Bonk,
Raging Bonfire,
Montor 1MontorMetal Type IconSpark Type Icon Lvl. 49 Battery Charge Enchanted Sapphire Enchanted Sapphire Thunder Strike,
Mineral Cannon,
Climate Shot,
Aluminja 1AluminjaMetal Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Fireproof Armor Heal Jelly Heal Jelly Unguarded Strike,
FTL Assault,
Dark Slash,
Celestian 1CelestianMetal Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 51 Illogical Used Crayons Used Crayons Mineral Cannon,
Mud Wave,
Serrafin 1SerrafinMetal Type IconWater Type Icon Lvl. 52 Razor Skin Cursed Cloak Cursed Cloak Fin Slash,
Icy Bite,
Rip Current
Metalytra 1MetalytraMetal Type IconInsect Type Icon Lvl. 53 Accelerate Enchanted Ruby Enchanted Ruby Binary Blitz,
Serrated Claws,
Reward $10,000
After defeating "Kikai", the player is given the Doodle Calibrator by Jan. The player then has to bring the Doodle Calibrator back to Krome, which he uses to finish Lacergen. Krome tells the player to talk to him when they'd like him to activate Lacergen. However, when Lacergen is activated, the power in the lab briefly goes out, turning off the lights. When the emergency generator turns on, restoring the power and turning the lights back on, Lacergen is seen to have broken out of its containment, standing directly behind the player. This cues a set encounter with Lacergen, where the player may either capture or defeat Lacergen. Once the battle concludes, Krome acknowledges Lacergen as a failure and gives the player the data chip corresponding to the Starter Doodle the player chose in Sketchvale.

You must retrieve Suzie from the dungeon to start this request

Meet Old Man Timothy in the dungeon locked in a cell on the base floor. He'll explain that he was falsely imprisoned and that he knows the actual culprit. He gives a description of the culprit, that the culprit has red hair and has headphones. The player must then talk to Head Guard Tinsley to convince him to free Timothy if the culprit is caught. Then, the player must locate the culprit.

The culprit is located in a house to the right of the Alchemy Station. When telling him he's wanted by guards, the culprit dashes off to a different location. The culprit is now located near the lift on the first straight bridge. Then after talking to him, he'll dash off to an alleyway near the Fishing Guild, then behind the back of the guard house, then next to some boxes near the castles elevator. He'll dash off to the Marketplace. Once, the player finds him in the Marketplace, He will have no choice but battle the player

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Tamer Elijah Tufflaze 1TufflazeFire Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 46 Composed Beast Taffy Beast Taffy Shatter,
Bestial Wrath,
Raging Bonfire,
Swoptar 1SwoptarBeast Type IconMetal Type Icon Lvl. 47 Slash Expert Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament Bestial Wrath,
Dark Slash,
Suomous 1SuomousMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Outboxer ??? Light Hook,
Unguarded Strike,
Electro Punch,
Icy Punch
Malotrick 1MalotrickDark Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 49 Covetous ??? Energy Wave,
Fatal Flaw,
Scorsurge 1ScorsurgePoison Type IconSpark Type Icon Lvl. 50 Gunk Spark ??? Goo Blast,
Thunder Strike
Kelpimer 1KelpimerSpirit Type IconWater Type Icon Lvl. 51 Foam Guard Used Crayons Used Crayons Vague Vortex,
Tainted Water,
Storm Heal
Reward $10,000

After Beating him, he will attempt to run away but gets stopped by a guard. He gets arrested and Old man Timothy is now free. Timothy will ask the player if they want a hoverboard or a scooter, then asks the player their prefered colour between red and blue and he'll give the player a mount according to their preferences. His mount shop in Lakewood town will be opened.

Mount store[]

Name Obtaining Method Sprite Visual Effect(s)
Vigimantè Glider Mount Mount Shop -- 100 Robux 400xmountkite None
Sukikogami Motorcycle Mount Mount Shop -- 150 Robux Komotorcycle3 Has special sound effects
Great Beast Yorus Mount Mount Shop -- 250 Robux
Yorus mount
Has a rare alternate appearance (Misprint)
Klicki Bumper Car Mount Shop -- 250 Robux
Klicki Mount
Has a rare alternate appearance (Misprint)

Meet Alchemist Flammesbery in the Alchemist Station. He explains that his family has been honing the power of fire for the last few hundred years. But he doesn't know how powerful fire is outside since the Witch cursed his family to not leave Icyridge. A DoodleCo contact told him about Runic Island and he believes that it's the perfect place to test. Then he requests the player to complete 3 Runic Island runs with Fire Type Icon Fire Types only.


Daeferno 1 Daeferno: With Levitate, Daeferno can evade Earth Type Icon Earth Type attacks, which can be helpful for your run as Fire Types are weak to Earth Type moves. Awakening is optional, but Daeferno can become a sweeper if you do own its Runestone and possibly pair it with Mind Empowerment.

Mantiscald 1 Mantiscald: Mantiscald is a powerhouse thanks to Routine. You can run Sharpen and use it as a sweeper, or just use it forWater Type Icon Water Type coverage. The only doodle that seems to wall it is Bionotic.

Tufflaze 1 Tufflaze: Tufflaze is pretty helpful due to its high attack stat and decent coverage with Daze, Shatter, and Venom Bite. Its Awakened form further amplifies this due to its extremely high attack. You can also run Berserk with Composed to sweep stone guardians.

Wyvernal 1 Wyvernal: Wyvernal can be a great asset when paired with Combustion and Match Box Matchbox, as it allows Lava Toss to have a 44% chance to burn. It also has high speed and magic attack, which can potentially let it sweep if you run something like Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament.

Lacergen 1 Lacergen: Lacergen, when paired with the Fire Data Fire Data, does count towards the quest. Lacergen has decent coverage, being able to use Electro Slash and Iron Slash. It has a high attack stat and can most likely one shot with stab moves, meaning it could sweep, as well as being able to take a hit due to its many resistances. It does, however, take 4x damage from Earth Type moves.



  • Taking off the Fire Data from a Lacergen and then reapplying it before finishing the run does count towards finishing the request, even if you use the Lacergen in a fight without its Fire Data. It can be assumed the game only counts your Doodle's types when you leave Runic Island, so, although untested, you could possibly use different Elemental Datas and just switch to the Fire Data when you're about to leave the island.
  • You are not restricted to only Fire Type moves and can freely use other moves as long as they're on a Fire Type Doodle, like Boiling Bullet on Mantiscald.
After you completed the challenge, return to Flammesbery. He will be pleased that his fire alchemy wasn't a waste of time. Then the player can return to the help center and claim Umaisho Matcha.

The player must meet Vomita at the side of the help center. She requires you to battle her nearly immediately to see if you are worthy of helping.

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Citizen Vomita Partybug 1PartybugInsect Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 47 Spell Shield ??? Psychoforce,
Spectatik 1SpectatikInsect Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 48 ??? Used Crayons Used Crayons Bee Summon,
Exovul 1ExovulCrystal Type IconFire Type Icon Lvl. 49 Chemical Explosion Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament Alloy Missiles,
Wave Shot,
Chemical Breath,
Somberock 1SomberockFood Type IconDark Type Icon Lvl. 50 Hard Candy ??? Pie Gag,
Siphon Soul,
Nutrient Drain,
Irikil 1IrikilDark Type Icon Lvl. 51 Mischievous ??? Expectorate,
Toxisui 1ToxisuiPoison Type IconWater Type Icon Lvl. 52 ??? ??? Cone of Cold,
Reward $5,000

After the battle, Vomita explains who Clan Blackhorn is, a group of barbarians who were neutral on the Doodle War and did not act in its duration. She then goes on to explain a plan to meet with the leader and tell him to pay to enter Icyridge society, who she plans to take the riches of, then lock in the Icyridge Dungeon, assuming there would be no consequences. She then asks you to be her bodyguard and to meet her in Icywood Forest.

Upon going to Icywood Forest, at the tents and campfire Vomita will be waiting with the Clan Blackhorn leader and an additional guard, Bebin. The Clan Blackhorn leader will talk about a being called “The Celestial”, who has helped the clan for millennia. She then goes on to ask the Clan Blackhorn leader if he brought various items, including the tears of Zerzura, Clan Blackhorn’s heirloom sword, A Djinneko's lamp, a chest full of treasure, and 100,000 gems. At any point before the gems, the player can either speak up about the plan, or stay silent. The player will have no choice but to speak up when the 100,000 gems are brought up.

Vomita scolds the player for speaking up, while the Clan Blackhorn leader and the bodyguard threaten to kill the player and Vomita. Vomita then brings up the fact that disputes are settled by Doodle Battles, initiating a battle between the Player and the Clan Blackhorn leader.

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Gharn Blackhorn Rhinostone 1RhinostoneEarth Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 47 Durable ??? Earthquake,
Gyornaw 1GyornawWater Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 48 ??? ??? Cone of Cold,
Bestial Wrath,
Rip Current
Arthopex 1ArthopexInsect Type IconBeast Type Icon Lvl. 49 ??? Used Crayons Used Crayons Bestial Wrath,
Electro Slash,
Hangryphus 1HangryphusFood Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Ambrosia Dark Chocolate Dark Chocolate Daze,
Glacigash 1GlacigashIce Type IconInsect Type Icon Lvl. 51 Enfeeble ??? Crystal Cut,
Piercing Ice,
Mammolten 1MammoltenIce Type Icon Lvl. 52 Eruption ??? Arctic Blitz,
Quick Ice,
Reward $1,000
After winning the battle, the Clan Blackhorn leader will tell Vomita she can not live in Icyridge her entire life, as she will be threatened with death. The Clan Blackhorn members then retreat. Vomita states she will still pay the player for helping, although she’s angry about the fact the player spoke up. She then says she is leaving Icyridge, ending the quest.

You must beat Jack at The Oasis to start this request.

Meet Jack on the bridge in Icyridge. He thanks the player for battling him then challenges the player to a battle.

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Wayfarer Jack Artifixie 1ArtifixieIce Type IconMind Type Icon Lvl. 58 Silly Blueprint Blueprint Cone of Cold,
Crystal Wall,
Magical Shield
Mielursa 1MielursaFood Type IconInsect Type Icon Lvl. 59 Bee Arena Weird Jelly Weird Jelly Serrated Claws,
Honey Slap,
Icy Bite,
War Cry
Abyssent 1AbyssentWater Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 60 Bright Lights Used Crayons Used Crayons Abyss Breaker,
Cone of Cold
Pompaboar 1PompaboarBasic Type Icon Lvl. 61 Careless Used Crayons Used Crayons Earthquake,
Body Slam,
Fiery Punch
A-Tufflaze 1A-TufflazeBeast Type IconFire Type Icon Lvl. 62 Annihilation Tufflaze Rune TufflazeRune Bestial Wrath,
Raging Bonfire,
Marigrimm 1MarigrimmSpirit Type Icon Lvl. 63 Serenade ??? Hyper Scream,
Jump Scare,
Siren Song
Reward $10,000, 800 Gems, Enchanted Emerald

The player must meet Bronzlie at the platform above the entrance of Alchemist's Grotto. She explains that she trained one of her guards multiple times this week but has no improvement in the slightest, then reveals that it was Guard Manny at the Icyridge market.

When the player confronts him, Manny knew Bronzlie sent the player and she hasn't given up on him. He requests the player to battle him as he explains that he lacked battle skill.

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Guard Manny Scarfox 1ScarfoxIce Type IconEarth Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? ??? Cone of Cold,
Icy Slash
Serpentsheen 1SerpentsheenCrystal Type IconMetal Type Icon Lvl. 50 Levitate ??? Crystal Cut,
Crystal Wall
Flong 1FlongBeast Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? ??? Treacherous Gnaw,
Call of the Wild
Kibara 1KibaraIce Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 50 Guilt ??? Mind Drain,
Wide Shield,
Icy Veil,
Gourmesal 1GourmesalFood Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? ??? Feast,
Reward $5,000

After the battle, Manny tells how the guards have a training regimen, devised by Lucas Rimbaud, but he doesn't feel comfortable because the same person worked for DoodleCo. That's the information he got from head guard Silvier, but in reality he knew Lucas Rimbaud was fired from DoodleCo, then he asks the player what they know about Lucas Rimbaud. The player explains that Lucas Rimbaud has abandoned his name and goes by Mr.Riffraff now. Manny finds that information intriguing, thinking that if Mr.Riffraff knew working for DoodleCo was a mistake. He asks the player to tell Bronzlie he will resign as the guard and leave Icyridge so he can find and learn more about Mr.Riffraff, then he leaves.

As Bronzlie hears the player got Manny to resign, she feels impressed and says that's the way better solution than what she originally envisioned, because they don't fire people so they won't be as bad as DoodleCo. She's happy about Manny quitting since he wasn't a good fit for them after all. The player can return to help center and claim the rewards afterward.

Find a fisherman, McGill, in the lower level of the fishing guild and show him a Tyki, a Gauzli, a Sobbuoy, a Sharpup, a Parabite, and a Finwick. As the player shows him the Doodles, he tells the story about how his friend, a former member of the fishing guild decided to leave. McGill says he gave all his Doodles to him, and his eyes started to look "lifeless." After showing him the final Doodle, he reveals that this man was Joseph Bright, and asks the player that, if they see him, to tell him that McGill misses him.

