Doodle World Wiki

Hallow Heights Has Event Content

This page has content that cannot be obtained/accessed through normal means, as they are event exclusive.

Event(s) Included: Halloween 2022 Content

Hallow Heights is the event-exclusive location for Doodle World's Halloween 2022 and Halloween 2024 Event. It is a Halloween-themed neighborhood that contains sixteen houses of differing design. Upon entering Hallow Heights for the first time, the player is greeted by Oliver, the main curator of Hallow Heights. He gives the player a Trick-or-Treat Bag, which allows the player to collect Candy from trick-or-treating.


The player is free to wander around the neighborhood to go trick-or-treating. Each house's door can be knocked on once every five minutes. When a door is knocked on, there are a few things that can happen:

  • The door can be answered by an NPC who gives the player a 2-6 candy.
  • The door can be answered by an NPC that requests a battle. They also state their difficulty level from 1 to 10. The greater the difficulty level, the higher-leveled Doodles they will have, and the higher candy they will yield for defeating them.
  • The door can be answered by a Halloween-skinned Doodle. This initiates a battle with them, allowing the player to catch them. This does not affect chains.

Candy can then be exchanged to at the shops near the entrance. The wish_z NPC will give players 100 candy for nothing, or an additional 100 candy to the battle reward if defeated.

Battle Rewards[]

Item Difficulty
15 Candy 1
18 Candy 2
23 Candy 3
25 Candy 4
40 Candy 5
50 Candy 6
65 Candy 7
80 Candy 8
100 Candy 9
150 Candy 10

Random Encounters[]

Doodles encountered will always have their Halloween skin and have a 1/30(3.3%) chance to hold a Halloween Tintbrush .

Icon Name Type Rarity Item/Equipment
Trick-or-Treating (Lv. 29-36)
Geckgoo Poison Whatchamacallit (10%)
Rosebug Insect Amber Trapped Fly (10%)
Partybug Insect Mind Oakwood Staff (10%)
Slibble MindPoison
Riffrat Dark Computer Mouse (10%)
Wiglet Basic Bowlcut (50%)
Tortles Plant
Grimsugar FoodDark Rock Candy (10%)
Borbo Basic Air Doodad (10%)
Moss Water Plant
Mold Water Poison
Yagoat Spark
Glummish DarkPlant Glummish Cap (50%)
Plipo Basic
Shmellow Food Marshmellow Fedora (10%)
Squed Earth Swag Juice (10%)
Snobat AirIce
Archuma Spirit
Swoptar BeastMetal
Klydaskunk PoisonLight
Bunsweet Basic Food Thingamajig (10%)
Pupskey Ice
Tabbolt Spark
Vipember Fire
Skrappey Earth
Kitsen Fire
Statikeet Spark Air
Hattrix Dark Mind
Glubbie Poison Spirit Very Rare Beach Ball (100%)
Pandishi Fire Melee Very Rare
Junipyro Fire Plant Very Rare Juniper Necklace (10%)
Squonk Spirit Plant Very Rare Vial of Tears (10%)
Maelzuri Water Crystal Very Rare


Candy Shop[]

The Candy Shop is a shop near spawn run by Oliver. You can exchange candy for Doodles with Halloween Skins here. The Doodles purchased will always have four Stars.

Icon Name Candy
Larvennae 40 Candy
Indigoo 45 Candy
Springling 55 Candy
Lilbulb 60 Candy
Flittum 65 Candy
Maskrow 75 Candy
Leapo 80 Candy
Cacmeow 95 Candy
Needling 100 Candy
Dramask 110 Candy
Muttish 120 Candy
Wydling 140 Candy
Runewt 150 Candy
Twigon 175 Candy
Louis 180 Candy
Schiwi 190 Candy
Hattrix 200 Candy
Spunny 210 Candy
Malotrick 220 Candy
Coalt 230 Candy
Apurrition 250 Candy
Angerler 275 Candy
Kelpie 300 Candy
Skrappey 390 Candy
Tabbolt 395 Candy
Pupskey 400 Candy
Vipember 405 Candy
Shyce 450 Candy
Kowosu 500 Candy
Shelldo 600 Candy
Xenoxious 800 Candy
Chronos 2,000 Candy

Haunted Tome Shop[]

Velvey sells Haunted Tomes for 50 candy each that guarantee a Doodle encounter when knocking on a door.

Capsule Shop[]

The Capsule Shop sells Winged Capsules, Cauldron Capsules, and Witch Capsules for six candy each. Each of these capsules have a 4x bonus to catch rate when used in the trick-or-treat encounters.

Bonbon Battle[]

Bonbon will let you battle a Hattrix for 25 candy per encounter. This allows Hattrix to be chained.

Other Rewards[]

Item Location
Trick-or-Treat Bag Given by Oliver upon first entering Hallow Heights.


  • This was the first event-exclusive area in the game, also containing Unique Mechanics, Battle Background and Currency. (Candy)
  • The NPCs who answer the door are based off people who have worked on the game, or admins of the Discord server.
    • There was also a Giveaway in the Discord server, adding a further ten NPCs who won.
  • After the event ends, you are still able to stay in Hallow Heights. When trick-or-treating though a message pops up saying "The event is over, nobody answered the door!"
    • You can still buy capsules, fight Hattrix, and buy skins from the candy shop.
    • If you leave via The Subway, the option for Hallow Heights disappears, preventing you from going back to the area.

Hallow Heights Has Event Content

This page has content that cannot be obtained/accessed through normal means, as they are event exclusive.

Event(s) Included: Halloween 2024 Content

Hallow Heights is the event-exclusive location for Doodle World's Halloween 2022 and Halloween 2024 Event. It is a Halloween-themed neighborhood that contains sixteen houses of differing design. Upon entering Hallow Heights for the first time, the player is greeted by wish_z. He gives the player a Trick-or-Treat Bag, which allows the player to collect Candy from trick-or-treating.


The player is free to wander around the neighborhood to go trick-or-treating. Each house's door can be knocked on once every five minutes. When a door is knocked on, there are a few things that can happen:

  • The door can be answered by an NPC who gives the player between 2-6 candy or rarely 100 candy.
  • The door can be answered by an NPC that requests a battle. They also state their difficulty level from 1 to 10. The greater the difficulty level, the higher-leveled Doodles they will have, and the higher candy they will yield for defeating them.
  • The door can be answered by a Sanguine-tinted Doodle. This initiates a battle with them, allowing the player to catch them. This does not affect chains.

Candy can then be exchanged to at the shops near the entrance.

Battle Rewards[]

Item Difficulty
15 Candy 1
18 Candy 2
23 Candy 3
25 Candy 4
40 Candy 5
50 Candy 6
65 Candy 7
80 Candy 8
100 Candy 9
150 Candy 10

Random Encounters[]

Door Encounters[]

There is a possibility that any doodle can answer the door and will have the Sanguine tint. Doodles found this way have:

  • 20% chance of having its hidden trait
  • 10% chance of being a misprint
  • 25% chance of having max stars (100% chance if it is a misprint)
  • 1/1200 of being an event legendary doodle

There are 7 different tiers of rarities the the halloween doors with each tier having specific doodles in it. Common, Uncommon, Runic, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Event Legendary.

Wild Encounters[]

In the 2024 event, encounters were added to the grass in the area. This included roaming event legendaries such as Arachniak (1/1000 chance) and the new event legendary Zombuppy (1/500 chance). Similar to how Doodle Swarms and Legendary Doodles encounter works, the doodle's level are scaled by your party.

Random Encounters

Icon Name Type Rarity
Wild Grass
Impling Fire/Spirit Common
Azúpion Food/Poison Common
Grimsugar Food/Dark Common
Dramask Light/Dark Common
Ruffire Fire/Beast Common
Calamander Food Uncommon
Threasant Spirit Uncommon
Floppet Basic/Mind Uncommon
Hattrix Dark/Mind Rare
Zombuppy Basic/Beast Extremely Rare (1/500)
Arachniak Insect/Spirit Extremely Rare (1/1000)


Candy Shop[]

The Candy Shop is a shop near spawn run by Wish_z. You can exchange candy for Doodles with Halloween Skins here. The Doodles purchased will always have four Stars.

Icon Name Candy
Needling 40 Candy
Louis 50 Candy
Parabite 65 Candy
Azúpion 66 Candy
Plipo 70 Candy
Blossaur 75 Candy
Perfumi 80 Candy
Squed 86 Candy
Bowlinguin 90 Candy
Finwick 100 Candy
Glimring 101 Candy
Owol 110 Candy
Diyossua 111 Candy
Feesh 123 Candy
Springling 125 Candy
Sprubble 126 Candy
Snobobo 130 Candy
Dustoon 133 Candy
Tasjoney 135 Candy
Skurikid 145 Candy
Ostigon 150 Candy
Skoplet 155 Candy
Saltot 156 Candy
Dewaffe 160 Candy
Skitis 162 Candy
Ciyrup 170 Candy
Muttish 180 Candy
Minjoule 191 Candy
Hyekeke 205 Candy
Angerler 250 Candy
Malotrick 256 Candy
Cacmeow 280 Candy
Flittum 300 Candy
Ruffire 333 Candy
Kelpie 450 Candy
Mabat 500 Candy
Klicki 550 Candy
Archuma 600 Candy
Jellupy 700 Candy
Glubbie 800 Candy
Zombuppy 1000 Candy
Artifixie 1400 Candy
Infurnius 1500 Candy
Arachniak 1600 Candy
Lacergen 2048 Candy

Velvey's Shop[]

Velvey has a shop set up that sells Titles, Colors, and Particle Effects in exchange for Candy.


Title Candy
Scary 10 Candy
Creepy 20 Candy
Haunted 30 Candy
Ghastly 40 Candy
Fearsome 50 Candy
Sinister 75 Candy
Zombie Emoji 100 Candy


Color Candy
Gooey 125 Candy
Blood Moon 150 Candy
Full Moon 175 Candy
Candy Corn 200 Candy
Spooky 225 Candy
Ectoplasm 250 Candy


Icon Name Candy
Picturesque Pumpkins 275 Candy
Collection of Candy 300 Candy
Telekinesis 350 Candy
Ghastly Ghosts 400 Candy
Sinister Skulls 450 Candy
Hungry Bats 500 Candy
Vampire Bats 600 Candy

Item Shop[]

The Headless Horseman NPC that sells Items for Candy.

Icon Name Candy
Stat Candy 1 Candy
Winged Capsule 6 Candy
Cauldron Capsule 6 Candy
Witch Capsule 6 Candy
Haunted Tome 80 Candy
Lesser Chain Ticket 100 Candy
Yo-yo 150 Candy
Nesting Doll 150 Candy
Heavy Blanket 150 Candy
Soothing Charm 150 Candy
Halloween Tintbrush 200 Candy
Hallerween Tome 500 Candy

Other Rewards[]

Item Location
Trick-or-Treat Bag Given by wish_z upon first entering Hallow Heights.


  • Despite wish_z stating that Hallow Heights was scrapped, it was revealed to be coming back for the 2024 Halloween Events on October 4th, 2024.
