The Team
The core developers of Doodle World Studios.
Skin Artists
Additional people who help out with the game, mostly by drawing out the in-game Skins.
- airospleb (abzminions2)
- Akazon (Ak_zon)
- Akuicia (Akuicia)
- Brick (Brick784)
- Cebby (CerbenDoesArt}
- Ceresora (Ceresoraa)
- Crocus (FoshiGamer)
- Deathy (lnfernaIDeath}
- Fiish (FishWidFeet)
- Fruit (FruitJvice)
- JayTheDuckRice (AnimalawesomJay)
- Liv (MechanicalHorror)
- Monky (Robunct)
- Seer (arte_yy)
- Tomas (miaumage)
- tomatoshake (DognWolf)
- Total (TotalTryXhard)
- Tricky (trickyfishies)
- Tryborg (2Tryb0rg)
- Varaiko (Varaiko)
- Qummoe (Abby6316)
- Bee (phantomcatbee)
- Papper (Papper2k)
- Galleon (Galleon57)
- Monky (Robunct)
- Redeyber (redeyber1)
- Total (TotalTryXhard)
- iuc (iucither)
- Meriwana (robopro325)
- Rirrys (rirrys)
- Silver (silverxsama)
- Auto (AutoCluster)
- Seer (arte_yy)
- Tlm (Tlmsuper)
- Puppies (puppiesarereallycute)
- Ghost (Ghostman1856)
- Wyterra (Wyterra)