Doodle World Wiki

Exotic Skins are a sub-category of Doodle Skins, they function differently in the fact they can not be chained and always possess the same odds. The encounter rate of Exotic Skins can vary by the event

Exotic Skins were introduced in the Valentines Day mini-event, also known as v0.6.1. Starting with Valentines Day Shyce and Kowosu. With their addition, Chain Capsules were introduced, allowing them to be caught without breaking a chain. All Exotic Skins have been designed to be added for smaller events that don't warrant an entire full-scale event.


Skin Misprint Skin
Kowosu KowosuValentines 1 KowosuValentines 2
Shyce ShyceValentines 1 ShyceValentines 2

The above skins could be encountered at a 1/1500 chance during February 1st - February 25th, 2023.

wish_z's Birthday Mini Event[]

Skin Misprint Skin Unique Skin
Grunkul GrunkulWish 1 GrunkulWish 2 GrunkulWish z 3

The above skin could be encountered at a 1/150 chance during March 4th - March 11th, 2023.

Lol_XD's Birthday Mini Event[]

Skin Misprint Skin
Jellupy JellupyLoLXDLoL 1 JellupyLoLXDLoL 2

The above skin could be encountered at a 1/1000 chance during July 25th - July 29th, 2023.

Velvey Klicki[]

Skin Misprint Skin Unique Skin
Klicki KlickiVelvey 1 KlickiVelvey 2 KlickiVelveyRecolor 2

The above skin could be encountered at a 1/2500 chance during May 4th 2024 - ???

DJ Lacergen[]

Skin Misprint Skin Unique Skin
Lacergen LacergenDJ 1 LacergenDJ 2 LacergenDJ 3

The above skin could be encountered at a 1/800 chance during June 30th 2024 - Present. Unlike the others, this could also be purchased for 10,000 Gems.
