Doodle Swarms are a feature within Doodle World. They work in both public and private servers. Every 5 minutes there is a 10% chance a message will appear in the player’s chat that will mention a specific Doodle Swarm has appeared in a certain location. Throughout the duration of the swarm, every encounter within that location will be the specified doodle. A swarm can be found in any server, regardless of the player count. Locations of the Swarms are randomized and can be found anywhere where wild Doodles can be encountered, except for Route 1, Lakewood Sewer, Route 5, and Graphite Maze.
Fluppy swarms began on March 10th, 2023. They replaced Hollihare swarms as the "seasonal swarm." A Fluppy swarm last for 10-18 minutes. Fluppy swarms ended on June 3rd, 2023.
Hollihare swarms began on December 10th, 2022. They replaced Squonk swarms as the "seasonal swarm." Hollihare swarms last for 10-18 minutes. Hollihare swarms ended on March 10th, 2023.
Squonk swarms began on September 3rd, 2022. They replaced Junipyro swarms as the "seasonal swarm." A Squonk swarm lasted for 10-18 minutes. Squonk swarms ended on December 10th, 2022.
Fledgeo swarms became available during the Thanksgiving mini-event, starting on November 23rd, 2022. A Fledgeo swarm lasted for 10-18 minutes. Fledgeo swarms ended on December 19th, 2022.
Junipyro swarms stayed around after the end of the summer event. A swarm lasted for 10-18 minutes. A chance for a Junipyro swarm was 1/3 as it shared its swarm chances with Swoptar and Coalt. Junipyro swarms ended on September 3rd, 2022.
A Coalt swarm lasted for 10-18 minutes. A chance for a Coalt swarm was 1/3 as it shared its swarm chances with Swoptar and Junipyro. Coalt swarms ended on September 3rd, 2022.
Junipyro swarms became available during the Summer event, starting on May 29th, 2022. It had a 20% chance to replace a summer skin spawning. A Junipyro swarm lasted for 10-18 minutes. Junipyro swarms ended on September 3rd, 2022.
Route Rare Swarms[]
Route Rare swarms cause Route Rare Doodles to become much more common in their area, having a base 75% encounter rate. Route Rare Swarms began on September 3rd, 2022 and replaced Coalt swarms.
Plipo is not the route rare of its route, but has a swarm.
All the seasonal Doodles have the Plant Type as their first type.
If the player is fishing during the swarm, they can fish up the swarm doodle.
As of September 2023, seasonal swarm Doodles rotate based on the month instead of being rotated manually; Junipyro swarms occur from June to August, Squonk occurs from September to November, Hollihare occurs from December to February, and Fluppy occurs from March to May.