Doodle World Wiki

The Doodle Depot is a place where you can exchange Cash, Gems, or Robux for Items.


The Doodle Depot is found in every Doodle Station so far. In addition to this, an NPC lets you access it in the basketball court in Sketchvale. This is were you find Capsules, Healing Items, and other useful items.

Items Sold[]

Item Price Requirement to purchase
Site-faviconBasic Capsule $400 None
Striped CapsuleStriped Capsule $1,000 1st Key
PolkadotCapsulePolkadot Capsule $2,000 4th Key
MedicalCapsuleMedical Capsule $1,000 Help Center Request
HeartCapsuleHeart Capsule $1,000 Help Center Request
DenseCapsuleDense Capsule $1,000 Help Center Request
Chain CapsuleChain Capsule 400 Gems None
GoldenCapsuleGolden Capsule R$50 None
BandageBandage $400 None
Super BandageSuper Bandage $1,000 1st Key
Duct TapeDuct Tape $2,500 4th Key
ReviveRevive $4,500 4th Key
Status heal poisonAntidote $400 None
Status heal paralysisAnti-Paralysis Spray $400 None
Status heal sleepAnti-Sleep Spray $400 1st Key
Tint ScraperTint Scraper $500 1st Key
Stat candyStat Candy $1,000 None
DowngradeLevel-Down Cube $200 None
Level up cubeLevel-Up Cube R$20 None
SwarmSnack 1Swarm Snack 600 Gems None
Lesser Chain TicketLesser Chain Ticket R$40 None
GreaterChainTicketGreater Chain Ticket R$200 None
Doodle UnlockerDoodle Unlocker R$40 None