Doodle World Wiki
Dark Type Icon

Dark is one of the Types in Doodle World.

Currently, there are 43 Doodles with Dark type without counting the awakened forms or form changes.

Type Effectiveness[]

When attacking:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
½× ½×
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½×

When defending:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½×


Dark Type Moves Type Category Description Power Accuracy Uses
Ambush Dark Type Icon Physical The user ambushes the target. This move never misses. 60 -- 15
Chaotic Bolt Dark Type Icon Magical The user gathers chaotic energy and launches at the target. This move's effect is determined by the target's status effect. 85 100% 10
Choke Dark Type Icon Physical The user aims at the target's neck. This move does damage dependent on the target's current health. Varies 100% 10
Cold Glance Dark Type Icon Support The user glares at the target with an arrogant look. It lowers the target's attack and defense. -- 90% 35
Dark Blast Dark Type Icon Magical Shoots a blast of darkness at a target. Has a 15% chance to lower the target's magical defense. 85 100% 15
Dark Slash Dark Type Icon Physical Imbues claws with darkness and then slashes in a criss cross pattern. 10% chance to lower the target's defense. 80 100% 10
Darkness Expansion Dark Type Icon Support The user darkens the field, making dark type attacks do more damage and light type attacks do less damage. Light type attacks remove the darkness. -- -- 10
Expectorate Dark Type Icon Magical The user spits its corrosive tears at the target. This move has a 50% chance to poison. 90 100% 10
Frenzied Darkness Dark Type Icon Physical The user frenzies under the guise of darkness, inflicting Vulnerable. 30% Chance to cause vulnerable. 85 100% 5
Hiss Dark Type Icon Support The user hisses at the opponent, making them afraid to attack. This lowers their attack and magic attack. -- 100% 25
Insult Dark Type Icon Support The user insults the target, causing them to rage. -- 100% 15
Mutiny Dark Type Icon Support The user convinces the target to mutiny its tamer with it. If it hits, both the user and the target become enraged (curing any other status effects), and the user greatly gains speed. Fails if the user is already raging. -- 75% 10
Night Night Dark Type Icon Magical This attack does double damage if the target is asleep. 70 100% 10
Pickpocket Dark Type Icon Physical The user steals the opponent's item. Fails if the user already has a held item. 40 100% 10
Pure Fear Dark Type Icon Support Projects raw terror into the enemy, forcing them to flinch on their next move. This move always attacks last. -6 Priority -- 100% 3
Pursuit Dark Type Icon Physical An attack move that inflicts double damage if used on a foe that is switching out of battle or running away. Goes before the user switches in the case that they do switch out. 40 100% 20
Retribution Dark Type Icon Physical The power of this attack move is doubled if the user has been hurt by the target in the same turn. This move tends to go last. -1 Priority. 45 100% 10
Revitalize Dark Type Icon Support If this Doodle would faint, restore it to half health. This attack only works once per battle. -- -- 10
Scrutinize Dark Type Icon Support The user scrutinizes the opposing team with a scary look that lowers the Defense stat. -- 100% 40
Shadowbolt Dark Type Icon Magical Shoots a weak bolt at the enemy. 50 100% 25
Shadowstep Dark Type Icon Support The user steps through the shadows, boosting its speed and crit chance. Boosts critical hit ratio by 2x. Stacks with other critical hit boosting moves/items, but not itself. -- 100% 25
Siphon Soul Dark Type Icon Magical Steals a portion of the soul of the target. Restores the user for half the damage done. 70 100% 10
Sonata of Darkness Dark Type Icon Support A melody that is banned in many countries. It causes any Doodle to hear this song to faint in 3 turns, unless it switches out of battle. -- -- 5
Taunt Dark Type Icon Support The target is provoked into only using attack moves for three turns. -- 100% 20
Vampiric Strike Dark Type Icon Physical The user strikes with vampiric energy. Restores the user for half the damage done. 80 100% 10
Worthwhile Sacrifice Dark Type Icon Support User sacrifices themselves to lower the attack and magical attack of the target. The user faints after using this move. -- 100% 5

Doodles with this Type[]

Pure Dark Type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#058 Riffrat 1Riffrat Dark Type IconDark
#143 Shelldo 1Shelldo Dark Type IconDark
#144 Shadark 1Shadark Dark Type IconDark
#230 Pubu 1Pubu Dark Type IconDark
#231 Lobol 1Lobol Dark Type IconDark
#232 Irikil 1Irikil Dark Type IconDark
#322 Grom 1Grom Dark Type IconDark

Half Dark Type Doodles[]

Primary Dark Half Type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#059 Henchum 1Henchum Dark Type IconDark/Melee Type IconMelee
#070 A-Theaterror 1A-Theaterror Dark Type IconDark/Light Type IconLight
#086 A-Cryotera 1A-Cryotera Dark Type IconDark/Ice Type IconIce
#088 Glummish 1Glummish Dark Type IconDark/Plant Type IconPlant
#089 Mourveil 1Mourveil Dark Type IconDark/Plant Type IconPlant
A-Mourveil 1A-Mourveil
#131 Malotrick 1Malotrick Dark Type IconDark/Mind Type IconMind
A-Malotrick 1A-Malotrick
#135 Maskrow 1Maskrow Dark Type IconDark/Air Type IconAir
#136 Bonikrow 1Bonikrow Dark Type IconDark/Air Type IconAir
#137 Medikrow 1Medikrow Dark Type IconDark/Poison Type IconPoison
#145 Horbeast 1Horbeast Dark Type IconDark/Beast Type IconBeast
#165 Hattrix 1Hattrix Dark Type IconDark/Mind Type IconMind
#270 A-OstigonA-Ostigon Dark Type IconDark/Poison Type IconPoison
#323 GrimantleCloaked 1Grimantle Dark Type IconDark/Poison Type IconPoison
GrimantleUncloaked 1Grimantle (Form Change) Dark Type IconDark/Air Type IconAir
#406 Vulcryst 1Vulcryst Dark Type IconDark/Crystal Type IconCrystal
#407 Noctoryx 1Noctoryx Dark Type IconDark/Crystal Type IconCrystal
#410 Mystifaux 1Mystifaux Dark Type IconDark/Mind Type IconMind

Secondary Dark Half Type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#006 Incinelisk 1Incinelisk Fire Type IconFire/Dark Type IconDark
#068 Dramask 1Dramask Light Type IconLight/Dark Type IconDark
#069 A-Maskomedy 1A-Maskomedy Light Type IconLight/Dark Type IconDark
#070 Theaterror 1Theaterror Spirit Type IconSpirit/Dark Type IconDark
#132 Grimsugar 1Grimsugar Food Type IconFood/Dark Type IconDark
#133 Candygrief 1Candygrief Food Type IconFood/Dark Type IconDark
#134 Somberock 1Somberock Food Type IconFood/Dark Type IconDark
#165 A-Hattrix 1A-Hattrix Mind Type IconMind/Dark Type IconDark
#172 Spiraryu 1Spiraryu Melee Type IconMelee/Dark Type IconDark
#180 Potterfiend 1Potterfiend Earth Type IconEarth/Dark Type IconDark
#229 Parabite 1Parabite Water Type IconWater/Dark Type IconDark
#230 Lurkelid 1Lurkelid Water Type IconWater/Dark Type IconDark
#239 Torigami 1Torigami Air Type IconAir/Dark Type IconDark
#240 Sukikogami 1Sukikogami Air Type IconAir/Dark Type IconDark
#254 Chronos 1Chronos Spark Type IconSpark/Dark Type IconDark
#286 Kreindus 1Kreindus Ice Type IconIce/Dark Type IconDark
#287 Nepteros 1Nepteros Water Type IconWater/Dark Type IconDark
#290 Koriyu 1Koriyu Ice Type IconIce/Dark Type IconDark
#307 Skitis 1Skitis Insect Type IconInsect/Dark Type IconDark
#308 Exoskelis 1Exoskelis Insect Type IconInsect/Dark Type IconDark
#315 Maximutt 1Maximutt Basic Type IconBasic/Dark Type IconDark
#316 Desdog 1Desdog Basic Type IconBasic/Dark Type IconDark
#317 Cthuwu 1Cthuwu Water Type IconWater/Dark Type IconDark
#318 Cruthulu 1Cruthulu Water Type IconWater/Dark Type IconDark
#319 Ctholos 1Ctholos Water Type IconWater/Dark Type IconDark