Doodle World Wiki

Crystal Caverns is directly accessed through The Crossroads. It is filled with old mining tunnels, minecart tracks, and giant glowing crystals. After completing the 'The Opal Orb' request, a Legendary Doodle, Maelzuri, becomes encounterable at a base 1/1200 chance.

Story Events[]

Upon entering, the player is shown a cutscene with Craig attempting to summon Maelzuri using an Opal Orb. Cassidy challenges him, but ends up being defeated. In order to access Craig, the player will have to travel across a path made of rock and a wooden bridge. Craig and Cassidy are located near the exit to Route 5. Craig explains to the player that he will summon the Legendary Doodle Maelzuri via the Opal Orb that was given to him by a shinobi. Then, he tells the player to prepare for their last ever battle, and the battle begins.

After defeating Craig, Maelzuri appears, and turns Craig into an Opal Orb. Maelzuri starts to talk telepathically and tells the tale of the Ultimate One creating Opal Orbs to imprison the evil souls during a great war thousands of years ago. However, it cannot recall who or what the Ultimate One is. Maelzuri then proceeds to explain how a soul that is imprisoned in an Opal Orb is in stasis and compares it with sleeping. After this, it then senses a soul nearby and disappears.

Five minutes later, TJ appears. After finally completing his request of finding a needle in a haystack, he arrives, only to have missed everything. After this cutscene, the player can return to the Mayor's house in Graphite Lodge to continue the story and gain access to the Graphite Forest.


Random Encounters

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Soil Patches (Lv. 7-17)
Snobat 1 Snobat Air Type IconAir/Ice Type IconIce Common None
Pebblett 1 Pebblett Earth Type IconEarth Common Sad pebblettSad Pebblett (33.3%)
Crystik 1 Crystik Insect Type IconInsect/Crystal Type IconCrystal Common Epic shadesEpic Shades (8.33%)
Squelly 1 Squelly Mind Type IconMind/Water Type IconWater Uncommon Tinfoil HatTinfoil Hat (??%)
Gemin 1 Gemin Insect Type IconInsect/Crystal Type IconCrystal Rare Epic shadesEpic Shades (16.6%)
Squed 1 Squed Earth Type IconEarth Very Rare


Swag JuiceSwag Juice (10%)
Shallow Water (Lv. 7-17)
Snobat 1 Snobat Air Type IconAir/Ice Type IconIce Common None
Muttish 1 Muttish Water Type IconWater Common None
Crystik 1 Crystik Insect Type IconInsect/Crystal Type IconCrystal Common Epic shadesEpic Shades (8.33%)
Squelly 1 Squelly Mind Type IconMind/Water Type IconWater Uncommon Tinfoil HatTinfoil Hat (??%)
Gemin 1 Gemin Insect Type IconInsect/Crystal Type IconCrystal Rare Epic shadesEpic Shades (16.6%)
Squed 1 Squed Earth Type IconEarth Very Rare


Swag JuiceSwag Juice (10%)
Fishing (Lv. 11-14)
Muttish 1 Muttish Water Type IconWater Common None
Squelly 1 Squelly Mind Type IconMind/Water Type IconWater Common Tinfoil HatTinfoil Hat (??%)
Reward for catching the above Doodles:Crystal color

Legendary Doodles are not listed in the table above.


Item Location
Defenseorange Defense Orange Drop down to the shallow water near the entrance. You will see an NPC on a rock, and behind him, you will find this chest.
ScrollCrystal Gem Blast Scroll While on the bridge, you can see a piece of land coming from the wall below. If you land a good jump down, you will reach it where an NPC tells you to find the code, which is hinted on the door. Typing the word "Louis" in chat will open the door and reveal the chest.
Starry Glasses Starry Glasses Follow the path until you are on the rocks above the waterfall. You can then drop down to the side bridge out of the wall to get lower. From there, jump onto the edge of the rocks so you don't touch the water. You can walk towards the chest. Alternatively, you could drop down from on top of the waterfall and immediately walk back into it for a faster route.
Feathered Hat Feathered Hat Follow the path across the rocks with grass on them. Turn to your right as you arrive on the bridge. You can walk on some rocks to the left of the broken door. From there, sprint and jump on to the yellow crystal. Drop down and you will arrive on the platform with the chest.


Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Businesswoman Alexis Gemin 1GeminInsect Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 17 Apathetic None Squeak,
Gemin 1GeminInsect Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 17 Apathetic None Squeak,
Reward $1,800

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Kid Willy Crystik 1CrystikInsect Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 17 Apathetic None Geode Smash,
Muttish 1MuttishWater Type Icon Lvl. 17 Sharp Fangs None Waterbolt,
Needling 1NeedlingPlant Type Icon Lvl. 17 Arid None Venomous Sting,
Leaf Sap,
Needle Spike,
Plant Sap
Reward $1,550

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Beauty Kylie Dramask 1DramaskLight Type IconDark Type Icon Lvl. 19 Possession None Spirit Orb,
Center of Attention,
Combo Support
Dramask 1DramaskLight Type IconDark Type Icon Lvl. 19 Possession None Spirit Orb,
Center of Attention,
Combo Support
Reward $1,300

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Monk Igleo Gummelia 1GummeliaFood Type Icon Lvl. 18 Concentrated None Sweet Aroma,
Claw Swipes,
Fast Food,
Bullet Corn
Grimeleon 1GrimeleonPoison Type Icon Lvl. 18 Poisonous Skin None Poison Ivy,
Poison Gas,
Bad Odor,
Reward $1,300

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Bandit Craig Glowcat 1GlowcatLight Type Icon Lvl. 17 Nitelite None Crystal Wall,
Quick Strike,
Shadark 1ShadarkDark Type Icon Lvl. 18 Slash Expert None Dark Slash,
Kidere 1KidereIce Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 19 Guilt None Aurora Flash,
Gem Blast
Reward $7,500

While "The Opal Orb" request is active:

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shinobi "Inari" Mawthra 1MawthraInsect Type IconPoison Type Icon Lvl. 20 Poisonous Skin None Lingering Poison,
Skorpent 1SkorpentFire Type Icon Lvl. 21 Firewall Used Timber Used timber Hiss,
Flame Rattle,
Grufflin 1GrufflinFood Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 22 Caloric Deficit None Sylphid,
Sugar Kiss,
Air Strike
Squed 1SquedEarth Type Icon Lvl. 23 Durable None Trap,
Groato 1GroatoBasic Type Icon Lvl. 24 Careless Used Crayons Used Crayons Headbutt,
Kitsen 1KitsenFire Type Icon Lvl. 25 Magician Used Timber Used timber Fiery Bite,
Burning Orb,
Mind Power,
Reward $6000


  • This location is the first to include Doodle encounters that weren't in the game during Beta Testing.
  • The door code uses the name of the Doodle Louis.
    • When decoding the rock in front of the door to Caeser Cipher shifted twice, it says "MY ONLY FRIEND??".
  • Despite only it's evolution having it, Inari's Kitsen has the Magician trait.