Doodle World Wiki

Chests are item-giving objects found throughout Doodle World. You can interact with these chests by walking up to them, whereby your character will perform an animation before receiving a miscellaneous item, ranging from Capsules to Gems.

The amount of chests in each location varies, but so far, it can be as few as 1 (Lakewood Sewer) or as many as 16 (Icyridge).

There is a special chest inside of the pirate ship at Route 5 where you get a set encounter with Malotrick.


These seemingly ubiquitous objects appear to resemble that of a stereotypical treasure chest, with a brown wooden texture, copper trimming, and a keyhole that is located on the front.


Area Location Reward
Sketchvale Gem Chest
In the bottom right corner of the basketball court. Gems 150 Gems
Sketchville Money Chest
Behind the basketball court. Cash $2,500
Memento Chest
In the second floor of Mom's house. Memento Memento
Sketchvale Bandage Chest
Located inside the gray house right from the giant red tree. Masking tape Bandage
Route 1
Heal Jelly Chest
Past Cool Teen Beckett on a raised area after climbing the wooden plank. Heal Jelly Heal Jelly
Route 1
Three Basic Capsule Chest
Across the Doodle Doctor, left side of the route. Site-favicon 3 Basic Capsules
Route 2
Magical Banana Chest
On an elevated land after Kid Billy, jump on the 2 big rocks next to the hill to access the chest. MagicalBanana Magical Banana
Route 2
Stripped Capsule Chest with stuff
Next to a tree before Kid Ryan at the end of the route. Striped Capsule 3 Striped Capsules
Lakewood Town
Yellow gray house chest
In between the gray house and the yellow house. Masking tape 3 Bandages
Lakewood Town
Triple Twins Chest
In the yellow house's backyard after defeating the triplets. ScrollDark Retribution Scroll
Lakewood Town
Strength Jelly Chest
Located near the Lakewood Tunnel entrance behind the garbage truck. Strength Jelly Strength Jelly
Lakewood Town
Sketchville Cure Jelly Chest
When jumping on the tree behind the blue house of where you get the computer mouse,the chest is in a corner by a brick fence. Cure Jelly Cure Jelly
Lakewood Town
Very Important Heal Jelly Chest
When jumping on the tree behind the blue house of where you get the computer mouse, the chest is by a pile of wooden crates. Heal Jelly Heal Jelly
Lakewood Sewer
Venom Bite Scroll Chest
On a platform at the end of the left path. ScrollPoison Venom Bite Scroll
Route 12
Lodge Chest
Inside the lodge near the Lakewood Tunnel gate. Roulette Ticket Roulette Ticket
Route 12
Strange Catalyst Chest
Behind the fourth tree in from the left on the third row, in the section closer to the lodge near Lakewood Tunnel. Strange Catalyst Strange Catalyst
Route 12
Route Twelve Polkadot Capsule Chest
Behind the large rock directly down the path leading from Lakewood Tunnel. PolkadotCapsule 5 Polkadot Capsules
Route 12
Decorative Fan Chest
To the left of the lodge near the Landfill gate. Decorative Fan Decorative Fan
Route 12
Cool Chain Capsule Chest
Behind the tree in front of the DoodleCo Printing Facility entrance. Chain Capsule 3 Chain Capsules
Route 12 To the right of the DoodleCo Printing Facility entrance when facing the doors. ScrollMind Rest Scroll
Route 3
Child Doubly Chest
At the end of the right path after Kid Dubley. Cash $2,000
Route 4
Antiodte Chest
At the end of the cliff right from the first bridge after the first staircase. Status heal poison Antidote
Route 4
Power jelly chest
Behind a tree right from the gate of Graphite Lodge. Power Jelly Power Jelly
Graphite Lodge
Graphite Lodge Level up Chest
On top of the Help Center's roof, jump on the H-sign and onto the roof ledge. Level up cube Level-Up Cube
Graphite Lodge
Gem graphite chest
Near a few trees across the Help Center. Gems 250 Gems
Wake up jelly chest
From the Crossroads entrance, follow the brown path until you see a vine arch at the end of it.

The chest is inside the hidden passageway after the vine arch.

Wake-Up Jelly Wake-up Jelly
Special Crossroads Chest
Before entering Crystal Caverns, jump on the elevated rocks near the minecart. After landing on the green hill, go left and go around the boulder. At the end, jump on the rock, then on the tree, and finally the chest is on the ledge after climbing the tree and jumping onto the ledge next to it. Striped Capsule 10 Striped Capsules
Crystal Caverns
Defense Orange Chest
Drop down to the shallow water and go left and the chest is behind an NPC on land. DefenseorangeDefense Orange
Crystal Caverns
Gem Chest
Follow the second set of railroad tracks until you see a tipped over minecart, look down and you will see an opening with an NPC. Jump down to it and type "Louis" in the ingame chat. The door will open and the chest will be inside the tiny cave upon entering. ScrollCrystal Gem Blast Scroll
Crystal Caverns
Cool Glasses Chest
Before entering the cave's Route 5 entrance, jump onto the rocks above the waterfall and look under the waterfall. You will see a piece of land sticking out and jump onto it and the chest will be on that land. Starry Glasses Starry Glasses
Crystal Caverns
Starry Glasses Chest
Follow the rocks with grass on them until you see a minecraft full of rocks and a barricaded tunnel on the right end of the railroad tracks. Look over the ledge and you will see a yellow crystal. Jump on the yellow crystal and the chest will be on a piece of land behind the yellow crystal. Feathered Hat Feathered Hat
Graphite Forest
Waterfall chest
Go forward from the entrance until you see the bridge. Look left and you will see a waterfall. Climb the waterfall and the chest will be behind the waterfall. Pristine Axe Pristine Axe
Graphite Forest
Air Taffy Chest
Go forward from the entrance and look right after crossing the bridge. There will be two vines hanging from the cliff. Climb the next vine you see and the chest will be next to a Borbo heart locket. Jump over the two bushes and go around the tree to access the chest. Air Taffy Air Taffy
Graphite Forest
Graphite Forest capsule burge
At the Route 5 entrance which is located after following the right path from the waterfall, go past Student Rob until you see an elevated land and a ramp, jump on them and onto the cliff and go straight towards the chest. Striped Capsule 5 Striped Capsules
Graphite Forest
Graphite Forest Running Shoes Chest
At the forest entrance, go right and climb onto the tilted log. Follow and hug the wall and walk across the log bridge. At the top of the cave entrance, jump onto the cliff on the right and the chest will be behind the left rock along with a Louis bush statue. Running Shoes Running Shoes
Graphite Maze
Cool Plant Taffy Chest
Press the buttons: Red, Blue, Yellow, Red and go past the second yellow button and go left and walk across the red bridge and you will find two chests. The right chest contains the Plant Taffy. Plant Taffy Plant Taffy
Graphite Maze
Insect Taffy Chest
Follow the instructions above and the left chest is the Insect Taffy. Insect Taffy Insect Taffy
Graphite Temple Before fighting Nimbus, go behind the temple and jump onto the trail of long rocks. The chest will be on the last rock after walking across the vine bridge. Frozen TV Dinner Frozen TV Dinner
Route 5
Water Taffy Chest
On a couple of rocks at the left side of the bridge. Water Taffy Water Taffy
Route 5
Spirit Taffy Chest
At the Crystal Caverns exit, go right across the log and the chest will be near surrounded rocks. Candy spirit Spirit Taffy
Route 5
Special Bandage Chest
On a rock at the top left corner of the beach. Super Bandage 5 Super Bandage
Route 5
The cool level up cube chest
From the Graphite Forest gate, go right and hug the invisible barrier until you hit the cliff wall. The chest will be on the island near the cliff wall. Level up cube Level-Up Cube
Von Sweetsville
Bubblegum Chest
Located behind the subway entrance surrounded by garbage bins and bags. Bubblegum Bubblegum
Von Sweetsville
Chocolate Pipe Chest
On top of the tall blue building's roof near the factory. It can be accessed by going on top of the red building's roof next to it and climbing the pipe. Dark Chocolate Dark Chocolate
Von Sweetsville
Wall Center Chest
Behind the wall that is next to the DoodleCo Center. Roulette Ticket Roulette Ticket
Von Sweetsville
Choc Rocks Chest
Accept Pam's Addictive Candy request at the Von Sweetsville Help Center. You will then need to find a key which is on a rock at the right side of the factory gate. Go to the shack which is located right from the bridge. Unlock the door and the chest will be inside the shack. Choc Rocks Choc Rocks
Von Sweets' Factory
Strange Substance Chest
Behind the island in front of the Von Sweets' Factory back door. This is also the island where you get the lollipops. Strange Substance Strange Substance
Von Sweets' Factory
Candy Heart Chest
On top of the chocolate waterfall. It can be accessed by jumping onto the mushrooms and candy trees at the right side of the waterfall. Candy heart Candy Heart
Von Sweets' Factory
Von Sweet's Factory Polkadot Capsule Chest
Behind the left side of the platform where the goon who gives the hot chocolate riddle (Goon Alyssa) is standing on. PolkadotCapsule 10 Polkadot Capsules
Route 6
Roof Chest
On the roof of Von Sweets' Factory. Go to the right side of the factory upon entering and climb the truss, jump onto the two platforms, and climb the last two trusses and the chest is straight ahead after climbing the last truss. (Glitched) Silver VP Ticket 1 Silver VP Ticket
Route 6
Vine Chest
On top of a pillar after passing the bridge to Runic Island. Climb on the vines next to the pillar to get the chest. (Glitched) Ice Cream Pop Ice Cream Pop
Route 6
Runic Island Cool Gem Chest
Jump onto the first collapsed slab of the bridge to Runic Island then go down the ramp, the chest will be on a slab next to it. Jump onto the slab to get the chest. Chain Capsule1 Chain Capsule
DoodleCo Academy
Super Bandages Chest
In a corner near the grassy area with trees and benches, close to the gymnasium entrance. Super Bandage 5 Super Bandages
DoodleCo Academy
Crooked Talon Chest
Behind the pile of rocks that has the DoodleCo logo on it. The chest is also located near the gymnasium building. Crooked Talon Crooked Talon
DoodleCo Academy
The cashs gym chest
In the gymnasium, behind some seats near the rock-climbing wall. Cash $1,500
DoodleCo Academy
The Gym gem chest
In the gymnasium, the room with bunch of computers, tables and bookshelves. Gems 100 Gems
DoodleCo Academy
Perfect Alloy Chest
Near the bathrooms on the second floor that is right by a blue pillar. Perfect Alloy Perfect Alloy
DoodleCo Academy
Cafeteria Chest
In the cafeteria where it is near a blue cafeteria table and a brick pillar. Refractive Prism Refractive Prism
DoodleCo Academy
Two Ice Cream Pop Chest
On the right side of the road closest to the cliff as it begins to slope upward. Ice Cream Pop 2 Ice Cream Pops
DoodleCo Academy
Moon Charm Chest
Behind the Help Center building. Moon Charm Moon Charm
DoodleCo Academy
Strange Chest
Behind the stands next to the athletics track that is near a building. Strange Solution Strange Solution
DoodleCo Academy
Louis Club Chest
Near the Louis Club building. Roulette Ticket Roulette Ticket
Arid Mines
Arid Mines capsules of polkadot
Behind a pillar close to the entrance. PolkadotCapsule 10 Polkadot Capsules
Arid Mines
Arid Mines Super Bandage Chest
Behind a rock near the ladder leading up to the bridge. Super Bandage 10 Super Bandages
Arid Mines
Arid Mine Money Chest
In the gully, near the first turn of the path. Cash $15,000
Arid Mines
Arid Mines Stat Candy Chest
Inside the vault. Stat Candy 4 Stat Candies
Arid Mines
Arid Mines Roulette Ticket Chest
In the area to the left of the exit. Roulette Ticket Roulette Ticket
Arid Mines
Arid Mines Ice Cream Pops Chest
Behind a pillar near the right-hand side of the exit. Ice Cream Pop 3 Ice Cream Pops
Route 7
The Import polkadots capsule
Near the entrance where it is on the right side when entering. PolkadotCapsule 5 Polkadot Capsules
Route 7
By a rock and cactus chest
Behind a rock near Route 7 sign. Super Bandage 5 Super Bandages
Route 7
The near patrick npc chest
Near Miner Patrick. Chain Capsule Chain Capsule
Route 7
Earth Candy Chest
Near the gate to The Oasis. EarthCandyCube 3 Earth Candy Cubes
Route 7
The special secret gem area chest
Go past the data chip near the Ruined Castle entrance to enter a hidden area. Lesser Chain Ticket Lesser Chain Ticket
Ruined Castle
Tent Chest
Inside a tent to the right of the entrance. ScrollMelee Daze Scroll
Ruined Castle
Ruined Castle Stat Candy Chest
In a small room to the right of the castle gate. Stat Candy 10 Stat Candies
Ruined Castle
Ruined Castle Obby Chest
On a raised platform to the left of the castle gate. Chain Capsule 2 Chain Capsules
The Oasis
Mega revive chest
Under the DoodleCo Office J's roof. Mega Revive Mega Revive
The Oasis
Spirit Jar Chest
Near the stairs that are next to Doodle's Ledge and Muncheez Pizzeria. Spirit Jar Spirit Jar
The Oasis
The revive chest
Far right side of the city from where you enter. Near the police station on top of a wooden platform. Revive Revive
The Oasis
Oasis Polkadot Chest
Left side of the green apartment building. PolkadotCapsule 5 Polkadot Capsules
The Oasis
Oasis stat candy chest
On the left side of the dirt and grass area across the street from the Doodle Co Office J. Stat Candy 4 Stat Candies
The Oasis
Duct Tape Chest
On the side of a rusty, blue vehicle near Zane's Hideout. Duct Tape Duct Tape
The Oasis
Oasis Secret Chest with money
When entering the Oasis, take a right and follow the road where it is under this gap of a gray building. Cash $10000
The Oasis
Oasis Ice Cream Pop Chest
In the water next to a large rock between the sewer entrance and the road leading to the hideout. Ice Cream Pop Ice Cream Pop
Zane's Hideout
Balcony Mega Revive Chest
Under a balcony on the right wall. Mega Revive Mega Revive
Zane's Hideout
Zane Hideout Electrify Chest
Behind some crates to the right of Zane. ScrollSpark Electrify Scroll
Oasis Underground
On top of a wooden thing that is next to water and by some wooden crates and right by a Data Chip. Revive Revive
Oasis Underground
By some light containers where the player can get before seeing Zerzura in trouble. Ice Cream Pop Ice Cream Pop
Oasis Underground
On the top floor where the player will have to go up stairs where the chest is in a corner by some wooden crates. Duct Tape 2 Duct Tapes
Oasis Underground
On the top floor where it's close to light containers and wooden crates. Stat Candy 6 Stat Candys
Oasis Underground
In a room where the player has to defeat an NPC who is delusional. Tinfoil Hat Tinfoil Hat
Oasis Underground
In an area where it looks like it was mined, and also with a NPC and is behind some wooden boxes. Lesser Chain Ticket Lesser Chain Ticket
Oasis Underground
Behind a NPC with one strand of hair and behind a stack of wooden boxes. Chewed Up Bone Chewed-Up Bone
Oasis Underground In the sewers, before the chest with the Revive in it, after the long drop from inside the large pipe. ScrollInsect Serrated Claws Scroll
Icywood Forest Behind the Encounter Board. ScrollIce Absolute Zero Scroll
Icywood Forest In a chest on top of an arch. Duct Tape 2 Duct Tape
Icywood Forest Inside a blue tent near the end of the forest. SwarmSnack 1 Swarm Snack
Icyridge Inside the house located near a green hair NPC named Janet. Dark Chocolate Dark Chocolate
Icyridge In a cell inside dungeon on level three to the right of Suzie's cell (You can't go back after you leave level three). Gems 400 Gems
Icyridge To the right after taking the first lift. Duct Tape 3 Duct Tapes
Icyridge Inside Fisherman's Guild, at the end of the room after going down the ladder. Pretty Seashell Pretty Seashell
Icyridge At the top of the hot springs, inside the waterfall. Chain Capsule Chain Capsule
Icyridge In an alleyway behind the Guard House. Weird Jelly Weird Jelly
Icyridge On some ice stacks to the right of the entrance to Alchemist's Grotto. Roulette Ticket Roulette Ticket
Icyridge Behind some crates next to the truss that leads up to the castle. Cash $5,000
Icyridge In the far back of the top floor of the Lacergen Lab. Unwashed Plushie Unwashed Plushie
Icyridge Next to some yellow barrels on the left side of the bottom floor of the Lacergen Lab when you first enter. Smelly Sock Smelly Sock
Icyridge Next to the left wall of the dungeon, behind some crates. Gems 400 Gems
Icyridge In the back of Rosemary's house, on top of a wooden platform. (However, it is slightly glitch) PolkadotCapsule 5 Polkadot Capsules
Icyridge Inside the blue tent at the campgrounds. Stat Candy 12 Stat Candies
Icyridge In the back of the campgrounds. Used timber Used Timber
Icyridge Behind a crate, on the right after exiting the tunnel that goes to the area with the well. Lesser Chain Ticket Lesser Chain Ticket
Icyridge On top of the watchtower on the right next to the Icyridge Subway Sniper Scope Sniper Scope
Alchemist's Grotto Along the left side of the cave, on a snowy ledge above some rocks. ScrollIce Icefall Scroll
Alchemist's Grotto Up some rocks after following the main route through the cave. Cash $20,000
Alchemist's Grotto To the right of the previous chest, walking along the wall towards the right and dropping down behind the rocks. Status heal freeze 3 Anti-Freeze Sprays
Social Park
Beach Ball Victory Points Chest
On a rock at the right side of the beach. Jump on the beach ball to access it. 5 Victory Points
Social Park
Obby Social Park Chest
On the last platform of the obstacle course at the left side of the beach. 10 Victory Points