Doodle World Wiki
Doodle World Wiki
Beast Type Icon

Beast is one of the Types in Doodle World.

Currently, there are 32 Doodles with Beast type without counting the awakened forms or form changes.

Quick Answers

What is the Beast type in Doodle World? toggle section
In Doodle World, Beast type is a classification for Doodles. There are 31 Doodles of this type, excluding awakened or transformed forms. Beast type can be pure or half, further divided into Primary and Secondary Beast Type Doodles. Some Beast type Doodles can inflict burn with their Beast-type moves.
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How many Doodles with Beast type are there currently in Doodle World? toggle section
Currently, Doodle World hosts 31 Beast type Doodles, excluding any awakened forms or form changes.
Provided by: Fandom
What are some examples of Doodles with Beast type in Doodle World? toggle section
Doodle World features 31 Beast type Doodles. Examples include Yonna, Yondr, Yorus, Tasjoney, Fluffi, Mascruff, and Flong. Half Beast type Doodles include Ruffire, Tufflaze, Swoptar, Exiled, Reliconis, Dodotor, Velodo, and Tasmarauder.
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Are there any awakened forms or form changes for Beast type Doodles in Doodle World? toggle section
In Doodle World, Beast type Doodles can indeed undergo awakening or form changes. Upon awakening, these Doodles transition from their original 'colored in' texture to a glossier appearance. The exact Beast type Doodles with awakened forms are not specified.
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How does a Doodle become a Beast type in Doodle World? toggle section
A Doodle in Doodle World is designated as a Beast type based on its intrinsic traits and moves. The Beast type is a classification in Doodle World, with 31 Doodles currently identified as such. Doodles can be classified as pure Beast type or half Beast type, depending on whether Beast is their primary or secondary type. Beast-type moves can inflict conditions like burn, and some Beast-type Doodles have moves that can mark a target, preventing them from dodging attacks.
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Type Effectiveness[]

When attacking:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
½× ½×
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½× ½×

When defending:[]

Basic Type Icon
Fire Type Icon
Water Type Icon
Plant Type Icon
Spark Type Icon
Beast Type Icon
Air Type Icon
Insect Type Icon
Earth Type Icon
Mind Type Icon
Melee Type Icon
Food Type Icon
Light Type Icon
Crystal Type Icon
Metal Type Icon
Spirit Type Icon
Ice Type Icon
Dark Type Icon
Poison Type Icon
Mythic Type Icon
½× ½×


Beast Type Moves Type Category Description Power Accuracy Uses
Berserk Beast Type Icon Support The user berserks, becoming enraged and drastically boosting its attack. (User replaces it's current status with rage, and then boosts attack by 3 stages. Fails if the user is already raging.) -- -- 10
Bestial Roar Beast Type Icon Magical User roars at the top of its lungs. This lowers the attack of the target by 1 stage. 85 100% 10
Bestial Wrath Beast Type Icon Physical User actives its inner beast to devastatingly unleash its most savage attack. Has a 20% chance to flinch the target. 100 100% 5
Bite Beast Type Icon Physical User bites the target. Has 20% chance to flinch. 50 100% 20
Call of the Wild Beast Type Icon Support The user calls to the wilds. For the next 5 turns, any allied Doodle that is sent out gets their lowest offensive stat boosted. Entire team gets their lowest offensive stat boosted by 1 stage when sent out for 5 turns. -- -- 10
Crunch Beast Type Icon Physical User crunches the target. Has a 20% chance to lower the target's defense. 80 100% 10
Double Bite Beast Type Icon Physical The user chomps on the target twice in quick succession. This move hits 2 times. 40 90% 15
Feral Fury Beast Type Icon Magical The user screeches at the top of their lungs. Has a 10% chance to lower the target's magical defense. 75 100% 10
Ferocious Onslaught Beast Type Icon Physical The user repetedly barrages the target with beastly bits and/or scratches. This move hits 2~4 times 30 90% 10
Horn Pierce Beast Type Icon Physical User attacks using its horn. 50 100% 20
Jumble Clobber Beast Type Icon Physical The user whacks the target with its giant hammer. If the target just switched in, the whack will cause them to become confused. 75 85% 10
Savage Blow Beast Type Icon Physical The user attacks the target with no regards to etiquette. This will lower the defense of the user. 90 100% 10
Sharp Claws Beast Type Icon Physical User attacks using its claws. 60 100% 20
Primal Rage Beast Type Icon Support The user activates its primal rage. Beast-type attacks do more damage. -- -- 10
Ravenous Rush Beast Type Icon Physical The user, prompted by hunger, rushes at the target. This move always goes first. 40 100% 15
Treacherous Gnaw Beast Type Icon Physical The user jumps at the target with tremendous force, trying to chomp them to bits. If it misses, the user is hurt instead. 130 85% 10
War Cry Beast Type Icon Support The user shouts an almighty war cry, boosting their attack and speed. -- -- 20
Wild Ravage Beast Type Icon Physical The user rampges about, dealing damage to random target, for 2-3 turns. At the end of their rampage, inflict confusion. 120 100% 10

Doodles with this Type[]

Pure Beast Type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#243 Yonna 1Yonna Beast Type IconBeast
#244 Yondr 1Yondr Beast Type IconBeast
#245 Yorus 1Yorus Beast Type IconBeast
#309 Tasjoney 1Tasjoney Beast Type IconBeast
#372 Fluffi 1Fluffi Beast Type IconBeast
#373 Mascruff 1Mascruff Beast Type IconBeast
#374 Flong 1Flong Beast Type IconBeast

Half Beast Type Doodles[]

Primary Beast Type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#036 Ruffire 1Ruffire Beast Type IconBeast/Fire Type IconFire
#037 Tufflaze 1Tufflaze Beast Type IconBeast/Fire Type IconFire
A-Tufflaze 1A-Tufflaze
#141 Swoptar 1Swoptar Beast Type IconBeast/Metal Type IconMetal
#291 Exiled 1Exiled Beast Type IconBeast/Light Type IconLight
#300 Reliconis 1Reliconis Beast Type IconBeast/Spirit Type IconSpirit
ReliconisBig 1Reliconis (Reformation)
#303 Dodotor 1Dodotor Beast Type IconBeast/Air Type IconAir
#304 Velodo 1Velodo Beast Type IconBeast/Air Type IconAir
#310 Tasmarauder 1Tasmarauder Beast Type IconBeast/Melee Type IconMelee
#405 Mallemole 1Mallemole Beast Type IconBeast/Basic Type IconBasic

Secondary Beast Type Doodles[]

# Doodle Type
#003 Wolfreeze 1Wolfreeze Ice Type IconIce/Beast Type IconBeast
#028 A-Partybug 1A-Partybug Mind Type IconMind/Beast Type IconBeast
#035 A-Calamander 1A-Calamander Food Type IconFood/Beast Type IconBeast
#061 Gomutt 1Gomutt Water Type IconWater/Beast Type IconBeast
#140 Caramellow 1Caramellow Food Type IconFood/Beast Type IconBeast
#145 Horbeast 1Horbeast Dark Type IconDark/Beast Type IconBeast
#182 Taryonix 1Taryonix Earth Type IconEarth/Beast Type IconBeast
#186 Minjoule 1Minjoule Spark Type IconSpark/Beast Type IconBeast
#187 Riptorvent 1Riptorvent Spark Type IconSpark/Beast Type IconBeast
#270 Ostigon 1Ostigon Poison Type IconPoison/Beast Type IconBeast
#288 Zombuppy 1Zombuppy Basic Type IconBasic/Beast Type IconBeast
#289 Werewool 1Werewool Basic Type IconBasic/Beast Type IconBeast
#305 Griblo 1Griblo Insect Type IconInsect/Beast Type IconBeast
#306 Arthopex 1Arthopex Insect Type IconInsect/Beast Type IconBeast
#313 Prarnaw 1Prarnaw Water Type IconWater/Beast Type IconBeast
#314 Gyornaw 1Gyornaw Water Type IconWater/Beast Type IconBeast
#328 Foresatl 1Foresatl Plant Type IconPlant/Beast Type IconBeast
#329 Feracoatl 1Feracoatl Plant Type IconPlant/Beast Type IconBeast
#384 Seacrion 1Seacrion Water Type IconWater/Beast Type IconBeast
#394 Carnivower 1Carnivower Plant Type IconPlant/Beast Type IconBeast