Doodle World Wiki
Doodle World Wiki
The Act 1 Battlepass icon.

The Battlepass is a feature introduced to the game on January 16th, 2024.

The Premium Battlepass can be purchased for 6000-9000 Gems depending on the season.

There are 4 new missions to complete every 24 hours. Each daily mission progresses you halfway to the next tier.

Every week 3 new missions are available to complete, and each of these missions reward 1 tier.

When the Act 2 Battlepass released, Seasonal Missions were introduced, each rewarding 3 tiers. More Seasonal Missions are added each week as the season progresses.

Act 1 (Season 3)[]

The Act 1 Battle pass ended on March 2nd, 2024.

Act 1 Battle Pass
Tier Free Premium
1 Cash
2500 Cash
Galaxy Tintbrush
Galaxy Tintbrush
2 Gems
100 Gems
SlibbleSeaBunny 1
Sea Bunny Slibble
3 Roulette Ticket
Roulette Ticket
Roulette Ticket
Roulette Ticket
4 Galaxy
1x Galaxy Capsule
Stat Candy
40 Stat Candy
5 Cash
5000 Cash
500 Gems
6 Duct Tape
5 Duct Tape
Galaxy Tintbrush
Galaxy Tintbrush
7 Cosmic Title Jack in the Box
1 Jack in the Box
8 Revive
3 Revive
Enchanted emerald
Enchanted Emerald
9 Jack in the Box
1 Jack in the Box
Enchanted Ruby e
Enchanted Ruby
10 PlipoDog 1
Dog Plipo
Enchanted Sapphire
Enchanted Sapphire
11 Candy Bag
3 Candy Bag
1000 Gems
12 Roulette Ticket
Roulette Ticket
Lesser Chain Ticket
Lesser Chain Ticket
13 Galaxy Color Blossom Tufflaze Rune
Blossom Tufflaze Runestone
14 Galaxy
5 Galaxy Capsule
Used Crayons
Used Crayons
15 Amiable Tintbrush
1 Amiable Tintbrush
500 Gems
16 Wildcat Title Cash
100000 Cash
17 Wildcat Color GreaterChainTicket
Greater Chain Ticket
18 GlimmewWildcat 1
Wild Cat Glimmew
Cosmos Color
19 Cash
15000 Cash
GlummishCosmic 1
20 Gems
200 Gems
500 Gems
21 Enchanted emerald
1 Enchanted Emerald
Galaxy Tintbrush
Galaxy Tintbrush
22 Roulette Ticket
Roulette Ticket
TrilosectCosmic 1
Cosmic Trilosect
23 Gems
300 Gems
Golden Capsule
24 Lilypad Color Level up cube
5 Level-Up Cube
25 Zenith Groato Rune
1 Zenith Groato Runestone
500 Gems
26 Nebulous Title The Three Color
27 Duct Tape
5 Duct Tape
SobbuoyMusketeer 1
Musketeer Sobbuoy
28 Roulette Ticket
1 Roulette Ticket
Sunshower Title
29 Pepper Title PrarnawSunshower 1
Sunshower Prarnaw
30 Pepper Color Gems
1000 Gems
31 JunipyroPepper 1
Pepper Junipyro
Stat Candy
50 Stat Candy
32 Cash
40000 Cash
100000 Cash
33 Amiable Tintbrush
1 Amiable Tintbrush
Abyssal Title
34 Stat Candy
20 Stat Candy
ParabiteAbyssal 1
Abyssal Parabite
35 Diamond Grufflin Rune
Diamond Grufflin Runestone
500 Gems
36 Level up cube
3 Level-Up Cube
Island Voucher
1 Island Voucher
37 Gems
300 Gems
Midnight Star Title
38 Island Voucher
1 Island Voucher
HattrixMidnightStar 1
Midnight Star Hattrix
39 Level up cube silver
3 Silver Level-Up Cube
Solidarity Hattrix Rune
Solidarity Hattrix Runestone
40 Roulette Ticket
Roulette Ticket
1000 Gems
41 Cosmic Power Title Lesser Chain Ticket
2 Lesser Chain Ticket
42 Stat Candy
20 Stat Candy
Stat Candy
50 Stat Candy
43 Cryogenic Color Scarlet Clouds Color
44 SnobatCryogenic 1
Cryogenic Snobat
Crimson Cryotera Rune
Crimson Cryotera Runestone
45 Gems
500 Gems
500 Gems
46 Cash
50000 Cash
Berserker Title
47 Soul Slasher Color XenoxiousBerseker 1
Berserker Xenoxious
48 Soul Slasher Title Doodle Unlocker
1 Doodle Unlocker
49 Doomsday Particle Nebulous Color
50 ExiledSoulSlasher 1
Soul Slasher Exiled
Celestial Somberock Rune
Celestial Somberock Runestone

Act 2 (Season 4)[]

The Act 2 Battle pass ended on May 4th, 2024.

Act 2 Battle Pass
Tier Free Premium
1 Cash
2500 Cash
Catface Tintbrush
Catface Tintbrush
2 SwarmSnack 1
1 Swarm Snack
DiyossuaWraith 1
Wraith Diyossua
3 Island Voucher
1 Island Voucher
Wraith Title
4 Roulette Ticket
1 Roulette Ticket
10 Catsules
5 Aura Scraper
1 Aura Scraper
Super Swarm Snack
1 Super Swarm Snack
6 Stat Candy
25 Stat Candy
Stat Candy
35 Stat Candy
7 🐱 Title Azure Color
8 PartybugCat 1
Cat Partybug
Azure Partybug Rune
Azure Partybug Runestone
9 Silver VP Ticket
1 Silver VP Ticket
Azure Star Title
10 Gems
300 Gems
600 Gems
11 Reflective Shard
1 Reflective Shard
Empowered Ring
1 Empowered Ring
12 Cash
10000 Cash
Froggy Color
13 Roulette Ticket
1 Roulette Ticket
Froggy Title
14 Level up cube
3 Level-Up Cube
GauzliFroggy 1
Froggy Gauzli
15 Gems
300 Gems
600 Gems
16 Cash
10000 Cash
TykiKittyDango 1
Kitty Dango Tyki
17 Affable Tintbrush
1 Affable Tintbrush
Kitty Dango Color
18 BorboCat 1
Cat Borbo
CocosquidCat 1
Cat Cocosquid
19 Catsule
10 Catsule
Catface Tintbrush
1 Catface Tintbrush
20 Gems
300 Gems
600 Gems
21 Enchanted Emerald
1 Enchanted Emerald
10 Catsules
22 Tuxedo Title Cash
50000 Cash
23 Tuxedo Color Doodle Unlocker
1 Doodle Unlocker
24 HippopCat 1
Cat Hippop
Level up cube
5 Level-Up Cube
25 Gems
300 Gems
600 Gems
26 Litterfall Cacmeow Rune
Litterfall Cacmeow Runestone
CacmeowYarn 1
Yarn Cacmeow
27 Catsule
10 Catsules
Doodle Unlocker
1 Doodle Unlocker
28 Emperor Color Admiral Title
29 ThreecEmperor 1
Emperor Threec
Admiral Nyanto Rune
Admiral Nyanto Runestone
30 Gems
300 Gems
600 Gems
31 Reflective Shard
1 Reflective Shard
1 Jetpack
32 Island Voucher
1 Island Voucher
Popstar Title
33 Aura Scraper
1 Aura Scraper
HattrixPastelPopstar 1
Pastel Popstar Hattrix
34 Affable Tintbrush
1 Affable Tintbrush
Pastel Rainbow Color
35 SwarmSnack 1
1 Swarm Snack
SwarmSnack 1
3 Swarm Snacks
36 Lethal Ornament
1 Lethal Ornament
Super Swarm Snack
1 Super Swarm Snack
37 Pajama Party Title Gold VP Ticket
2 Gold VP Tickets
38 SpunnyPajama 1
Pajama Spunny
Catface Tintbrush
1 Catface Tintbrush
39 Super Swarm Snack
1 Super Swarm Snack
Carnelian Lumiline Rune
Carnelian Lumiline Runestone
40 MalotrickCatface 1
Catface Malotrick
PlipoGamer 1
Gamer Plipo
41 Calico Color Epic Gamer Color
42 Catsule
10 Catsules
20 Catsules
43 Catface Color Nyaa Title
44 SwarmSnack 1
1 Swarm Snack
Super Swarm Snack
1 Super Swarm Snack
45 Affable Tintbrush
1 Affable Tintbrush
1 Golden Capsule
46 Catface Title Lesser Chain Ticket
3 Lesser Chain Ticket
47 Lesser Chain Ticket
1 Lesser Chain Ticket
1 Greater Chain Ticket
48 Kitty Bionotic Rune
Kitty Bionotic Runestone
ThreasantCat 1
Catface Threasant
49 Bungo 1
Bungo Mount
50 ReliconisCat 1
Cat Reliconis
Galaxy Staligant Rune
Galaxy Staligant Runestone

Act 3 (Season 5)[]

The Act 3 Battle pass ended July 20th, 2024.

Act 3 Battle Pass
Tier Free Premium
1 Cash
2500 Cash
Glory Tome
3 Glory Tome
2 Gems
300 Gems
GlimringWhiteAndGold 1
Saintly Glimring
3 ThreecGoldenHour 1
Golden Hour Threec
Sparkle Aurabrush
Sparkle Aurabrush
4 Aura Scraper
1 Aura Scraper
Glory Color
5 Stat Candy
15 Stat Candies
Stat Candy
50 Stat Candies
6 Roulette Ticket
1 Roulette Ticket
Enchanted Emerald
1 Enchanted Emerald
7 Glorious Title Pristine Thornet Rune
Pristine Thornet Runestone
8 SwarmSnack 1
1 Swarm Snack
White and Gold Title
9 Gems
300 Gems
NimbellAngel 1
Angel Nimbell
10 Cash
10500 Cash
600 Gems
11 Convivial Color Seer Title
12 Convivial Tintbrush
Convivial Tintbrush
JellupySoup 1
Soup Jellupy
13 Island Voucher
1 Island Voucher
Glory Tome
3 Glory Tomes
14 SkitisGildedTeaParty 1
Gilded Tea Party Skitis
HyekekeAnubis 1
Anubis Hyekeke
15 Silver VP Ticket
1 Silver VP Ticket
600 Gems
16 Gems
300 Gems
Sparkle Aurabrush
1 Sparkle Aurabrush
17 Revive
3 Revives
Fiend Color
18 Oribirb 1
1 Oribirb
Seraphim Title
19 OribirbTimeJumper 1
Time Jumper Oribirb
AquafiWhiteAndGold 1
Seraphim Aquafi
20 Silver VP Ticket
1 Silver VP Ticket
Gold VP Ticket
1 Gold VP Ticket
21 Auric Spectatik Rune
Auric Spectatik Runestone
Lemondrop Vigimante Rune
Lemondrop Vigimantè Runestone
22 Convivial Tintbrush
1 Convivial Tintbrush
MabatWhiteAndGold 1
Feathered Mabat
23 Blueprint
1 Blueprint
Aura Scraper
1 Aura Scraper
24 GreaterChainTicket
1 Greater Chain Ticket
Sparkle Aurabrush
1 Sparkle Aurabrush
25 TadappoleBanana 1
Banana Tadappole
600 Gems
26 Affable Color Elegance Color
27 Gems
300 Gems
Super Swarm Snack
1 Super Swarm Snack
28 LightCandyCube
5 Light Candy Cubes
Light Taffy
5 Light Taffies
29 Lighter
Glory Tome
3 Glory Tomes
30 Sparkle Aurabrush
1 Sparkle Aurabrush
ExiledAppraisedDog 1
Appraised Dog Exiled
31 Roulette Ticket
2 Roulette Tickets
Sparkle Aurabrush
1 Sparkle Aurabrush
32 Amiable Color Glory Tome
3 Glory Tomes
33 SprubbleOvergrown 1
Overgrown Sprubble
600 Gems
34 Refractive Prism
1 Refractive Prism
100000 Cash
35 Holy Knight Title Fiend Title
36 Gems
300 Gems
GlimmewWhiteAndGold 1
Blind Seer Glimmew
37 Chronokeeper Color Lesser Chain Ticket
3 Lesser Chain Tickets
38 Enchanted Ruby e
1 Enchanted Ruby
1 Greater Chain Ticket
39 LouisAngel 1
Angel Louis
Angel Title
40 Cash
50000 Cash
Exiled 1
41 Island Voucher
2 Island Vouchers
Glory Tome
3 Glory Tomes
42 SwarmSnack 1
3 Swarm Snacks
Academy Theaterror Rune.png
Academy Theaterror Runestone
43 Convivial Tintbrush
1 Convivial Tintbrush
Academy Maskomedy Rune.png
Academy Maskomedy Runestone
44 Convivial Color GoldenCapsule
1 Golden Capsule
45 PolkadotCapsule
20 Polkadot Capsules
600 Gems
46 Divine Title Doodle Unlocker
1 Doodle Unlocker
47 Convivial Tintbrush
1 Convivial Tintbrush
Glory Tome
3 Glory Tomes
48 Alacritous Archopos Rune.png
Alacritous Archopos Runestone
Exalted Malotrick Rune
Exalted Malotrick Runestone
49 Sparkles Particle
Sparkles Particle
Runic Prisoner Mount
Runic Prisoner Mount
50 MaelzuriDivineLotus 1
Divine Lotus Maelzuri
InfurniusCandle 1
Candle Infurnius

Upon repeat, titles and colors are replaced by one Convivial Tintbrush on the Free track and two Glory Tomes on the Premium track.

Act 4 (Season 6)[]

The Act 4 Battle pass ended November 2nd, 2024.

Act 4 Battle Pass
Tier Free Premium
1 Cash
2500 Cash
Nature Tome
3 Nature Tomes
2 Gems
300 Gems
BorboCloudy 1
Cloudy Borbo
3 FluffiShackledBeast 1
Shackled Beast Fluffi
Pastel Schmastel Color
4 SetReplenisher
1 Set Replenisher
2 Set Replenishers
5 SwarmSnack 1
1 Swarm Snack
Super Swarm Snack
1 Super Swarm Snack
6 Roulette Ticket
1 Roulette Ticket
Doodle Unlocker
1 Doodle Unlocker
7 FeeshMantaRay 1
Manta Ray Feesh
Wicked Tulenna Rune
Wicked Tulenna Runestone
8 Taste of Coffee Color DustoonBiohazard 1
Biohazard Dustoon
9 Gems
300 Gems
Liquid Legend Title
10 CalamanderCandyLord 1
Candy Lord Calamander
600 Gems
11 Island Voucher
1 Island Voucher
Island Voucher
1 Island Voucher
12 LemonLime Tintbrush
1 Lemon Lime Tintbrush
Bnuuy Color
13 Periodic Table Title Nature Tome
3 Nature Tomes
14 Revive
3 Revives
KlickiDigital 1
Digital Klicki
15 Aura Scraper
1 Aura Scraper
600 Gems
16 Gems
300 Gems
Level up cube
5 Level-Up Cubes
17 FoxsyLotus 1
Lotus Foxsy
FishelAgent 1
Agent Fishel
18 SetReplenisher
1 Set Replenisher
2 Set Replenishers
19 Stat Candy
10 Stat Candies
Stat Candy
50 Stat Candies
20 Seasonal Splash Color AsparkStormDragon 1
Storm Dragon Aspark
21 Fire Taffy
5 Fire Taffies
Sunfall Color
22 LemonLime Tintbrush
1 Lemon Lime Tintbrush
Burning Beauty Title
23 Lesser Chain Ticket
1 Lesser Chain Ticket
1 Greater Chain Ticket
24 RuffireSuneater 1
Suneater Ruffire
Level up cube silver
5 Silver Level-Up Cubes
25 Smelly Sock
1 Smelly Sock
600 Gems
26 Stallion Color EftueSandstone 1
Sandstone Eftue
27 Gems
300 Gems
Island Voucher
2 Island Vouchers
28 Orb fire
1 Orb of Fire
Mountain Menace Title
29 SetReplenisher
1 Set Replenisher
Nature Tome
3 Nature Tomes
30 Elemental Title OribirbAerialAscendant 1
Aerial Ascendant Oribirb
31 CiyrupFrostbitten 1
Frostbitten Ciyrup
Nature Tome
3 Nature Tomes
32 Lesser Chain Ticket
1 Lesser Chain Ticket
1 Greater Chain Ticket
33 Captain Title Gems
600 Gems
34 Roulette Ticket
1 Roulette Ticket
1 Greater Chain Ticket
35 Sun in the Sky Color FluppyFaerie 1
Faerie Fluppy
36 Gems
300 Gems
600 Gems
37 SetReplenisher
1 Set Replenisher
2 Set Replenishers
38 ThornetRune
1 Thornet Rune
Cosmic Skadean Rune
1 Cosmic Skadean Rune
39 Empowered Ring
1 Empowered Ring
Doodle Unlocker
1 Doodle Unlocker
40 FlaskitCrystalized 1
Crystalized Flaskit
MossDuality 1
Duality Moss
41 Deepwater Color Nature Tome
3 Nature Tomes
42 PolkadotCapsule
20 Polkadot Capsules
TabboltLightningRod 1
Lightning Rod Tabbolt
43 LemonLime Tintbrush
1 Lemon Lime Tintbrush
Sunstone Cragildae Rune
1 Sunstone Cragildae Rune
44 Crimson Pool Particle
Crimson Pool Particle
1 Golden Capsule
45 Cash
50000 Cash
1500 Gems
46 Oxygen Overseer Title The Avatar Title
47 LemonLime Tintbrush
1 Lemon Lime Tintbrush
Nature Tome
3 Nature Tomes
48 Shadowy Hattrix Rune
1 Shadowy Hattrix Rune
ThreasantGhostly 1
Ghostly Threasant
49 Placeholder
Seraphim Elemental Mount

Venom Elemental Mount
Venom Elemental Mount (after battlepass reset)
LemonLime Tintbrush
Lemon Lime Tintbrush (after subsequent battlepass resets)
Evil Elemental Mount

Tranquil Elemental Mount
Tranquil Elemental Mount (after battlepass reset)
Lovely Elemental Mount
Lovely Elemental Mount (after second battlepass reset)
50 ZerzuraWaterspout 1
Waterspout Zerzura
Transcendent Daeferno Rune
1 Transcendant Daeferno Rune

Upon repeat, titles and colors are replaced by one Lemon Lime Tintbrush on the Free track and two Nature Tomes on the Premium track.

Act 5 (Season 7)[]

The Act 5 Battle pass will end January 4th, 2025.

Act 5 Battle Pass
Tier Free Premium
1 Cash
2500 Cash
Fantasy Tome
1 Fantasy Tome
2 Gems
300 Gems
SprubbleMushroom 1
Mushroom Sprubble
3 Jester Title Island Voucher
Island Voucher
4 Plastic Fangs (ACTUAL)
1 Plastic Fangs
File:Radioactive Cerebopod Rune.png
1 Radioactive Cerebopod Rune
5 Fantasy Aura Jar
1 Fantasy Aura Jar
600 Gems
6 OwolOwlbear 1
Owlbear Owol
Dragonian Title
7 SetReplenisher
1 Set Replenisher
2 Set Replenishers
8 Dusted Royalty Color SlibbleRoyal 1
Royal Slibble
9 Revive
3 Revives
Fantasy Tome
1 Fantasy Tome
10 FeeshSeaKnight 1
Sea Knight Feesh
Level up cube
5 Level-Up Cubes
11 Fantasy Aura Jar
1 Fantasy Aura Jar
Fantasy Tome
1 Fantasy Tome
12 Gems
300 Gems
50000 Cash
13 Wizard Title Odd Circle Color
14 Cash
25000 Cash
GlummishMournfulOfficiant 1
Mournful Officiant Glummish
15 SetReplenisher
1 Set Replenisher
600 Gems
16 LilbulbFairyLights 1
Fairy Lights Lilbulb
Fairy Title
17 Diamond Grufflin Rune
1 Diamond Grufflin Rune
Fantasy Tome
1 Fantasy Tome
18 MinjouleRoyalty 1
Royalty Minjoule
Lesser Chain Ticket
1 Lesser Chain Ticket
19 Floppet 1
VulcrystRoyalty 1
Royalty Vulcryst
20 SwarmSnack 1
1 Swarm Snack
Super Swarm Snack
1 Super Swarm Snack
21 Fantasy Aura Jar
1 Fantasy Aura Jar
Fantasy Tome
1 Fantasy Tome
22 Gems
300 Gems
2 Set Replenishers
23 Castle Title Virtual Angel Color
24 Empowered Ring
1 Empowered Ring
Roulette Ticket
3 Roulette Tickets
25 Looped Strawberry Color Gems
600 Gems
26 Heavy Blanket (ACTUAL)
1 Heavy Blanket
File:Sundered Vermorph Goggles.png
1 Sundered Vermorph Goggles
27 JellupyCakeKnight 1
Cake Knight Jellupy
FluppyButterflyEnsemble 1
Butterfly Ensemble Fluppy
28 Level up cube
5 Level-Up Cubes
YonnaKirin 1
Kirin Yonna
29 ScormRainbowQuartz 1
Rainbow Quartz Scorm
Verdant Kirin Color
30 File:Gargoyle Ostigon Collar.png
1 Gargoyle Ostigon Collar
Verdant Title
31 Fantasy Aura Jar
1 Fantasy Aura Jar
Fantasy Tome
1 Fantasy Tome
32 Gems
300 Gems
Stat Candy
25 Stat Candies
33 Medieval Title LeapoSpellbound 1
Spellbound Leapo
34 SetReplenisher
2 Set Replenishers
Fantasy Tome
1 Fantasy Tome
35 File:FloxyRoyalty 1.png
Royalty Floxy
600 Gems
36 Castle Walls Color Conjured Kitty Title
37 File:SoothingCharm.png
1 Soothing Charm
Kitty Conjured Color
38 Duct Tape
5 Duct Tape
HattrixKittySorcerer 1
Kitty Sorcerer Hattrix
39 Friendship ribbon
1 Friendship Ribbon
Super Swarm Snack
2 Super Swarm Snacks
40 DewaffeFaeGuardian 1
Fae Guardian Dewaffe
1 Doodle Unlocker
41 Fantasy Aura Jar
1 Fantasy Aura Jar
Fantasy Tome
1 Fantasy Tome
42 Gems
300 Gems
Lesser Chain Ticket
1 Lesser Chain Ticket
43 Knightly Duties Title ZerzuraDreamyWaters 1
Dreamy Waters Zerzura
44 PolkadotCapsule
20 Polkadot Capsules
1 Golden Capsule
45 Cash
50000 Cash
600 Gems
46 Last Fantasy Color Last Fantasy Title
47 File:Overseer Spectatik Rune.png
1 Overseer Spectatik Rune
File:Prismatic Tufflaze Rune.png
1 Prismatic Tufflaze Rune
48 Sol Burn Color Drako Age Color
49 Fantasy Particle
1 Fantasy Particle
Rideable Drakothread Mount
Rideable Drakothread Mount
50 InfurniusDragon 1
Dragon Infurnius
KoriyuGoldenGlacier 1
Golden Glacier Koriyu



  • Prior to the Act 3 Battlepass, Weekly Missions would give 2 tiers and Seasonal Missions would give 4 tiers.
  • When loading the time left for the daily quests, if unable to load it will say "Hurr Durr"