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Alchemist's Grotto is a small crystal cave located at the end of Icyridge.

It also contains a hidden bunker whose location is known only to the top Alchemists. Anna is forced to hide there from the Shadow Clan.



Random Encounters

Icon Name Type Rarity Equipment
Snow Pile (Lv.31-46)
Cryotera 1 Cryotera Air Type IconAir/Ice Type IconIce Common None
Polargeist 1 Polargeist Spirit Type IconSpirit/Ice Type IconIce Common None
Boulduo 1 Boulduo Earth Type IconEarth Uncommon None
Moyai 1 Moyai Earth Type IconEarth Uncommon None
Snobat 1 Snobat Air Type IconAir/Ice Type IconIce Rare None
Vulcryst 1 Vulcryst Dark Type IconDark/Crystal Type IconCrystal Rare None
Morphiu-O 1 Morphiu Basic Type IconBasic/Mind Type IconMind Rare None
Scarfox 1 Scarfox Ice Type IconIce Rare None
Noctoryx 1 Noctoryx Dark Type IconDark/Crystal Type IconCrystal Very Rare None
Shyce 1 Shyce Ice Type IconIce Very Rare None
Flaskit 1 Flaskit Crystal Type IconCrystal/Basic Type IconBasic Very Rare None
Reward for catching the above Doodles: Alchemist Color

Legendary Doodles are not listed in the table above.


Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Captain Silvier Scorsurge 1ScorsurgePoison Type IconSpark Type Icon Lvl. 50 Unknown Determination Jelly Lingering Poison,
Thunder Strike,
Goo Blast,
Scarfox 1ScarfoxIce Type Icon Lvl. 50 Durable Earth Taffy Earth Taffy Reckless Charge,
Quick Ice,
Icy Slash,
Celestian 1CelestianMind Type IconMetal Type Icon Lvl. 50 Mimic Unknown Psychoforce,
Mineral Cannon,
Kidere 1KidereIce Type IconLight Type Icon Lvl. 50 Apathetic Unknown Aurora Flash,
Cone of Cold,
Food Fight,
Mercury Puddle
Gourmesal 1GourmesalFood Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 50 Unknown Lethal Ornament Lethal Ornament Crystal Cut,
Glaze Punch,
Hahayena 1HahayenaSpark Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 50 Unknown Unknown Fiery Bite,
Icy Bite,
Reward $10000

Note: the player temporarily takes control of the following team to battle Shadow Clan "Tsuyoi"

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Community Leader Desmond Khaos 1KhaosMythic Type Icon Lvl. 100 Chaos Theory None Mythic Blast,
Cone of Cold,
Thunder Strike
Umaisho 1UmaishoFood Type Icon Lvl. 50 Water Absorb Dark Chocolate Dark Chocolate Tsunami,
Nutrient Drain,
Jinglark 1JinglarkPlant Type IconAir Type Icon Lvl. 50 Discover Used Crayons Used Crayons Festive Fervor,
Entangling Vines,
Life Sap,
Megortles 1MegortlesPlant Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? Used Crayons Used Crayons Protect,
Entangling Vines,
Life Sap,
Snowclowne 1SnowclowneIce Type IconFood Type Icon Lvl. 50 Unknown ??? Cone Cannon,
Mineral Cannon,
Fast Food,
Gem Blast
Fabulupin 1FabulupinPlant Type IconCrystal Type Icon Lvl. 50 Premonition Crystal Taffy Crystal Taffy Venom Bite,
Crystal Arrow,
Leaf Blade,

Tamer Doodle Lvl Trait Held Item Moves
Shadow Clan "Tsuyoi" Henchum 1HenchumDark Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Discover Unknown ???,
Prickles 1PricklesPlant Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? ??? ???,
Vigimantè 1VigimantèWater Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Avenger ??? ???,
Suomous 1SuomousMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 ??? ??? ???,
Xenoxious 1XenoxiousPoison Type IconMelee Type Icon Lvl. 50 Unknown ??? ???,


Item Location
ScrollIce Icefall Scroll Along the left side of the cave, on a snowy ledge above some rocks.
Cash $20,000 Up some rocks after following the main route through the cave.
Status heal freeze 3 Anti-Freeze Sprays To the right of the previous chest, walking along the wall towards the right and dropping down behind the rocks.
Gems 500 Gems On the right side of the room, next to a pillar in the bunker.

Other Rewards[]

Item Location
Data Chip Data Chip Beyond the left wall after entering the cave.
Data Chip Data Chip To the right on rock as you enter the cave.


  • Alchemist's Grotto was not teased prior to its release.
  • Prior to v0.10.05, the player was able to jump out of bounds due to there being no invisible walls.