Just like fluppy, maybe this chain will stay for another 9 months like the fluppy one did, I only have this month left.
This wasn't the only season with that mission 1, now there is more uniques now but it is still such a hard find I remember not completing that one most of the time when I maxed bp. The female glummish one is straight up worst that the previous 5 morphiu one, a 0.2% or 1/500 chance to appear which even tho is better than unique chances only appear in graphite Forest.
Oh wait huge thing I forgot, rr swarm at graphite forest is glummish so it is a 1/10 to get it, maybe it ain't that bad.
Tinted is easy BC runic, or might just be me.
What is with all the 'i guess', isn't great' and 'could be playing more quality games', I really don't know what you are trying to say.
Also after playing a little more I found the gold capsules that cost robux, idk how much micro transections is too much so I am not going to say anything about whether it is a cash grab (idk how you measure this) or not.
^^^the reason why I said DW is a money hungry machine, not p2w, BC of bundles is BC you can just straight up buy 6* mht/mhtint mythicals when it would normally take a lot of time to chaining or getting really really lucky on roulette just to get more people to spend robux on, aka pay for rare stuff instead of slaving away for it.
So what is the problem with targeting game to kids? They want to play games, why are game Dev not allowed to cater to them?
After playing a whole 2 minutes of this game, all I am going to say is, what is this over reacting?
What is the problem with making a spin off of your own game similarly to what the game was originally based on?
What is this 'trying to target his games to a much younger audience to get more players and that is NOT a good tactic' when a huge majority of the Roblox player base is kids, trying to make a game to be a popular is bad now? Why make a game than?
DW is already a money hungry machine from all the bundles in the normal game, this game only has a balloon that cost 285 robux even tho you can just double jump, fair to include BC how else you going to earn from game deving other than premium payouts (idk how much they get from that).
Isn't this the game ilyannna been working on months ago? I thought it was supposed to be a non irl Pokémon go type of game, still haven't played it tho so idk.
Just like fluppy, maybe this chain will stay for another 9 months like the fluppy one did, I only have this month left.
Where is the microwave egg and pavement cooked egg at?
You can look at the battlepass's weekly mission timing (BC it refreshes after thursday), after it refreshes the unique chance boost will kick in for 3 days (Friday, Saturday and sunday) so if the battlepass's weekly mission refresh time is between 06:23:59:59 to 04:00:00:00 it means it is active.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Recreate the metal ball scene.
Ok thanks for the info.
I am very sure it is to align with the battlepass ending at 8 Feb iirc like how the previous one surpose to end a week before or after the battlepass but than it got extended BC wish forgot he needs to make a new one.
Yea I am doing it this season I am way too far behind and didn't even start building my new ranked team yet.
Also is rain team ok in ranked and do I really need voltenchant-a (I just don't like it) to make it work? This is totally not BC I want to keep Skadean in my team and want to boost water STAB and storm heal.
My brain initially read flick as freaky with the idk what font for a sec BC of the italics and bold. Kinda make sense from what I have heard about this wikian lore.
The 2024 skins have different names, some are winter 2024 and others are Christmas 2024, the previous year is all winter 2023 why can't wish stay consistent.
Also you could get Christmas tintbrush and libelagua rune from the max lvl gifts.
Shiny exotic poop, not ht if you are wondering.
Quite the contradiction we got here, 'only in wild' tint.
B2B btw but they just normal 6* HT confetti aura.
At 5 now.
Also didn't know the coalfetti aura is back.
Did I tell you I didn't know it is back?
Yea I completely forgot it even existed.
I have opened 180 max gifts and 1 lvl 5 gift (was speedrunning too fast and opened one to early) and going to leave the bells I have left till it ends and use them then to test and I want to do other stuff now.
Found a total of 14 misprints from the max gifts which is closer to 8% than 16%.
75 max lvl gifts opened and I got all the rare, mythic and exotic (twice) and opened a lot of lvl 3 and got all the commons so I am pretty much done on the skins. Got 5 misprints in total from 75 max and 2 misprints from idk how many total lvl 3 I opened.
I still have this amount left (over 100 max gifts that I can open) and no more storage left, I don't think I have the time so these might be send on event shop.