I mean by my luck, all in the wrong places.
Of course I caught it, a 6* mht at such a low chain to me with no boosters and only worn-out trinkets. It was the first misprint in the chain btw.
Then I found this right after, caught it and it is not boosted the boosted one was calico which I killed in the first chain, great choices.
These were the chances at 100 btw, got another chain...
THEN THIS HAPPEN AGAIN, my first misprint in this chain also so I caught it also it is like the game is trying to stop me from chaining for the thanksgiving skin.
The only thing special this week are 20% more mythical and 2x tint not 1.5x misprint chance, don't worry I got plenty of those in here:
B2b, same trait and star btw, and all drowned mysteriously.
Can't wait for my 3rd one, wait I don't want to jinx it. I know all this are great but I have a feeling that deal to these it will probably take forever to find the thanksgiving skin even though chances doesn't work that way.